



Long long ago,there was a beautiful little girl. Her father is very rich man. When she was young, her mother became very ill and died.

A year later, her father married again. Her stepmother also had two pretty daughters. Although they were pretty, they ware bad. They took the little girl’s pretty clothing and let her wear rags and live in the kitchen. She had to fetch water, make breakfast and wash the clothes before the day broke. The two elder sisters often bullied her and slept near the fire place in the kitchen.

There was ash all over her so they all called her Cinderella.

Once, father was going to the market and asked what Cinderella and the two elder sisters wanted. One of the elder sisters wanted pretty clothing, and the other wanted a pearl gem, Cinderella only wanted hazel branch that might touch her father’s hat. Her father brought them these things.

Cinderella planted the hazel branch in the front of her mother’s tomb. She cried sadly her tears soaked the branch. The branch grew up slowly and became a beautiful little hazel tree. Cinderella always went to little tree three times every day. Each time, a white pigeon would fly to the little tree. Cinderella made a wish and the little white pigeon would get her what she wanted.

Once, in order to choose the bride of prince, the king held a big dance party for 3 days. All the pretty girls in the country were invited. The two elder sisters of Cinderella were also invited. They were very glad and they made Cinderella help them comb their hair and polish their leather shoes.

Cinderella also wanted to attend and then asked her stepmother to take her. Her stepmother said that she couldn’t go because she was so dirty and she had no nice clothing. She asked again and again. Her stepmother said: “All right, I will pour a bowl of beans in the ash, if you can pick them out in two hours,I will let you go.”

Cinderella walked near the little tree and said: “Lovely little white pigeon, all the birds, please help me pick the beans out.” The little white pigeon called all the birds to come to the fireplace. They picked out all the beans and put them into bowl. In one hour, they found them all. Cinderella gave the bowl of beans to her stepmother. However, her stepmother still would not let her go to the ball.

She cried, Stepmother again told her to pick out two bowls of beans from the ash in an hour. So, she came again and called little white pigeon near the little tree to help her with all the birds. They finished this in half an hour. However, her stepmother still did not let her go and only took the two elder sisters.

Cinderella walked to the little hazel tree and said: “Little hazel tree, please shake and make me golden clothing and silver shoes!” The little white pigeon on the tree indeed made her golden clothing and a pair of shoes made from silvery thread.

She went to the party, but her stepmother and two elder sisters did not recognize her. They thought that she was a princess who came from a foreign country. The prince walked over to her and asked her to dance. After this, the prince didn’t dance with any other girls. When the other men asked Cinderella to dance, the Prince said: “She is my dancing partner.” The Prince danced with her all evening. When Cinderella said that she wanted to go home, the Prince accompanied her, he wanted to know where this beautiful girl lived.

When she reached home, she left the prince and hid herself the pigeon’s house. When Cinderella’s father returned, the Prince said: “A beautiful girl is hiding in the pigeon’s house.” The Father broke off the door of the pigeon’s house with an axe. However nobody was there. Soon, the stepmother returned and they saw Cinderella in a dirty and old gray gown lying in the ash near kitchen, sleeping!

In fact, Cinderella had just jumped out of the pigeon’s house, ran to little hazel tree and returned the golden clothing and silver shoes to the little white pigeon and then returned to the kitchen quietly.

The second day after her parents and two elder sisters had gone out, Cinderella went near little tree and said: “little hazel tree, please shake to cast the golden clothing and silver shoes to me.” The little white pigeon again threw much more pretty clothing and shoes than yesterday, which made all the people surprised.

The Prince was waiting for her and he only danced with this girl. In the evening, the prince sent her home. She again slipped away from prince, ran to the garden and climbed up a pear tree. The prince waited for her father to return and told him that she was hiding in the pear tree. The father again cut down the pear tree with a big axe. However no one was there. When the stepmother returned, they saw Cinderella sleeping in the ashes like before.

In fact, she had jumped down the side of pear tree returned the pretty golden clothing and silver shoes to the little white pigeon and come back.

