





Her lazy husband is a millstone round her neck.


He is so lazy; he could do with a good kick up the rear.


The lazy girl is dreaming of marrying a millionaire and therefore won't do any work.


It was a lazy, breezy summer afternoon.



The diligent student gets up before dawn every day.


Their students are diligent about their studies.


She is more diligent than any other students in her class.


Success always smiles upon people who are diligent. 成功总是青睐那些勤奋的人。

You should take after your sister who is a diligent student. 你应该学学你的姐姐,她是个勤奋的学生。

Father keeps dinning into my ears the importance of being diligent. 父亲不断告诫我勤奋的重要性。

So like any diligent scientist, he set about trying to derive one. 所以,像其他勤奋的科学家一样,他自己尝试着推论出一个来。

In every regard, his book is an example of diligent scholarship. 在每个方面,他这本书都是勤奋奖学金的范例。

There are plenty of good bosses who want enthusiastic and diligent people towork for them. 大多数好老板还是想要充满激情的和勤奋的员工为他们工作的。

Not only do foreigners find it difficult to master the four tones of Mandarin, but thealien grammar and the difficulty of rote-learning thousands of words overcome allbut the most diligent students. 外国人不但觉得汉语中的四声调很难掌握,而且那些陌生的语法和死记硬背的成千上万的汉字也让他们头疼,似乎只有最勤奋的学生才学得会。

There are people among us who are ethical, responsible and diligent. 凯伦说,我们中很多有道德、负责任和勤奋的人。

He is both wise and diligent,so he makes good in everything. 他既聪明又勤勉,所以每件事都做得很好。

One can taste the feeling success only when he be more diligent than others. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。

For another, if a person is diligent and determined, he will realize his dream no matter how poor, humble, or unlucky he may be. 另一方面,一个人若是勤奋并且意志坚定,那么无论他多么穷苦,卑微或是不幸,他最终会实现他的梦想。

In fact, he was a highly diligent free-thinker, who freed his mind from the manydogmas of his time, to think for himself, and to forge a clear way out of the thicketof delusions. 事实上,他是一个异常勤勉的自由思想者,从那个时代的众多教条中释放自己,用自己的头脑思考,在错综复杂的幻象中寻出一条清晰的道路。

I almost always aced my exams and brought home A's at the end of the year, theresult of hours of diligent study, often with my father by my side, patiently tutoringme. 我的考试成绩几乎门门优秀,每到年末,我带回家的成绩单上都是A,这是我长时间勤奋学习的硕果。在我学习时,爸爸经常会在我身边,耐心地指导我。

If we would learn our lessons in school, we must be diligent and not give upwhenever we come to anything difficult. 如果我们在学校里想要学好功课,就必须得勤奋,任何时候遇到难题都不要放弃。

A:With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking,responsibleand diligent in any project I undertake. 依我的资格和经验,我觉得我对所从事的每一个项目都很努力、负责、勤勉。

Create productivity triggers for yourself. – If you’re fighting yourself every step of the way, forming diligent habits is hard. 为自己创造高效的动机——如果你是一个人在战斗,想要形成勤奋的良好习惯是很困难的。

Be diligent and thoughtful in establishing traceability information, but do not letthe traceability discussion take over your team meetings (or "develop a life of itsown"). 建立追溯信息时要勤奋且深思,但不要让追溯讨论占用您的团队会议(或者“单独为其开会”)。

With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible anddiligent in any project I undertake. 依我的资格和经验,我觉得我对所从事的每个项目都很努力、负责、勤勉。

Yet one in three Britons believes that it is not only acceptable, but actually diligentand efficient to do so. 但是三分之一的英国人不仅可以接受这种行为,而且觉得这样做说明自己工作勤奋、高效。

If you stay on top of your game, are diligent, and study regularly, you won’t need to pull all-nighters. 如果你的学习成绩是班上的佼佼者,又很勤奋,而且学习很有规律,那么你不需要开夜车!

