



To this end, now the fourth quarter engineering work summarized as follows:

First, the schedule of progress

In the early stage of construction, under the consistent efforts of the whole company, the whole works well and the project has a good trend from safety, quality and progress. However, the processing of raw materials is an important link. , The audit of its materials related to the acceptance of the project safety, progress and other major links. (Materials often problems: 1, the material does not match the original drawings. Refer to the drawings one by one inspection to ensure that the material is correct; followed by raw materials in the production process to increase its efforts to monitor the company to ensure the correct production of materials for the Do not need to do a good job guarantee .2, raw materials approach the corresponding information is not perfect .It is recommended in the process of distribution of materials, the organization of the corresponding information staff to prepare the appropriate information on the vehicle distribution .3, good drawings review, the original design of common sense I would like to set up the company before the corresponding set of leadership, design, materials, engineering (recommended construction team in the conditions permitting, in the event of the construction site, The meeting will be responsible for the corresponding person in charge of a "pre-Conference" for the drawings, contracts, raw materials collection, material distribution co-ordination, design technology, on-site management issues to do a full range of analysis, co-ordination, Responsibilities, unity team strength.

In the foundation construction, the weather and other irresistible factors, is affecting the overall project successfully completed the biggest stumbling block, for this site managers should be based on the actual situation of the site, Party, weather and other factors to do the appropriate adjustments, reasonable arrangements for the construction schedule, Effective measures to catch up with the progress of the system. In this, I also deeply aware of their own shortcomings, the face of rainy weather can not reasonably organize workers to do the preparatory work for the latter part of the progress of the work, the corresponding conditions permitting the corresponding time delay caused by the progress of the project to step up , The corresponding surprise overtime is my own lack of management experience, can not be reasonable and effective deployment of workers to fully implement, so in the future work there are many places need to learn to grow.

Second, the construction safety

Site construction to be able to truly realize that production safety is a business and personal casting too fine in the premise and protection. We can realize the social attitude of "people-oriented, safety first", and can realize the importance and necessity of safety facilities, safety education and prevention. In the early stage of construction, do a good job of worker safety education, the signing of the corresponding labor contract, the security at the end, always bear in mind safety awareness, xx reserved warehouse project midway construction workers in the process of fall, as the scene responsible for people I can not Shirking responsibility, in the company's leadership under the same concerted efforts to take appropriate emergency measures for the injured in a timely and effective fight for the most valuable time to rescue, making the final health recovery workers to provide a strong guarantee for this I also reflect on their own deep, In the future construction site safety management work, always do a good job "Sambo, four, five edge", the construction of civilization, the safety education of workers, investigation of security risks as the focus of the work and the development of specific security Implementation of programs and measures for the smooth conduct of escort the project.

Third, the construction quality

A hundred years, quality-oriented. Xx project, with the already completed, but still left a lot of thorny issues, such as: roof tile sun lap at the water leakage, wall windows leaks ... ... to the party's production has caused some impact, but also for the company The unnecessary loss, which I am deeply guilty, has been working to repair. In view of the above, I think in the construction process of the construction process to monitor their time, to avoid the workers paralysis thinking, to work with the team signed a technical agreement, if necessary, the quality of the agreement signed and develop the appropriate quality inspection cycle, found in the construction process quality defects The implementation of the implementation of the settlement, and truly quality problems in the dynamic management of quality inspection within. In strict accordance with national norms, standards and household acceptance criteria for the construction, the quality of the implementation.


20xx years will be history. Looking back, the heart can not help but be filled with emotion. Throughout the year, I have made great progress in all aspects through my own efforts and with the care and leadership of the project supervision department of the Company and my colleagues, and have been able to complete my own job well. I work diligently and hard at work. To sum up experience, reflect on their own deficiencies, to improve their supervision of the business level, a better and faster development of the company, now on this year's supervision is summarized as follows:

First, obey the leadership arrangements, conscientiously perform their jobs

1, to receive the relevant departments of higher authorities issued a variety of information, documents, the timely registration, archiving, and distributed to the relevant units or individuals.

2, on time to complete the transmission of engineering information, when the construction unit received a variety of information submitted, the timely classification and preliminary review of the qualified information in a timely manner distributed to the project director and the professional supervision engineers to sign; For the unqualified materials, timely return to the construction unit requires its complement, modify, improve and re-report to the Ministry of Supervision, according to the procedures for the processing of documents; documents have been sent and received registration, and the establishment of a complete account.

3, the completion of the Ministry of Supervision of the word processing, sorting the minutes, to participate in supervision of monthly, details of the preparation work.

4, to assist the supervisory engineer to the scene acceptance of each process, if not meet the design, specification requirements, supervise the construction site staff timely rectification and related inspection work.