The third day, after her parents and two elder sisters had gone out, Cinderella got more beautiful golden clothing and a pair of golden line shoes from the little white pigeon on the hazel tree. She put them on to attend the dance party. The prince still only danced with her.

In the evening, the prince sent her home. The prince had a plan, he made someone smear the stairs with pitch. When Cinderella went down the stairs, the golden dance shoe on her left foot stuck to the pitch. She ran home with a bare foot and returned the clothing and shoe to the little white pigeon and then hid in the kitchen.

The prince took the shoe. What a nice golden shoes it was! He was determined to find the girl who wore this golden shoe, and for her to be his bride. The next day, in the morning, the prince took the shoe to Cinderella’s home. He told the father of the 3 girls:”I will marry the girl who may put on this shoe.” Hearing that, two elder sisters were so glad because they wanted to be the prince’s bride.

The eldest sister tried it on first but her foot was too big. She couldn’t wear it at all. Her mother took a knife and said, cut your toe down quickly! Once you are queen, many people will serve you. You need not walk.” The eldest sister cut her toe down and put on the shoe and then painfully looked at the prince. The prince treated her as his bride and took her for a ride on a horse. When the passed by the hazel tree, the little white pigeon shouted from above:”Quick! Look! Blood is seeping through the golden lining, she is not real bride!”

The Prince saw her foot bleeding, because her toe was cut. He sent her to go home and said that she was not the real bride.

Next another elder sister put on the shoe. Her toes went in but her heel was too big. Her mother took a knife and cut her heel down. After this, she put on the shoe. The prince then took her as his bride and took her for a horse ride.

By the little hazel tree, the little white pigeon again shouted from above: “Look, quickly! Blood is seeping from the golden shoe. She is not the real bride!” The prince saw that, her feel was still bleeding and also sent her to go home and said: “She was not the real bride, do you still have another daughter?”

Her father said: “A dirty and ugly Cinderella, she can’t be you bride.” Her stepmother said: “She is too dirty to meet anyone!” The prince said: “I want to see her.” They had to let Cinderella come out.

Now, Cinderella was completely clean. She walked out and bowed to prince. The prince gave the golden shoe to her. She took off her wooden slippers and put on the golden shoe. It fit perfectly. The prince recognized her. She was the beautiful girl who danced with him.

He said: “This is my bride!” Then he took Cinderella for a horse ride. By the little hazel tree, the little white pigeon sang joyfully above: “Look! Quick! Quick, look! The golden shoe fits perfectly! The Prince and his bride can go home!”

When the prince and Cinderella got married, her two bad elder sisters came and flattered her. The little white pigeon also flew there. It was so angry that it packed the eyes of the two bad elder sisters and blinded them to punish them for their selfishness.


Cinderella is a beautiful girl. She has two ugly stepsisters. They are not kind to Cinderella. Cinderella does all of the work. She must cook, clean and do everything.


Cinderella can't go to the party because she doesn't have beautiful clothes. Her stepsisters have beautiful clothes. They look very happy. Cinderella is very sad.


Cinderella's stepsisters leave the house. They are going to the prince's party. Cinderella cries. She also wants to go to the party. Suddenly, a woman shows up. She is a kind fairy.


"Don't worry," says the fairy. "You can go to the prince's party." "I can't go," cries Cinderella. "I don't have a nice dress."


"It will be all right," says the fairy. "Go get a pumpkin, six mice and a rat." Cinderella quickly finds them. "What will you do?" Cinderella asks. The fairy waves her wand over the pumpkin.


The pumpkin is now a beautiful silver coach. The fairy waves her wand over the six mice. She changes them into six strong men. The six men will walk with the coach. Then the fairy changes the rat into a man. He is the driver of the coach.


The coach is beautiful, but Cinderella still looks sad. "I still can't go to the party. My dress is too ugly," she says. "Don't worry," says the fairy. She waves her wand and makes Cinderella's dress beautiful.


