



Exercise 1 Part A You will hear 10 short dialogues.

For each dialogue,there is one question and four possible answers.

Choose the correct answer--A,B,C or D,and mark it in your test booklet.

You will have 15 seconds to answer the question

and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE. Now look at question 1.

1.W:You see the entertainment section of the Times this morning?

A full page story on "Dallas."Fabulous!M:I was just about to read it.

1.What was the man going to do?

(A)to buy the Times.(B)to read the section.

(C)to entertain his friend.(D)to write a story.

2.W:You've gained about 20 pounds. Aren't you going to do anything about it?

M:Probably not.Just be fat for a while.2.What do we learn from the man's reply?

(A)He has won 20 pounds and wants to do something with it.

(B)He becomes fat and he is very much worried about it.

(C)He is gaining weight and he is not worried about it.

(D)He is losing weight and he is quite happy about it.

3.W:I want to open a savings account,sir.What is the proper procedure?

M:First,you fill out the application form and then we'll issue you a passbook.

3.What is the relationship of the two people most likely to be?

(A)traveler and customs officer(B)tenant and landlord

(C)student and enrollment register(D)customer and bank clerk

4.M:It's unlucky to light three cigarettes with one match.

W:That's only a superstition.Only an idiot believes in superstitions.

4.What does the woman think about a superstitious person?

(A)a fool(B)an ideal person(C)a lucky one(D)an unlucky one

5.W:Dr.Smith is an economist.

He's just finished writing a book on international trade.

M:Oh?That's my field,too.I work for the United Nations.

5.What do we learn from the man's reply?(A)He works as a farmer.

(B)He works for a trade union.(C)He is an economist.(D)He just wrote a book.

6.W:Hello.Tom.Sorry I'm late.M:But where have you been?

I've been waiting here for over half an hour.W:My guitar lessons only just finished.

I am sorry I've kept you waiting.Let's go in and get some lunch.

6.What was the woman doing half an hour ago?(A)having a class

(B)waiting at the bus-stop(C)having her guitar repaired(D)preparing their lunch

7.W:Where can I leave my car?

M:There's plenty of room in the car-park.

Just put it in a numbered space.

7.What are the man and woman talking about?

(A)car number(B)car parking(C)room in the car-park

(D)numbered parking space

8.W:I think this material is much prettier than that,don't you!

M:Well.I don't know.I like them both.Why do you like that one better?

W:Well.the design is more interesting and the colors are brighter.

And it's not as expensive,either.

8.What are they probably talking about?

(A)clothes(B)tools(C)paintings(D)musical instruments

9.M:I give up!I simply can't do it!

W:Why do you say that?I think you're making a lot of progress.

M:No,I'm not,I try and try and I still can't speak it very well.

9.What are these two people talking about?

(A)driving a car(B)repairing a radio(C)learning a language(D)teaching a child mathematics

10.W:Let's go and see whether there are any seats left for that new French film.

M:Whenever we come out to town,you want to see some awful French film.

10.How does the man feel about the French film?


This is the end of Part A

Part B You are going to hear fourconversations.

Before listening to each conversation,

you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it.

After listening,you will have time to answer each question by choosing A.B,C or D.

You will hear each conversation ONLY ONCE.

Mark your answer in your test booklet.

Questions 11-13 are based on the following interview

between Mr.Murray and Barbara in Marriage Guidance Council.

You now have 15 seconds to read the questions.

M:Come in.Take a seat,please.

W:Thank you.I am Mrs.Harries,Barbara Harries.Well,let me get a start.

Malcolm and I have married for nearly fifteen years.

We've got two children.

During a couple of years my husband and I haven't been very happy.

We argue all the time.

M:What do you quarrel about?

W:What don't we quarrel about,you mean!Oh,everything.

M:Go on.W:Well,I'll give you an example.

You know,when the children started school,

I wanted to go back to work again.So I got a Job.

Well,anyway,by the time I've collected my children from school,

I only get home about half an hour before Malcom...M:Yes?

W:Well,when he gets home,he expects me to run around and get his tea.

He never does anything in the house!M:Mmm.

W:And he's so untidy.

I always have to remind him to pick up his clothes.

He just throws them on the floor.After all.I'm not his servant.

