



The First Period

Teaching aims and demands:

Aims of basic knowledge:

1. Key vocabulary: robot, everything, paper, use, tree, building, pollution, fewer, less

2. Key structures:

1) Will there be less / fewer / more…?

No, there won’t. There will be more/less/fewer...

2) Kids won’t go to school.

3) They will study at home on computers.

Aims of abilities:

1. Be able to listen for specific information on what will happen in the future;

2. Be able to talk about what will happen in the future using the target language;

Aims of emotion and evaluation:

Encourage the students to work hard at their lessons preparing for their own future.

Teaching Methods:

1. Listening and speaking.

2. Communicative approach.

3. Task-based approach

Key Points:

1. Master the usage of the indefinite tense.

2. Talk about what will happen in the future.

3. Review the Simple Past Tense and the Simple Present Tense.


How to use correctly the simple past tense and the present progressive tense.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Warm up

1. Greetings;

2. Duty report

Step 2 Presentation

1. Draw a time line on the blackboard and mark the line as the following:

5 years ago now 1 year from now 5 years from now

2. Introduce the indefinite future tense

1) Get the students to read aloud the sentences several times until they can say them correctly.

2) Prompt the students to say what they think the word will is used for.

Step 3 Practice (1a-1c)

1. Get the students to look at the picture and then talk about what they have seen in it. Teach the new word robot at the same time.

2. Ask the students how the world will be different 100 years from now. Check A or D to complete 1a.

3. Listen and circle the predictions you hear in 1a. Complete 1b.

4. Students read the conversation in 1c together.

5. Pair the students to practice making conversations about the predictions in 1a.

Step 4 Listening (2a-2b)

1. Have the students read the sentences in 2a first, teaching the new word pollution using a picture of a factory producing a lot of black smoke and make sure they know what they are asked to listen for.

2. Play the recording for the students to listen and circle the words they hear.

3. Deal with 2b in the same way.

Step 5 Practice (2c-2d)

1. Get one top student to co-operate with the teacher acting out the dialogue in the box in 2c.

2. Have the students work in groups of four.

3. Get some groups to act out the conversations they have made.

4. Role-play the conversation in 2d.


The Second Period

Teaching Aims and Demands.

Aims of basic knowledge:

1. Key Structures: 1) Five years ago, Sally was …/ played 2) Today Sally is…/plays 3) In five years Sally will be…/ will play…

Aims of abilities:

Be able to use the three different tenses to depict the past, present and future actions or states.

Aims of emotion and evaluation:

Enable the class to get to know that one creates his own and that only by his hard work can he cherish a bright future.

Teaching Methods:

1. Task-based approach 2. Team work

Teaching Procedure:

Step 1 Warm up

1. Greetings2. Revise the formation of the past tense.

3. Revise the useful words.

1) Get the students to brainstorm the words and write on the blackboard.

2) Get the students to brainstorm the names of the animals.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Draw the time table on the blackboard.

5 years ago now 5 years from now

2. Show the pictures depicting the past, today and the future of your own and say:

Five years ago, I was a farmer. Now I am a teacher. In five years, I will be retired.

Five years ago, I played table tennis. Now I play the piano. In five years, I will play the violin.

3. Have the class read aloud the sentences after the teacher.

4. Encourage some to tell what they have found out about the use of the three tenses.

Step 3 Grammar focus

1. Have the class read through the sentences in the table and raise questions if they don’t understand any of the sentences.

2. Review the use of “more, fewer, less”. Make sure the students understand.

Step 4 Practice (3a)

1. Ask some students to complete the sentences. 2. Check the answers and explain.

Step 5 Pair work (3b)

1. Ask some students to complete the sentences. 2. The students practice the conversations again in pairs.

Step 6 Draw (3c)

1. Have the students look at the pictures they have prepared and write about them using the structures in 3c. The teacher walks about and offers a helping hand.

2. Put the students into groups of four, describe the future of the city..

Home assignment

The Third Period

Teaching aims and demands.

Aims of basic knowledge:

1. Key and difficult vocabulary:

space, fly, moon, fall, fell, alone, pet, probably, dress, which, even, took, wrote

2. Key structures: I think I’ll be/do…

Aims of abilities:

1. Learn to talk about one’s life in future using the target language.

2. Be able to read for the information about future.

Aims of emotion and evaluation:

1. Help the students get to know their bright future is created by themselves not someone else.

2. Through the debate on one’s future, develop the friendship and the cooperative spirits among the students.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Warm up

1. Greeting. 2. Duty report – My home town in ten years

Step 2 Presentation (1a-1b)

1. Have the class read through the words in 1a and teach the new ones using pictures: astronaut, rocket, space, space station.

2. Get the students to read aloud the words after the teacher until they can say them correctly. 3. Think of other words and write them in the chart in 1a.

Step 3 Listening (1c-1e)

1. Play the recording again for them to listen for the details to fill in the blanks. Complete 1d.

4. After-listening: get some to tell the class what they have done and why. Refer the students to the listening materials and check the answers.