Now Cinderella has a nice dress. It is gold and very pretty. Her shoes are made of glass. Cinderella is so beautiful. She can go to the party.


"You must leave the party before twelve o'clock," says the fairy. "At 12:00 the magic will end."

"I will be back before twelve o'clock," says Cinderella. She gets into the coach to go to the party.



The prince's palace is full of people. They are all happy to be at the big party. All the girls want to marry the prince. Then Cinderella walks into the palace. "Who is she?" everyone asks. "She's so beautiful," they say.


The prince sees Cinderella. He asks her to dance with him. All night long they dance and talk. The prince and Cinderella fall in love. At twelve o'clock, Cinderella runs out of the palace.


Cinderella runs and loses one of her glass shoes. She must get home before twelve. She is late. She runs into the house. Now, she is wearing her old dress again.


The prince finds Cinderella's shoe. "I know this shoe. It belongs to that beautiful girl. I'll find her," he says. The next morning, he goes from house to house to find her. He goes to Cinderella's house. The two ugly stepsisters try on the shoe, but their feet are too big.


"Can I try it on?" asks Cinderella. "Yes," the prince says, so Cinderella tries the shoe on. It fits her foot. "I have found my princess," the prince says. Soon Cinderella and the prince get married. They live happily ever after.



There once lived a cute lovable girl named Cinderella. But one day a misfortune came upon her. Cinderella's mother was ill and soon died. Every day Cinderella cried so sadly.

"Cinderella, Cinderella don't cry" Father, comforted her and comforted her. But, because Cinderella missed her mother so much she cried every day. "Cinderella please don't cry. Soon your stepmother will be arriving."

The stepmother brought with her two daughters. Cinderella was happy to have a new stepmother and stepsisters. However, it wasn't for long, for Father soon had to leave on a far away trip. "Pretty Cinderella, listen to your stepmother and stepsisters." Cinderella promised her father that she would.

Everyday, while the lazy, ugly stepsisters played they teased Cinderella. Cinderella always stayed up late cleaning and washing the laundry. "Cinderella! Clean my shoes." Cinderella always woretattered clothes and worked all day doing housework.

One day, an invitation came from the royal palace. "Mother, the prince is having a ball in finding a bride." Stepmother and stepsisters were in a commotion is choosing there clothes for the ball.

"Until we get back clean the house and have the laundry washed spotlessly." The powered and dressed up stepmother and stepsisters left for the ball. "Oh! How I wish to go to the ball too." Cinderella left all alone began to cry.

All of a sudden the room became bright and a fairy godmother appeared. "Pretty Cinderella why are you crying?" "I want to go to the ball too. But, there's so much to do and I have nothing to wear"

"Don't worry Cinderella." As soon as the fairy godmother waved her magic wand, the housework that the stepmother asked was finished. And as soon as the tattered clothes were touched by the magic wand it changed into a splendid dress. And on her feet a pair of lovely glass slippers.

"Once the clock strikes twelve the spell will be broken. Don't forget and come before then." As soon as Cinderella arrived at the ball everyone's eyes starred at her. "Ah! Who can that lovely girl be?" The prince asked Cinderella to dance. The two danced happily.

The clock began to strike twelve. The startled Cinderella ran out of the ballroom. She left the ball so quickly that she lost one of her glass slippers. As soon as she came out of the palace the spell was broken. Cinderella went back home with one of her glass slippers.

The prince could not forget the girl who left the ball so quickly. So, the prince searched house by house to find the girl who would fit the glass slipper. However, there was no girl who was able to fit the glass slipper. Finally, he came to Cinderella's house.

The stepsisters fought over the glass slipper and tried it on. Both had big feet and did not fit the shoe. The prince was very disappointed.

"I will try on the glass slipper." Cinderella tried on the glass slipper. The shoe fit her perfectly. Cinderella took out the other glass slipper to put it on, "Ah! It was you." The prince and Cinderella went back to the palace and lived happily ever after.