I've got my own career.M:Yes.I see.Is your husband here?

W:Yes,he's waiting outside.He didn't want to come here,but ...

well,I persuaded him to come.M:All right.

If you don't mind.I'd like to talk with him for a moment.W:No,not at all.

you have 45 seconds to answer questions 11-13.

11.When the children started school,what did Mrs.Murray want to do?

(A)To find a job.(B)To make the house tidy.

(C)To collect her children from school.(D)To send her children to school by herself.

12.What did Mrs.Murray persuade her husband to do?

(A)To make the tea for her.(B)To clean his own clothes.

(C)To collect children from school.(D)To come to see the interviewer.

13.What did Mr.Murray want Mrs.Murray to do?

(A)To give up her job.(B)To earn as much as he does.

(C)To do all of the housework.(D)To hold a party for his friends.

Questions 14-17 are based on the following interview between Alan Nelson,

a Radio News reporter,and Mr.Hardy,a Housing Officer.

You now have 20 seconds to read the questions.

W:Now,Mr.Hardy,has the situation changed since last night?

M:No.it hasn't.Mrs.Hamilton is still there,

and she's still refusing to talk to us.

W:Well.what are you going to do?M:Its a very difficult situation.

We'd like her to come out peacefully.

The police don't intend to prosecute her...but she's a very stubborn lady!

W:Stubborn?Yes.well,it is her home.

M:I agree,and its been her home for a long time,I know.

But nobody else refused to move.You see,a lot of people in this area

are living in sub-standard accommodation

and we are going to build over 300 flats on this site.

Families are expecting to move into them next year!

It's all being delayed because of one person!

W:But Mrs.Hamilton was born in that house.M:Of course,of course.

But we have promised to give her a modern flat immediately,

a very nice flat which is ideal for an elderly person living alone.

W:So,what happens next?M:I don't know.I really don't ...

but we can't wait for ever.The police will have to do something soon.

It won't be easy.

She's got two very big dogs,and they don't like strangers!

You have one minute to answer questions 14-17.

14.How does Hardy describe Mrs.Hamilton?


15.Why did many people have to move their home?

(A)They are offered suburban houses.

(B)Their houses are above their standard.

(C)New buildings will be built in the area.

(D)Too many people live in such a small place.

16.What can we learn about Mrs.Hamilton?

(A)Old and single.(B)Middle-aged and charming.

(C)Married with two children.(D)Agreeable and practical.

17.What kind of house is offered to Mrs.Hamilton?

(A)A large house.(B)A modern flat.(C)A house with a garden.

(D)A flat near the police station.

Questions 18-21 are based on the following conversation

between Dr.Mallard and Wayne in the casualty department at the local hospital,

You now have 20 seconds to read the questions.

W:Hello.Wayne,isn't it?You've had a bit of a fall.

What were you doing?Going too fast?

M:Yes,doctor,I fell off going round a corner.

W:You'd better get undressed then,and we'll take a look at you.

Mrn.That's a nasty cut.I'll have to put a couple of stitches in that.

M:I've got a cut here too,doctor.

W:It looks worse than it is.Its only a graze.

The nurse will clean it up for you.It'll sting,but that's all.

Now,does it hurt anywhere else?

M:I've got a pain in my arm.It's very sore,and it feels stiff.

W:Well,there's nothing broken,but you've bruised your shoulder:

It'll be sore for a few days.Now,did you bang your head at all?

M:Yes,I did.I fell onto the bike.But it doesn't hurt now.

W:Did you feel dizzy?M:No,not at all.

W:Look up there,I'm just going to shine this light in your eye.

No,that's fine.I'll just do the stitches,

and the nurse will put a dressing on it.Then you can go home.

You have one minute to answer questions 18-21.

18.What happened to the man?(A)He had a car accident.

(B)He had a bicycle accident.(C)He broke his ankle.

(D)He had an accident in fall.

19.How did the doctor think about the second cut?

(A)It didn't matter so much.(B)It looked worse than the first,

(C)It was unpleasant to see.(D)It would be recovered for a long time.

20.What was wrong with the man's arm?

(A)It was bleeding.(B)It was swollen.(C)It was slightly broken.

(D)It was difficult to bent.

21.What would the nurse do to the man?

