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The study investigated the relationships among English self-efficacy, anxiety, strategies and academic achievement by means of questionnaires obtained from 213 junior school students.

听英语广播,读英语故事和报纸,看英语电影和电视节目,用英语写日记 ,参加英语讨论和演讲比赛。


Listen to English radio programmes, read English stories and newspapers, watch English films and TV programmes , keep a diary in English and attend English debates and speech contests.


With two questionnaires of English self-efficacy and anxiety in English learning, 213 junior students are tested for the study of the influence of the two variables on English performance.


So, even if you are talking to someone that is not a good speaker, you are still, you're trying to understand them in English, and you're trying to talk in English.


The Program fee does not cover airfare and airport taxes, travel insurance, visas, meals and personal expenses.


I like writing English sentences, speaking English to native speakers, reading books and the Web, watching American movies, and so on.


To learn English, teaching English conversation law is not the same, alas, some English conversation practice, there is no opportunity to use English.


We imitate English during listening and repeating; we percept during singing and dancing; we master English during writing and reading; we use English during acting and speaking.


The paper mainly explores a stylistic model to the teaching of Advanced English with the help of our coursebook:Advanced English edited by Zhang Hanxi based on English stylistics.


Reading English news not only is beneficial to the improvement of readers' ability to apply English, but also helps follow the tendency of the development of English for its learners.

1. Half of the island's population has no usable English. 这座岛上的居民有一半无法用英语交流。

2. He translated what I said in English into Chinese. 他把我用英语说的译成汉语.

3. She managed to make herself understood in English. 她设法用英语表达自己的意思.

4. He spoke in English with effort. 他努力地用英语讲.

5. Speak to him in English. 用英语和他说话.

6. Retell the story in English. 把这个故事用英语复述一遍.

7. She gives recitations from Shakespeare in English. 她用英语吟诵莎士比亚的作品.

8. Please retell the fairy story in English. 请用英语复述这篇童话故事.

9. Explain it properly in English, please. 请用英语把它恰当地解释一下.

10. Say it again in English. 用英语再说一遍.

11. In Sierra Leone, English is used as the medium of instruction for all primary education. 在塞拉利昂,基础教育阶段全部用英语授课。

12. I tried to carry on a conversation in English, but it far exceeded my ability. 我想用英语来谈话, 但是力不从心.

13. In learning English, one should be bold to talk in the language with hisfriends. 在学习英语时, 应当大胆地用英语和同学交谈.

14. He expresses himself easily in English. 他能轻松地用英语表达自己的观点。

15. Do you think in English or translate mentally from your own language? 你是用英语思考呢,还是在头脑中把自己的语言翻译过来 呢 ?

16. She keeps a diary in English. 她用英语记日记.

17. The school teaches about 70 percent in English, and 30 percent in Thai. 这个学校的教学有百分之七十用英语, 百分之三十用泰国语.

18. Garcia Mdrquez has called him the " best Latin American writer in theEnglish language ". 加西亚-马奎兹称他为 “ 用英语写作的最出色的拉丁美洲作家 ”.

19. In this country English is the medium of instruction, ie all subjects are taughtin English. 该国用英语教学.

20. I tried to carry on a conversation in English, but I could not. 我打算用英语进行对话, 但我不能.