Second, regulate their own words and deeds, improve project management level. The project director arranged for me to go to the construction site

Line supervision work, and arranged a professional knowledge of the engineers take me. Mainly to assist civil engineers to supervise the construction process, project acceptance and is responsible for the next station. At the beginning of the construction site, I actively approached the owners and communicated with the construction unit, carefully studied the relevant specification requirements and viewed the engineering drawings. With the careful supervision of the professional supervision engineers, I became familiar with the relevant regulations and requirements of some design drawings.

In the civil construction of concrete pouring construction, the project involves a number of key parts of the process, once negligence may cause engineering quality accident, so in the next station construction, strengthen the monitoring, strict supervision of various parts of the construction, strengthen the construction process control, Construction units in strict accordance with the design requirements, construction plans and acceptance criteria for construction, to ensure the quality of the project.Supervision records are an indispensable link in project supervision, in the field inspection, parallel inspection process, I do a detailed record every day, have a complete supervision of the log, as well as next to the station records.

In the construction of the bypass station, it is necessary to clarify the location of the casting components, the strength of the concrete grade and the mixing method of the concrete, whether the management personnel of the construction unit are in place, the construction machinery and raw material reserve status, the pouring start time and the end time. Quantity, concrete test block production group, the slump of the design requirements and the actual sampling results. In the construction of key parts of the project, to arrive ahead of time to arrive at the station location, check the construction preparation work, the whole process of station supervision, timely and real written written record of the station; the construction of the procedures to do daily operations Of the supervision, inspection work. Timely notify the construction unit or the supervising engineer to discover the problem and report the matter to the supervisor in time. And urge the construction unit to implement the rectification and compliance, the re-examination to confirm again. In the construction site, due to the lack of professional knowledge and work experience, although I encountered many problems, but I still stick to their posts, do the due diligence should do the work, with an open mind to learn, and gradually improve themselves and continuously improve business management.

Third, strengthen the daily learning, and strive to improve the quality of their business. The professional quality is the basic condition for the supervisor to fulfill his duty.

As a young supervisor, I love my profession, often familiar with the specification, the standard atlas, and a lot of reading the professional books, keen on the accumulation of work experience.

Fourth, dedicated performance, and serve as a good staff as a supervisor, there is no interest to seek

And the right to enjoy the treatment, only the responsibility to take the lead in the work of the obligation. In the usual work, the work assigned by the leadership, the quality and quantity to complete; of their own work within the can also be actively treated, and strive to complete, do not offside, but also in place, but not dereliction of duty. Always adhere to the standards of a qualified supervision staff requirements of their own, love their own work; a good work style and hard-working spirit; work attitude, The completion of the supervision department to the various tasks. In the work of the high standards of their own, strict compliance with their duties, found that the problem in accordance with the situation and make timely reports to the leadership. In daily life, to respect the leadership, unity of colleagues, to help difficult colleagues to solve life and work problems.


Work experience and lack of supervision through this year's work, I feel as a supervisor only to do good behavior, strict self-discipline, into the team, respect for others, work seriously responsible for winning the respect of others. I met a lot of new things at the site. With Du's careful guidance and help, I learned a lot of new theories and practical experiences, which not only enrich the knowledge I could not learn in the field of specialization and atlas, but also broaden My knowledge of the industry. This year I learned a lot of professional and technical knowledge and interpersonal skills to coordinate the work of the community to continue to work hard to learn, put their minds, from the beginning of social work to change the passive state to adapt to social initiative State, in order to relax the mood, full of energy to continue into the work of tension. In future work I will be more efforts to learn the knowledge and practice of the professional capacity, and constantly sum up the lessons, and strive to do better.

The professional quality of our supervisors is uneven and the level is far from meeting the market demand. Most of the supervisors come from pure technology or construction enterprises. The knowledge structure is single, and the organization and coordination capacity is not enough. So I think I, as a young supervisor must pay attention to learning, to the site does not say outsiders, and can effectively solve the problems in the project for the construction unit advice and suggestions. Elite backbone to keep making progress, play a leading role, the new young people to study hard, pay attention to practice, do a little bit, focus on the accumulation of experience, should catch up as soon as possible.

As the real estate industry is not a special boom, the supervision industry, the employment situation as if I have a higher demand, first, the business level should be high, single-minded on the project. The second is to improve relations and coordination. I think that supervision is a service behavior, through their own professional work by the construction unit recognition, to obtain compensation to the site, we must straighten out the position, not to experts, to the law enforcement of the tone, told the construction unit in accordance with the specification procedures And laws and regulations should be how to do, but to be good at explaining the situation, so that the construction unit to understand the benefits of doing so. On the construction unit and not to managers themselves, should be clearly identified problems, said clearly to strengthen inspection and acceptance. In the process of the new district hospital, I do have a lot of things can not be resolved, then I will let the construction side, the project director to coordinate, to avoid my own to try to be tough.