(A)To dress the man.(B)To do the stitches.

(C)To bind up the cut.(D)To send him home.

Questions 22-25 are based on the following Radio Program

by Ms.Susan Swan and Mr.Pearson.

You now have 20 seconds to read the questions.

W:Good evening,I am Susan.Mr Pearson will tell us some news.

Now,please Mr.Pearson.

M:Thank you,Susan.Here is today's news.

Air-sea rescue helicopters were called out after a boat capsized in a storm off the coast.

Despite high seas the helicopters lowered rescue teams

to try and save the crew.

Two men and a girl were pulled to safety.

Unfortunately,the other two crew members died

in spite of the rescue team's efforts.One was lost at sea.

The other was rescued and taken to hospital,but was dead on arrival.

Fernside Engineering announced today that they are closing their plant in Tadworth.

Three hundred jobs will be lost because of the closure,

which is due to a sharp decline in orders for their products.

In spite of lengthy discussions between unions and management,

closure became inevitable

because of the cancellation of several major orders.

Police disturbed a gang of men who were breaking into a chemist's.

However,the men escaped in a stolen car,

and the police chased them at high speed.

The men were armed with shot-guns.Several shots were fired.

Fortunately,however,no one was injured,

and the men were taken to the police station.W:Thank you,Mr.Pearson.

Now,let me play some music by the Beatles.

You have one minute to answer questions 22- 25.

22.What was the weather like during the rescue?


23.How many crew members were rescued on board?


24.What is the reason for the closing of the plant?

(A)Lack of work force.(B)Too many people in the plant.

(C)Not enough orders for the products.

(D)Quarrels between unions and management.

25.What kind of crime did a gang of men commit?

(A)Robbed a bank.(B)Broke the traffic law.

(C)Broke into a drug store.(D)Possessed shot-guns illegally.

This is the end of Part B.

Exercise 2 Part A You will hear 10 short dialogues.

For each dialogue,there is one question and four possible answers.

Choose the correct answer--A,B,C or D,and mark it in your test booklet.

You will have 15 seconds to answer the question

and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.

Now look at question 1.1.W:How do you like your new job?

M:I like it,but I'm having a hard time getting used to the long hours.

1.What is the man's problem?(A)He thinks the job is very difficult.

(B)He is not accustomed to working so many hours.

(C)The place where he works is so far away.

(D)The time he starts to work is so early.

2.M:I just bought this dress suit at a sale.

It only cost me $200.How do you like it?

W:It's nice,but my brother bought the same thing for half the price.

2.How much did the woman's brother pay for his dress suit?


3.M:Do you want me to take the book back for you?

W:When you have a chance.M:OK.

3.What will the man probably do?

(A)come back later(B)take a chance(C)turn the page(D)return the book

4.M:Would you mind if we discuss tomorrow's agenda before dinner this evening?

W:Not at all.I certainly don't want to talk about it during our meal.

M:Neither do I.

4.When will they probably discuss the agenda?

(A)before dinner(B)during dinner(C)right after dinner(D)the next day

5.M:How was your trip to Chicago?

W:To tell you the truth I would rather have spent my vocation here.

5.What does the woman mean?(A)She didn't go to Chicago.

(B)She had a good time in Chicago.(C)She spent her vacation here.

(D)She didn't enjoy the trip.

6.W:I hear you went shopping this morning.M:Yes,

but I couldn't find the kind of jogging shoes I wanted anywhere in town.

W:Why not order them from the Internet.

Its easier than running around town looking for them.

6.What does the woman suggest that the man do?

(A)run around the town looking for the shoes

(B)buy the shoes from a webstore(C)give up buying the shoes

(D)obey his boss' order given through the Internet

7.W:OK.It's your turn.Ready?M:More or less.W:Right.

When was the battle of Waterloo?1805,1815 or 1825?M:Hmm,1815.

7.What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

(A)teacher and student(B)historian and chemist

(C)doctor and patient(D)policeman and suspect

8.W:Hello,this is the lost and found.M:My name is Robert Francis,

and I left my coat in No.3 Waiting Room this morning.Do you have it?

W:I'm sorry.It hasn't been turned in yet.

8.What happened to Robert Francis?

(A)Robert hasn't turned in his coat yet.

