






做画家吧!小花猫想,人们都说我的爪印象梅花,那我就做个专门画梅花的画家吧。小花猫在雪地上画,真的很好看,象梅花。小花猫很勤奋。没有雪的时候沾着雨水、泥水在床上画、在褥单上画。结果惹怒了主人,被打了一顿。 小花猫痛苦极了,不知道自己该干什么。



The little cat looking for work

The cat always want to find a good job. It wants to learn the bird for a while when a singer, while trying to learn the duck as a dishwasher, while trying to learn the chicken as a singer. All the dreams.

It wants to try to be a singer. The cat found a song repeatedly practice. Kept shouting in the yard, shouting hoarse voice, and feel that they have practiced almost. Go to the animal orchestra. The cat is very hard on the stage, a lot of shouting: "meow! Meow! Meow!" Just a tune. The peacock head listen to shake, in the little cat under the name of a fork. The cat lost. But the Nightingale, oriole sound crisp and sweet and melodious, won the applause of all the animal, it would be selected.

The cat went for a dishwasher. The cat wants to do: This is also good, you can also pick up the rest of the guests to eat delicious. The cat with two claws to turn the enclosure plate hard scrubbing. The boss came over to check on the washed dishes and said, "you're not in the right job. You're not going to do it. You see, the plates are marked by your claws." The cat head failed again.

Be a painter! The little cat like, people say I claw impression of plum blossom, that I do a special painter painting plum. The cat in the snow, really very good-looking, like plum. The cat is very diligent. When there is no snow with rain and mud on the bed sheet in the painting, painting. The annoyance of the owner, was beaten. The cat was very painful, do not know what to do.

Master the cat gave a food warehouse. Grain depot master wanted the cat when the administrator of the grain depot. The little cat to a grain depot, infested with rats. He led a group of mice on the wear jump, not afraid of people are not afraid of cat food, broke a. The cat is depressed, it was a place. Rushed to catch the mouse king, suddenly broke its neck, the other rats in the sun: Kuo frighten fled in panic. Soon, the cat will destroy all the mice in the barn. No more food was wasted. The owner is very happy, every day to pay double the cat - two fish. It also signed a five year contract with the cat it.

It seems, to do their own things to be successful ah!












小动物们商量得喊醒他了,就齐声大喊:“大象大象快醒来,晚会就要开始啦 ”。







This is very happy

The forest posted a notice: the moon is very round and round in the evening, hold a happy evening, welcome everyone to participate.

The elephant sees: "Oh, it's a happy party, singing is very happy, dancing is very happy.". Singing and dancing is a small animal. I don't take part in it. Let me go and help them with the assembly." The elephant thought of it, and went to prepare for the party.

The elephant put a clean sweep of the grass by the river, pull up weeds. To put up a shelf, hanging on colored paper, but also around the flowers. He full busy two days, take a look at a new grassland layout, very satisfied, and feel very tired, they played in the a yawn, lay down and fell asleep.

In the evening, the moon came out, it was very round and round. Oh! The happy party will be held tonight. Small animals wear beautiful clothes, came to the small river.

Ah! They found the elephant asleep. "You have to wake him up, or you can't go to the party." Small white rabbit said in a hurry.

"The elephant hasn't changed his clothes. He's so dirty." Squirrel said.

The little animals are in a hurry, and now they are going to find a big piece of clothing for the elephants.

"Use your head, we will find a way." The little fox said with a big hairy tail, and he wiped the dirt from the elephant. The elephant snoring to sleep soundly.

"We're preparing for the elephant." The ducks quacking, river picking lotus leaf, tie a tie, put it on the head of the elephant, the elephant slept very well.

"We prepare clothes for elephants." Birds fly into the forest, the title of a piece of green leaves, it is affixed to the elephant, the elephant is still not awake.

Small animal said they can wake him up, he shouted: "the elephant elephant wake up, the party is going to start".

Elephant fan big ears, wake up. Look around, is a small animal; look at the sky, the moon is hanging in the sky. Oh, it's going to be a party tonight.

"The elephant, you are so beautiful, you must be prepared for a wonderful show." Asked the little animals.

Look at the elephant himself, was prettily dressed. Ah, it must be the little animals that helped him.

"I can't play the show." The elephant said in a nervous.

"It's OK. Let's dance with us."." Small animals say, "as long as you jump happy, happy on the line, no one will laugh at you."

Elephants and small animal jumped, he twisted her clumsy body, feel very uncomfortable, but I was very happy.














That is courage.

Akizawa's courage is the school out of the name of the small, the reason why he is timid, so the four grade, he is not a person to go to school alone.

"Jingle bell!" The bedside alarm rang. Mingze got up and stretched lazily, wear good clothes and went to the living room, found a note, top write: "dear little Mingze, I'm really sorry, mom can't send you to school. I help you to burn the breakfast, I hope you have breakfast, go to school, oh! Mother write. This was the Ming Ze Ze ming, but afraid of their own school encounter bad guys, bad guys away, to be sold. The Zedou goose bumps, but there is no way ah! Mother is not at home, his father in the field of business, he had to go to school alone.

Ming Ze had breakfast, tidy up his hair, on the back of the green bag to go to school. Ming Zegang stepped out of the house, could not help but worry: if I have to do the bad guys? What if I get lost? If if...... Akizawa courage, patted his chest and said: "don't be afraid of automatic speaking! don 't panic! I am brave and bright!" But a little bit to encourage their own words, how can people get the courage to come? So on the way, the bright Ze rapid uneasy.

Ming ze! Look this way!" Hearing this, Akizawa shouted, "the bad guy is here! Don't catch me! Don't catch me!"

Hum! Akizawa, you are a coward!" A proud girl in Ming Ze ears. yes! She's Xiao Hong. Xiao Hong was wearing a pink flower skirt, carrying a red bag, standing in front of the bright red bag. Xiao Hong was angry and asked: "how do you come to school alone?" "I...... Me i......"

Ming ze! Xiao Hong! Look this way!" A gentle voice came. Yes, she is toadflax. Toadflax wearing pink clothes, blue shorts, carrying a yellow bag, hurried to the front of Akizawa and Xiao Hong.

"How do you go to school?"" The girls said by common consent.

"Hi! That's the way it is......" Akizawa told the truth to the curious girls.


"You know why you go to school? That's because the courage to come out on you! You are not a coward!" Toadflax said.

"Is it true? yeah! Ee!" Bright Ze happy shout.

Since then, Ming Ze seems like a changed person, not in the classroom but trembling, is free to run in the playground! Akizawa said, "this is the best day of the day!"







