

以下是小编整理的英语文章:是熊猫还是狗?可爱"熊猫犬"成新宠, 希望能对大家的英语学习有帮助。

It is panda-monium in pet shops in China as dogs that look like the country's unique and rare bears become all the rage.

中国的宠物店里上演起了《魔豆传奇》的故事。这些狗狗眼下非常流行,它们看上去很像中国特有的罕见物种——熊猫。(Panda Monium:魔豆传奇,一部以熊猫为主人公的动画作品)

These dogs that look like pandas are selling out in pet stores across the country. In Chengdu city in southwest China's Sichuan province pet shop owner Hsin Ch'en cannot satisfy demand among the country's new middle class who want the cute dogs as pets.


Dogs that look like pandas have become a huge hit with China's middle class as more and more of the nation's citizens look to own a dog as a companion.


The cute animals have been selling out at pet shops across China. The panda dog is groomed and coloured in a certain way to make it resemble the nation's unique bear.


Hsin Ch'en said. 'Now we are like westerners and want one as a companion. The cute breeds like French bulldogs and Labradors were the favourites, but now it is the panda dog.'

陈新说 :“现在我们也像西方人一样,想要有只狗狗作伴。以往顾客最喜欢的品种是可爱的法国斗牛犬和拉布拉多犬,但现在熊猫犬成为了新宠。”

The panda dog, actually, is not a separate breed of pooch at all, but rather a chow which has undergone a lot of cosmetic tomfoolery to make it resemble the panda.


Pet shop owner Hsin Ch'en says there are 'no chemicals or cruelty' involved in turning chows into miniature panda lookalikes.


He went on: 'I perfected the technique here and now it is spreading across the country.'


"With a bit of careful grooming and colouring it is easy to turn a chow into a panda dog in about two hours."


Then the look will stay with the dog for around six weeks and the owners bring them back for some touching up.


But the price of the dog does rise significantly because of the amount of grooming that goes into it. People don't mind paying the extra though - they like the fact that heads turn in the street and they can tell their friends: "I have a panda dog".