(B)The woman found a coat in the waiting room.

(C)Robert lost his coat in the waiting room.(D)Robert bought a coat from the woman.

9,M:Let's hurry,Petty.

It's already 7 and the next feature starts at a quarter past seven.

We can make it anyway.W:Why not?

But I'm not sure whether I have seen it or not at school.

M:No,I don't think so.It started on show only last week.

W:All right ,We cantake a cab then.

9.What are the couple going to do?

(A)hurry to an exhibition(B)go to school.

(C)hurry to the movie.(D)go to a fashion show.

10.M:I heard John got a ticket yesterday.What did he do?

W:He drove down a one-way street the wrong way.

M:It's a good lesson.He will be more careful later.

W:I think so.

10.Why did John get a ticket?(A)He got a one-way plane ticket.

(B)He went the wrong direction.(C)He made an improper turn.

(D)He slowed down at the wrong time.

This is the end of Part A.Part B

You are going to hear four conversations.

Before listening to each conversation,

you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it.

After listening,you will have time to answer each question

by choosing A,B,C or D.You will hear each conversation ONLY ONCE.

Mark your answer in your test booklet.

Questions 11-13 are based on the following dialogue.

You now have 15 seconds to read the questions.

W:Mike!Look at the floor!M:What's wrong with it?

W:What's wrong with it?It's filthy! M:Oh...

W:It's filthy because you never wipe your shoes.M:Sorry,love.

W:What are you looking for now?M:My cigarettes.

W:Well,they are not here.They are in the dustbin.

M:In the dustbin!Why?

W:Because there's cigarette ash on every carpet in the house.

Anyway,cigarette are a waste of money.

M:Maybe they are,but I earn the money!It doesn't grow on trees,you know.

I work eight hours a day,remember?W:Well,what about my money then?

M:What do you mean"your money"?You don't go out to work,do you?

W:No,I don't go out to work.I work fifteen hours a day here!

M:Well,housework is different...

W:Oh,I see...so housework is different,is it?

Housework doesn't matter?Well,you do it then.

M:Hey,wait a minute,Pat.Pat ...

You have 45 seconds to answer questions 11-13.Exercise 1 Part A You will hear 10 short dialogues.

For each dialogue,there is one question and four possible answers.

Choose the correct answer--A,B,C or D,and mark it in your test booklet.

You will have 15 seconds to answer the question

and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE. Now look at question 1.

1.W:You see the entertainment section of the Times this morning?

A full page story on "Dallas."Fabulous!M:I was just about to read it.

1.What was the man going to do?

(A)to buy the Times.(B)to read the section.

(C)to entertain his friend.(D)to write a story.

2.W:You've gained about 20 pounds. Aren't you going to do anything about it?

M:Probably not.Just be fat for a while.2.What do we learn from the man's reply?

(A)He has won 20 pounds and wants to do something with it.

(B)He becomes fat and he is very much worried about it.

(C)He is gaining weight and he is not worried about it.

(D)He is losing weight and he is quite happy about it.

3.W:I want to open a savings account,sir.What is the proper procedure?

M:First,you fill out the application form and then we'll issue you a passbook.

3.What is the relationship of the two people most likely to be?

(A)traveler and customs officer(B)tenant and landlord

(C)student and enrollment register(D)customer and bank clerk

4.M:It's unlucky to light three cigarettes with one match.

W:That's only a superstition.Only an idiot believes in superstitions.

4.What does the woman think about a superstitious person?

(A)a fool(B)an ideal person(C)a lucky one(D)an unlucky one

5.W:Dr.Smith is an economist.

He's just finished writing a book on international trade.

M:Oh?That's my field,too.I work for the United Nations.

5.What do we learn from the man's reply?(A)He works as a farmer.

(B)He works for a trade union.(C)He is an economist.(D)He just wrote a book.

6.W:Hello.Tom.Sorry I'm late.M:But where have you been?

I've been waiting here for over half an hour.W:My guitar lessons only just finished.

I am sorry I've kept you waiting.Let's go in and get some lunch.

6.What was the woman doing half an hour ago?(A)having a class

(B)waiting at the bus-stop(C)having her guitar repaired(D)preparing their lunch

7.W:Where can I leave my car?

M:There's plenty of room in the car-park.

