



And this feeling had been more painfully perceived by young D'Artagnan--for sowas the Don Quixote of this second Rosinante named--from his not being able toconceal from himself the ridiculous appearance that such a steed gave him, goodhorseman as he was. He had sighed deeply, therefore, when accepting the gift of thepony from M. D'Artagnan the elder. He was not ignorant that such a beast was worth atleast twenty livres; and the words which had accompanied the present were above allprice.


On the first Monday of the month of April, 1625, the market town of Meung, inwhich the author of ROMANCE OF THE ROSE was born, appeared to be in as perfect astate of revolution as if the Huguenots had just made a second La Rochelle of it. Manycitizens, seeing the women flying toward the High Street, leaving their children crying atthe open doors, hastened to don the cuirass, and supporting their somewhat uncertaincourage with a musket or a partisan, directed their steps toward the hostelry of the JollyMiller, before which was gathered, increasing every minute, a compact group, vociferousand full of curiosity.


In fact, four men such as they were--four men devoted to one another, from theirpurses to their lives; four men always supporting one another, never yielding, executingsingly or together the resolutions formed in common; four arms threatening the fourcardinal points, or turning toward a single point--must inevitably, eithersubterraneously, in open day, by mining, in the trench, by cunning, or by force, openthemselves a way toward the object they wished to attain, however well it might bedefended, or however distant it may seem. The only thing that astonished D'Artagnanwas that his friends had never thought of this.


M. de Troisville, as his family was still called in Gascony, or M. de Treville, as he hasended by styling himself in Paris, had really commenced life as D'Artagnan now did; thatis to say, without a sou in his pocket, but with a fund of audacity, shrewdness, andintelligence which makes the poorest Gascon gentleman often derive more in his hopefrom the paternal inheritance than the richest Perigordian or Berrichan gentlemanderives in reality from his. His insolent bravery, his still more insolent success at a timewhen blows poured down like hail, had borne him to the top of that difficult laddercalled Court Favor, which he had climbed four steps at a time.


On his part, the cardinal was not behind the king in this respect. When he saw theformidable and chosen body with which Louis XIII had surrounded himself, this second,or rather this first king of France, became desirous that he, too, should have his guard.He had his Musketeers therefore, as Louis XIII had his, and these two powerful rivals viedwith each other in procuring, not only from all the provinces of France, but even from allforeign states, the most celebrated swordsmen. It was not uncommon for Richelieu andLouis XIII to dispute over their evening game of chess upon the merits of their servants.Each boasted the bearing and the courage of his own people. While exclaiming loudlyagainst duels and brawls, they excited them secretly to quarrel, deriving an immoderatesatisfaction or genuine regret from the success or defeat of their own combatants. Welearn this from the memoirs of a man who was concerned in some few of these defeatsand in many of these victories.







