外研版高一英语必修2Module 6练习试题及答案


认真做好每份英语试题,便能够让你发现自己所欠缺的英语知识点在哪。所以,还在等什么呢?让我们从这份试题卷中找出那些你欠缺的知识点吧!下面是小编整理的外研版高一英语必修2Module 6练习试题,相信这些文字会对你有所帮助!

外研版高一英语必修2Module 6练习试题


1.She looked ________ at the news and looked ________ at the picture of her lost son.(sad)

2.The novel is ________ (easy) enough for the high school students to read.

3.These apples taste ________ and sell ________.(good)

4.We decided not to climb the mountains because it was raining ________ (hard).

5.I have heard ________ that the ________ president was never ________ for work when he was alive.(late)

6.We ________ (occasional) saw him walking along the river bank.

7.He did the work ________ (careful) here yesterday.

8.Seeing that it’s raining,we’d better stay ________ (indoor).

9.It’s been raining ________ (continuous) for three days.

10.He jumps ________ (high).



________________,he has developed another bad habit.


________ the taxi driver should be punished for the accident.


English ________________________ in the world.


He ________________________ me.


He ________________________ come.


1.—Volunteering is becoming________popular in China.

—Yeah,people are now aware that helping others is helping themselves.

A.naturally B.successfully

C.splendidly D.increasingly

2.Do you think shopping online will________take the place of shopping in stores?

A.especially B.frequently

C.merely D.finally

3.The island is________attractive in spring and autumn because of the pleasant weather in both seasons.

A.partly B.merely

C.nearly D.equally

4.Father________goes to the gym with us although he dislikes going there.

A.hardly B.seldom

C.sometimes D.never

5.I wasn’t blaming anyone;I________said errors like this could be avoided.

A.merely B.mostly

C.rarely D.nearly

6.If you can’t come tomorrow,we’ll ________ have to hold the meeting next week.

A.yet B.even C.rather D.just

7.The plane is going to arrive ________ because of the bad weather.

A.late B.later

C.latest D.lately

8.John has ________ to learn Chinese.

A.begun recently B.begun recent

C.recently begun D.recent begun

9.They ________ their weekends in the countryside.

A.nearly always spend

B.nearly are always spending

C.spend nearly always

D.nearly always are spending

10.Frost occurs in valleys and on low grounds ________ on nearby hills.

A.as frequent as B.as frequently than

C.as frequently as D.more frequent than

11.________,some famous scientists have the qualities of being both careful and careless.

A.Strangely enough B.Enough strangely

C.Strange enough D.Enough strange

12.Green products are becoming more and more popular because they are environmentally ________.

A.friendly B.various

C.common D.changeable

13.—I wonder ________ you’ll water this kind of flower.

—Every other day.

A.how often B.how long

C.how soon D.how much


Personal computers and Internet give people new choices about how to spend their time.

Some may use this freedom to share less time with certain friends or family members,but the new technology will also let them stay in closer touch with those they care most about.I know this from personal experience.

Email makes it easy to work at home,which is where I now spend most weekends and evenings.My working hours aren’t necessarily much shorter than they once were but I spend fewer of them at the office.This lets me share more time with my young daughter than I might have if she’d been born before electronic mail became such a practical tool.

The Internet also makes it easy to share thoughts with a group of friends.Say you do something fun—see a great movie perhaps and there are four or five friends who might want to hear about it.If you call each one,you may tire of telling the story.

With email,you just write one note about your experience,at your convenience,and address it to all the friends you think might be interested.They can read your message when they have time,and read only as they want to.They can reply at their convenience,and you can read what they have to say at your convenience.

Email is also an inexpensive way to stay in close touch with people who live far away.More than a few parents use email to keep in touch,even daily touch,with their children at college.

We just have to keep in mind that computers and the Internet offer another way of staying in touch.They don’t take the place of any of the ways.

1.The purpose of this passage is to ________.

A.explain how to use the Internet

B.describe the writer’s joy of keeping up with the latest technology

C.tell the value and usefulness of the Internet

D.introduce the reader to basic knowledge about personal computers and the Internet

2.The use of email has made it possible for the writer to ________.

A.spend less time working

B.have more free time with his child

C.work at home on weekends

D.spend more time at the office

3.According to the writer,email has an obvious advantage over the telephone because the former helps one ________.

A.reach a group of people at one time conveniently

B.keep one’s communication as personal as possible

C.pass on much more information than the latter

D.get in touch with one’s friends faster than the latter

4.The best title for this passage is ________.