Just put it in a numbered space.

7.What are the man and woman talking about?

(A)car number(B)car parking(C)room in the car-park

(D)numbered parking space

8.W:I think this material is much prettier than that,don't you!

M:Well.I don't know.I like them both.Why do you like that one better?

W:Well.the design is more interesting and the colors are brighter.

And it's not as expensive,either.

8.What are they probably talking about?

(A)clothes(B)tools(C)paintings(D)musical instruments

9.M:I give up!I simply can't do it!

W:Why do you say that?I think you're making a lot of progress.

M:No,I'm not,I try and try and I still can't speak it very well.

9.What are these two people talking about?

(A)driving a car(B)repairing a radio(C)learning a language(D)teaching a child mathematics

10.W:Let's go and see whether there are any seats left for that new French film.

M:Whenever we come out to town,you want to see some awful French film.

10.How does the man feel about the French film?


This is the end of Part A

Part B You are going to hear fourconversations.

Before listening to each conversation,

you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it.

After listening,you will have time to answer each question by choosing A.B,C or D.

You will hear each conversation ONLY ONCE.

Mark your answer in your test booklet.

Questions 11-13 are based on the following interview

between Mr.Murray and Barbara in Marriage Guidance Council.

You now have 15 seconds to read the questions.

M:Come in.Take a seat,please.

W:Thank you.I am Mrs.Harries,Barbara Harries.Well,let me get a start.

Malcolm and I have married for nearly fifteen years.

We've got two children.

During a couple of years my husband and I haven't been very happy.

We argue all the time.

M:What do you quarrel about?

W:What don't we quarrel about,you mean!Oh,everything.

M:Go on.W:Well,I'll give you an example.

You know,when the children started school,

I wanted to go back to work again.So I got a Job.

Well,anyway,by the time I've collected my children from school,

I only get home about half an hour before Malcom...M:Yes?

W:Well,when he gets home,he expects me to run around and get his tea.

He never does anything in the house!M:Mmm.

W:And he's so untidy.

I always have to remind him to pick up his clothes.

He just throws them on the floor.After all.I'm not his servant.

I've got my own career.M:Yes.I see.Is your husband here?

W:Yes,he's waiting outside.He didn't want to come here,but ...

well,I persuaded him to come.M:All right.

If you don't mind.I'd like to talk with him for a moment.W:No,not at all.

you have 45 seconds to answer questions 11-13.

11.When the children started school,what did Mrs.Murray want to do?

(A)To find a job.(B)To make the house tidy.

(C)To collect her children from school.(D)To send her children to school by herself.

12.What did Mrs.Murray persuade her husband to do?

(A)To make the tea for her.(B)To clean his own clothes.

(C)To collect children from school.(D)To come to see the interviewer.

13.What did Mr.Murray want Mrs.Murray to do?

(A)To give up her job.(B)To earn as much as he does.

(C)To do all of the housework.(D)To hold a party for his friends.

Questions 14-17 are based on the following interview between Alan Nelson,

a Radio News reporter,and Mr.Hardy,a Housing Officer.

You now have 20 seconds to read the questions.

W:Now,Mr.Hardy,has the situation changed since last night?

M:No.it hasn't.Mrs.Hamilton is still there,

and she's still refusing to talk to us.

W:Well.what are you going to do?M:Its a very difficult situation.

We'd like her to come out peacefully.

The police don't intend to prosecute her...but she's a very stubborn lady!

W:Stubborn?Yes.well,it is her home.

M:I agree,and its been her home for a long time,I know.

But nobody else refused to move.You see,a lot of people in this area

are living in sub-standard accommodation

and we are going to build over 300 flats on this site.

Families are expecting to move into them next year!

It's all being delayed because of one person!

W:But Mrs.Hamilton was born in that house.M:Of course,of course.

But we have promised to give her a modern flat immediately,

a very nice flat which is ideal for an elderly person living alone.

W:So,what happens next?M:I don't know.I really don't ...

but we can't wait for ever.The police will have to do something soon.

It won't be easy.

She's got two very big dogs,and they don't like strangers!

You have one minute to answer questions 14-17.

14.How does Hardy describe Mrs.Hamilton?


15.Why did many people have to move their home?

(A)They are offered suburban houses.

