



One day, a famous American host, Linklater, visited a child and asked him, "what do you want to be when you grow up?"...... I want to be a pilot! "Linklater then asked:" if one day you fly the aircraft over the Pacific Ocean all engine flameout, what would you do? "The kids thought:" I will first tell the person sitting in the plane seatbelts, and then I hung my the parachute jump out." When the audience laughed when Linklater watched the reel right and left, to the child, want to see that he is not fancy. Unexpectedly, two lines and then the child's tears brim over with tears, Linklater found that this makes the child's heart of compassion is far from the words to describe. Linklater said he was asked: Why did you do this? "The child answers revealed the child sincere thoughts:" I want to get fuel, I would like to come back!!! ".



More than and 100 years ago, a poor shepherd with two young sons for others for sheep.

One day, they drove the sheep to a hillside, a flock of geese honked across from their heads, and soon disappeared in the distance. The shepherd's son asked his father: "goose where to fly?" The Shepherd said: "they want to go to a warm place, where the home, live in the cold winter." The blink eyes said admiringly: "if I could fly like the wild goose is good." The youngest son also said: "if I can do a flying wild goose the good ah!"

The shepherd was silent for a moment, and then said to the two, "you can fly as long as you want to."

The two sons tried, but they could not fly. They looked at him with suspicion." So he opened his arms, but he could not fly. However, the Shepherd said: "because I was too old to fly, you are still small, as long as the continuous efforts, the future will certainly be able to fly up to the place to go."

The two sons remembered their father's words, and kept on trying, when they grew up, when his brother was 36 years old, and his brother was at the age of 32. These two are the Wright brothers of the United states.

If the heart, the dream in the heart, irrigation, the dream of flowers will eventually open.


A hawk in the mother to go out foraging when accidentally dropped out of the chicken happened to be mother to see, then go and retrieve a group of chicks together to feed.

As time goes on, he grew up in a day, accustomed to the life of a chicken, and chicken are also have it the same as their own, to scratch it in search of food like them, have never tried to fly at high altitude.

Inspirational story: success lies in the persistence of inspirational stories: success lies in persistence

One day, when the Kitty Hawk to go out foraging, suddenly encountered the mother, the mother was very surprised to see the Kitty Hawk, it said: "Hawk, what are you doing here, follow me to fly into the sky!"

He said: "I am not a hawk, I was chicken Yes, I do not fly the sky so high, how can you fly up?"

Eagle hawk and some of the angry mother, but it encourages it loudly said: "Hawk, you are not chicken, you are a blue eagle fight! Do not believe! Let's go to the edge of the cliff, I'll teach you to fly."

Then, the Kitty Hawk with the eagle skeptical mother came to the edge of the cliff, nervous and trembling. The eagle mother patiently said: "children, do not be afraid. You see how I fly, learn my kind, hard, hard." He trembled, finally taking off in the mother eagle drive......

Everyone is an eagle, but by the way of chicken or chicken environment for a long time, no longer believe in their potential. The only difference is immeasurably vast difference, flapping its wings.

Please believe in yourself, believe that they are also an eagle.