A.Computer:new technological advances

B.Internet:new tool to maintain good friendship

C.Computers have made life easier

D.Internet:a convenient tool for communication

5.According to the passage,which of the following is WRONG?

A.Now the writer spends less time at the office.

B.You should read or reply your messages at regular time.

C.Email helps people far away from each other keep in close touch.

D.Some people spend less time with their family because of the Internet.



1.根据英国作家J.K.Rowling的小说改编,由Chris Columbus执导。






(1)Tom is the tallest student in his class.

(2)Tom is taller than any other student in his class.

(3)Tom is taller than the rest of the students in his class.

(4)Tom is taller than anyone else in his class.

外研版高一英语必修2Module 6练习试题答案

Ⅰ.1.sad;sadly 2.easy 3.good;well 4.hard 5.lately;late;late 6.occasionally 7.carefully 8.indoors

9.continuously 10.high

Ⅱ.1.Since then 2.Obviously 3.is widely used 4.is friendly to 5.is likely to

Ⅲ.1.D [句意为:——志愿服务在中国正变得日益流行起来。——是的,人们现在意识到帮助别人就是在帮助他们自己。A项意为“自然地”;B项意为“成功地”;C项意为“极好地”;D项意为“日益,渐增地”。只有D项符合句意。]

2.D [句意为:你认为网上购物最终会代替商店购物吗?especially特别地,尤其;frequently经常地,时常地;merely仅仅,只是;finally最后,最终。由上下文的逻辑关系可以看出,finally符合语境。]

3.D [句意为:这个岛因为它令人愉悦的天气,在春天和秋天同样迷人。partly部分地;merely仅仅,只是;nearly几乎; equally同等地,一样地。根据句意应选equally。]

4.C [句意为:尽管父亲不喜欢去体育馆,但有时也和我们一起去。hardly几乎不;seldom很少;sometimes有时;never从不。]

5.A [句意为:我不是在责备谁;我只是说像这样的错误本来是可以避免的。merely仅仅,只不过,只是;mostly主要地;多半;通常;rarely罕见地;很少;nearly几乎,差不多。很显然,应选择merely。]

6.D [just“只好”用以加强语气。yet常放在句尾,用于否定句和疑问句中;even甚至;rather相当,均与题意不符。]

7.A [句意为:因为天气恶劣,飞机将晚点起飞。late晚地,迟地;later后来;latest最新的;lately近来。根据题意,只能选A项。]

8.C [recently可置于句首或句尾,也可放在句中,但要置于实义动词前,助动词后。]

9.A [nearly为程度副词修饰always,always为频度副词,修饰动词spend,程度副词在前,频度副词在后。]

10.C [修饰动词occurs要用副词frequently,排除A、D两项;as...as...为固定搭配,所以选C项。]

11.A [enough作形容词,用副词修饰,副词在前。]

12.A [句意为:绿色产品正变得越来越受欢迎,因为它们非常环保。friendly好用的;无害的;environmentally friendly环保的;various各种各样的;common普通的;changeable易变的。]

13.A [根据答句可知此处问的是频率,应用how often,意为“多久一次”。B项意为“(延续)多长时间”;C项意为“多久”;D项意为“多少”。]

Ⅳ.1.C [短文第一句是主旨句,接下来几段通过对email的便利应用的介绍,让我们了解了互联网的用途及使用价值。]

2.B [根据第三段最后一句中“This lets me share more time with my young daughter...”判断选B项。]

3.A [根据第四段第一句“The Internet also makes it easy to share thoughts with a group of friends.”确定正确答案为A项。]

4.D [全文主要介绍互联网在通讯中的用途。只有D项最符合题意。]

5.B [根据第五段最后一句“They can reply at their convenience,and you can read what they have to say at your convenience.”可知B项错误。]

Ⅴ. 参考范文

Harry Potter is a fairy tale which is based on the novel written by the English writer J.K.Rowling and directed by Chris Columbus.

In the movie,Harry,whose parents are dead,is badly treated at his aunt’s home.But fortunately,on his birthday of eleven,he is invited to go to Hogwarts,a magic school.

It is a world full of magic and wonders,where Harry learns magic,has many adventurous and wonderful experiences and makes several good friends.He also learns how to get true friendship and how to be brave.

The movie Harry Potter is a great success and it’s popular with people all over the world.It’s well worth seeing.Through it,we learn to believe in ourselves and help others.