(B)Their houses are above their standard.

(C)New buildings will be built in the area.

(D)Too many people live in such a small place.

16.What can we learn about Mrs.Hamilton?

(A)Old and single.(B)Middle-aged and charming.

(C)Married with two children.(D)Agreeable and practical.

17.What kind of house is offered to Mrs.Hamilton?

(A)A large house.(B)A modern flat.(C)A house with a garden.

(D)A flat near the police station.

Questions 18-21 are based on the following conversation

between Dr.Mallard and Wayne in the casualty department at the local hospital,

You now have 20 seconds to read the questions.

W:Hello.Wayne,isn't it?You've had a bit of a fall.

What were you doing?Going too fast?

M:Yes,doctor,I fell off going round a corner.

W:You'd better get undressed then,and we'll take a look at you.

Mrn.That's a nasty cut.I'll have to put a couple of stitches in that.

M:I've got a cut here too,doctor.

W:It looks worse than it is.Its only a graze.

The nurse will clean it up for you.It'll sting,but that's all.

Now,does it hurt anywhere else?

M:I've got a pain in my arm.It's very sore,and it feels stiff.

W:Well,there's nothing broken,but you've bruised your shoulder:

It'll be sore for a few days.Now,did you bang your head at all?

M:Yes,I did.I fell onto the bike.But it doesn't hurt now.

W:Did you feel dizzy?M:No,not at all.

W:Look up there,I'm just going to shine this light in your eye.

No,that's fine.I'll just do the stitches,

and the nurse will put a dressing on it.Then you can go home.

You have one minute to answer questions 18-21.

18.What happened to the man?(A)He had a car accident.

(B)He had a bicycle accident.(C)He broke his ankle.

(D)He had an accident in fall.

19.How did the doctor think about the second cut?

(A)It didn't matter so much.(B)It looked worse than the first,

(C)It was unpleasant to see.(D)It would be recovered for a long time.

20.What was wrong with the man's arm?

(A)It was bleeding.(B)It was swollen.(C)It was slightly broken.

(D)It was difficult to bent.

21.What would the nurse do to the man?

(A)To dress the man.(B)To do the stitches.

(C)To bind up the cut.(D)To send him home.

Questions 22-25 are based on the following Radio Program

by Ms.Susan Swan and Mr.Pearson.

You now have 20 seconds to read the questions.

W:Good evening,I am Susan.Mr Pearson will tell us some news.

Now,please Mr.Pearson.

M:Thank you,Susan.Here is today's news.

Air-sea rescue helicopters were called out after a boat capsized in a storm off the coast.

Despite high seas the helicopters lowered rescue teams

to try and save the crew.

Two men and a girl were pulled to safety.

Unfortunately,the other two crew members died

in spite of the rescue team's efforts.One was lost at sea.

The other was rescued and taken to hospital,but was dead on arrival.

Fernside Engineering announced today that they are closing their plant in Tadworth.

Three hundred jobs will be lost because of the closure,

which is due to a sharp decline in orders for their products.

In spite of lengthy discussions between unions and management,

closure became inevitable

because of the cancellation of several major orders.

Police disturbed a gang of men who were breaking into a chemist's.

However,the men escaped in a stolen car,

and the police chased them at high speed.

The men were armed with shot-guns.Several shots were fired.

Fortunately,however,no one was injured,

and the men were taken to the police station.W:Thank you,Mr.Pearson.

Now,let me play some music by the Beatles.

You have one minute to answer questions 22- 25.

22.What was the weather like during the rescue?


23.How many crew members were rescued on board?


24.What is the reason for the closing of the plant?

(A)Lack of work force.(B)Too many people in the plant.

(C)Not enough orders for the products.

(D)Quarrels between unions and management.

25.What kind of crime did a gang of men commit?

(A)Robbed a bank.(B)Broke the traffic law.

(C)Broke into a drug store.(D)Possessed shot-guns illegally.

This is the end of Part B.

Exercise 2 Part A You will hear 10 short dialogues.

For each dialogue,there is one question and four possible answers.

Choose the correct answer--A,B,C or D,and mark it in your test booklet.

You will have 15 seconds to answer the question

and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.

Now look at question 1.1.W:How do you like your new job?