Step 4 Reading (2a-2d)

1. Ask some students to say what they know about robots.

2. Read the article carefully and march each paragraph with the questions it discusses.

3. Check answers in 2b.

4. Read again quickly and complete the sentences in 2c.

5. Check answers and read the article together.

6. Fill in the blanks in 2d and then check the answers.

Step 5 Writing (2e)

1. What kinds of animals might robots look like in the future? Ask some students.

2. What do you think these robots will be able to do?

3. Write your answers and discuss them with your partner.

Home assignment

The Fourth Period

Teaching aims and demands.

Aims of basic knowledge:

1. Key vocabulary: the key words in this unit.2. Key structures: the key structures in this unit.

Aims of abilities:

1. Comprehensive use of what has been learned in this unit.2. Cooperative study

Aims of emotion and evaluation:

1. Cultivate the spirits of cooperation. 2. Encourage the students to work hard for their future.

Teaching Methods:

1. Elicitation method 2. Guided reading


Make the students understand that everything is possible if we put our heart into it.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Warm up

1. Greetings 2. Duty report – My parent’s/friend’s future life in ten years

Step 2 Revision

1. Revise the key words and structures in this unit and the use of the indefinite future tense.

Step 3 Reading (3a)

1. Read the article quick and then fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

2. Check answers and read together.

Step 4 Writing (3b-3c)

1. Complete the chart in 3b and please add more items.

2. Write about your life 20 years from now. Use 3a and 3b to help you.

Step 5 Discuss (4)

1. Discuss how you think a robot will help students with schoolwork in the future.

2. Discuss how you think a robot will help other people in the future.

3. Write down your group’s ideas and then show them to the class.

4. Draw a picture about your robot.

Home assignment

The Fifth Period

Teaching aims and demands.

Aims of basic knowledge:

Key vocabulary and structures: all in this Unit

Aims of abilities:

1. Be able to talk about future.2. Talk about them using the target language.

Aims of emotion and evaluation:

Through reading about the robot, help the students to understand that man can create their own future by their own efforts.

Teaching Methods:

1. Guided reading 2. task-based approach

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Warm up

1. Greetings 2. Duty report – My parent’s/friend’s life in ten years

Step 2 Presentation

1. The robot in my mind

1) Have the students think about the robots with the following questions in mind:

What does your robot look like? What can it do?

2) Put the students into groups of four and do brainstorming exercise and write a report on the result of the group work..

Step 3 Complete the chart

1. Read the words in the box.2. Put the words in the correct columns in the chart.

Step 4 Fill in the blanks

1.Complete the conversation.2.Read the conversation together.

Home assignment








How do you make a banana milk shake?

Peel three bananas.

Cut up the bananas.

Put the bananas and ice cream in the blender.

Pour the milk into the blender.

Turn on the blender.

Drink the milk shake.





first , next , then , finally ,shake , milk shake , blender , turn on , cut , cut up ,peel , pour , into , pour into


a.巩固祈使句的用法 b. 描述做某件事过程的词: first , then , next , finally

5.语言功能 描述制作食物的过程.

6.跨学科学习 社会实践:制作食物

三. 教学方法:

采用多媒体教学, 小组讨论法 , 实物 操作法

四.Teaching procedures

Step one. Lead in Unit7 How do you make a banana milk shake? Using “ Did you ever eat dumplings? Did you drink ever fruit juice?” Who makes them for you? Now you should learn to make them by yourself. Today we are learning to make a milk shake。 It’s a banana milk shake. Let’s learn Unit Seven How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A 1a-1c can teach you how to make a banana milk shake.

Step two. First, we are learning new words. Work in groups to pronounce new words. After students learn to pronounce new words of Section A 1a-1c. The teacher asks a few students to read these words. The teacher teaches students to read them.

Step three. Next, what ingredients do we need? Please look at the Microsoft PowerPoint4,5,6and7. Read them three times.

Step four. Now we know what we need. Then how to use them. Let’s learn 1a, work in groups to finish the teaching of 1a. Look at the Microsoft PowerPoint10 and check the answers.

Step five . Let’s learn 1b to know the correct instructions of how to make a banana milk shake. There are six instructions in making a banana milk shake. Listen to the tape and put the instructions in the correct order. Students look at Picture 3 on Microsoft PowerPoint and check their own answers.

Step six Let’s go over how to make a banana milk shake.

Look at Microsoft PowerPoint10 ,11,12,13,14and15 and read them three times.

Step seven . Ask two students make a banana milk shake by themselves, other students look at the pictures16,17,18,19,20and21 to give the instructions and watch the process . After the two students make a banana milk shake, ask a few students to taste it and ask “How do you like a banana milk shake? or What do you think of a banana milk shake?”

Step eight Sum up the process of making a banana milk shake.

1. first , next , then , finally

2. ingredients: bananas milk ice cream blender

3. important words: peel cut up put…in/into pour… into turn on drink

4. 总结祈使句

Step nine. Work in groups to write down the process of how to make a banana milk shake on a paper and report their results, finish the teaching of 1c.

Step ten. Homework:

Our parents are busy working hard every day, they are too tired every day. Make a banana milk shake for your parents this weekend, and write down the process in your exercise book.