M:I like it,but I'm having a hard time getting used to the long hours.

1.What is the man's problem?(A)He thinks the job is very difficult.

(B)He is not accustomed to working so many hours.

(C)The place where he works is so far away.

(D)The time he starts to work is so early.

2.M:I just bought this dress suit at a sale.

It only cost me $200.How do you like it?

W:It's nice,but my brother bought the same thing for half the price.

2.How much did the woman's brother pay for his dress suit?


3.M:Do you want me to take the book back for you?

W:When you have a chance.M:OK.

3.What will the man probably do?

(A)come back later(B)take a chance(C)turn the page(D)return the book

4.M:Would you mind if we discuss tomorrow's agenda before dinner this evening?

W:Not at all.I certainly don't want to talk about it during our meal.

M:Neither do I.

4.When will they probably discuss the agenda?

(A)before dinner(B)during dinner(C)right after dinner(D)the next day

5.M:How was your trip to Chicago?

W:To tell you the truth I would rather have spent my vocation here.

5.What does the woman mean?(A)She didn't go to Chicago.

(B)She had a good time in Chicago.(C)She spent her vacation here.

(D)She didn't enjoy the trip.

6.W:I hear you went shopping this morning.M:Yes,

but I couldn't find the kind of jogging shoes I wanted anywhere in town.

W:Why not order them from the Internet.

Its easier than running around town looking for them.

6.What does the woman suggest that the man do?

(A)run around the town looking for the shoes

(B)buy the shoes from a webstore(C)give up buying the shoes

(D)obey his boss' order given through the Internet

7.W:OK.It's your turn.Ready?M:More or less.W:Right.

When was the battle of Waterloo?1805,1815 or 1825?M:Hmm,1815.

7.What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

(A)teacher and student(B)historian and chemist

(C)doctor and patient(D)policeman and suspect

8.W:Hello,this is the lost and found.M:My name is Robert Francis,

and I left my coat in No.3 Waiting Room this morning.Do you have it?

W:I'm sorry.It hasn't been turned in yet.

8.What happened to Robert Francis?

(A)Robert hasn't turned in his coat yet.

(B)The woman found a coat in the waiting room.

(C)Robert lost his coat in the waiting room.(D)Robert bought a coat from the woman.

9,M:Let's hurry,Petty.

It's already 7 and the next feature starts at a quarter past seven.

We can make it anyway.W:Why not?

But I'm not sure whether I have seen it or not at school.

M:No,I don't think so.It started on show only last week.

W:All right ,We cantake a cab then.

9.What are the couple going to do?

(A)hurry to an exhibition(B)go to school.

(C)hurry to the movie.(D)go to a fashion show.

10.M:I heard John got a ticket yesterday.What did he do?

W:He drove down a one-way street the wrong way.

M:It's a good lesson.He will be more careful later.

W:I think so.

10.Why did John get a ticket?(A)He got a one-way plane ticket.

(B)He went the wrong direction.(C)He made an improper turn.

(D)He slowed down at the wrong time.

This is the end of Part A.Part B

You are going to hear four conversations.

Before listening to each conversation,

you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it.

After listening,you will have time to answer each question

by choosing A,B,C or D.You will hear each conversation ONLY ONCE.

Mark your answer in your test booklet.

Questions 11-13 are based on the following dialogue.

You now have 15 seconds to read the questions.

W:Mike!Look at the floor!M:What's wrong with it?

W:What's wrong with it?It's filthy! M:Oh...

W:It's filthy because you never wipe your shoes.M:Sorry,love.

W:What are you looking for now?M:My cigarettes.

W:Well,they are not here.They are in the dustbin.

M:In the dustbin!Why?

W:Because there's cigarette ash on every carpet in the house.

Anyway,cigarette are a waste of money.

M:Maybe they are,but I earn the money!It doesn't grow on trees,you know.

I work eight hours a day,remember?W:Well,what about my money then?

M:What do you mean"your money"?You don't go out to work,do you?

W:No,I don't go out to work.I work fifteen hours a day here!

M:Well,housework is different...

W:Oh,I see...so housework is different,is it?

Housework doesn't matter?Well,you do it then.

M:Hey,wait a minute,Pat.Pat ...

You have 45 seconds to answer questions 11-13.

