




1. could you please do sth.? 你能……吗?/ 请你干……好吗?

2. do the chores 做杂务

3. do the dishes 洗餐具

4. sweep the floor 清扫地板

5. take out the trash 倒垃圾

6. make one's bed 铺床

7. fold one's clothes 叠衣服

8. clean the living room 清扫客厅

9. stay out late 晚归

10. come over 过来

11. have a test 考试

12. get a ride 搭车

13. use one's computer 使用某人的电脑

14. hate sth. / hate to do sth. / hate doing sth. 讨厌某事/做某事

like to do (doing) sth.

15. do the laundry = do some washing = wash clothes 洗衣服

16. make breakfast / make dinner = do some cooking 做饭

17. wash the car 刷车

18. work on 从事,忙于

work at 学习、致力于、在……上下工夫

19. borrow some money 借一些钱

borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物(借入)

lend sb. sth.= lend sth. to sb. 借给某人某物(借出)

You can borrow some money from your brother.


Can you lend me your bike? 你能借给我你的自行车吗?

20. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事

They invited me to join their club. 他们邀请我参加俱乐部。

invite sb to a place

invite you to my party

21. go to the store 去商店

22. agree sb. to do sth. 同意某人做某事

agree with sb. 同意某人的意见

disagree sb. to do sth. 不同意某人做某事

disagree with sb. 不同意某人的意见

23. take care of = look after 照顾、照看、照料

take good care of = look after … well 把……照管得好

26. take sb. for a walk 带某人去散步

27. play with sb. 和某人玩

28. forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事(未做)

forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事(做过)

(1)do, make 短语归类

do the dishes 洗餐具

do my homework 做我的家庭作业

do chores 做家务,处理琐事

do the laundry 洗衣

do the shopping 购物

do some reading 读书

make your bed 铺床

make breakfast 做早餐

make dinner 做晚饭

make tea 泡茶,沏茶

make a cup of coffee 冲一杯咖啡

(2)关于 to 的短语总结:

have to do sth. 不得不,必须做某事

need to do sth. 需要做某事 hate to do sth. 讨厌做某事

like to do sth. 喜欢做某事 want to do sth. 想做某事

love to do sth. 热爱做某事 forget to do sth. 忘记做某事

start to do sth. 开始做某事 begin to do sth. 开始做某事

ask sb to do sth. 请某人做某事



1. Could you please clean your room?

Yes, sure. / Sorry, I can't. I have to do my homework first.

2. Could I please use the car?

Sure. / Certainly. / Of course. / No, you can't. I have to go out.

在表示请求帮助或请求允许的疑问句中,常用 could 代替 can,以表示礼貌,委婉或不确定的语气,而 can 则不具备这些语气。这种情况下不能把 could 看作 can 的过去式。以上两句中用 could 是为了表示礼貌的请求。表示请求帮助或请求允许时,除了 can, could 之外,还可以用 may,句子的表达方式也各有不同,可以用不同的方式来表示同一个概念。例:

Could / Can / May I use your car for a day?


如同意可以说 Yes,或 Sure 或 Certainly,还可说 Yes, (do) please. 或 Of course. (you may / can). 或 That's OK / all right.

如果不同意,可以说 I'm sorry you can't. 或 I'm really sorry, but I have to use it today. 要避免说 No, you can't. 这样显得很不礼貌。否定回答通常用委婉语气。


Why don’t you talk to your parents?


1. get ( 1 ) 买 get sth. for sb. == get sb. sth. 为某人买某物

Can you get some fruit for me when you go shopping ?

== Can you get me some fruit when you go shopping ?

( 2 ) 得到, 到达 Where did you get the book ?

When did you get the letter ? He got home late last night .

(3) 使, 让 get + 宾语 + 宾补 使某人 某物 怎么样

Please get you coat clean . Get your mouth closed .

get sb. to do sth. 使某人 某物做某事

I got him to call Jim yesterday .

(4) ( 逐渐) 变得…The weather gets warmer and days get longer .

Why did the teacher get angry ?

2. how about what about 后跟名词 代词 动词ing形式。

( 1) 向对方提出建议或请求

How about going out for a walk ?How about something to eat ?

(2) 向对方征求意见或看法

How about the TV play ? How about buying the house now ?

( 3 ) 询问天气或身体情况

How about the weather in Hainan Island ?

How about your parents ? Are they living with you ?

( 4 ) 谈话中承接上下文

I’m forty years old . How about you ?

I’m from Beijing . How about you ?

3. receive 收到 The girl was happy to receive many gifts on her birthday .

receive a letter from == get a letter from == heard from收到某人的信

I received a letter from my parents last Sunday .

== I got a letter from my parents last Sunday .

== I heard from my parents last Sunday .

accept 接受 He couldn’t accept our suggestions but our gifts .

She was very glad to receive the invitation .

He didn’t receive a good education at university .

I received an invitation to the party , but I refused to accept it .

4. a 6--year – old child 一个六岁的孩子

6--year – old 是由 “数词 +名词 + 形容词 ” 构成的复合形容词, 作前置定语,

修饰后面的名词child .

数词+名词+形容词 构成的复合形容词,中间的名词要用单数形式:

a five-year-old girl 一个五岁的女孩

a six-foot-deep hole 一个六英尺深的洞

a two-meter-long ruler 一把两米长的尺子 a 100-meter race一场百米赛跑

a ten-story-high building 一栋十层高的楼房

a two-inch-thick dictionary一本两英寸厚的词典

5. too … to… 太…… 而不能 ……

too 后跟形容词或副词原形, to 后跟动词原形, 构成不定式. 句子的主语与

动词不定的主语不一时, 可以在动词不定式前加逻辑主语for sb.

He is too young to join the army ( 军队) .

The maths problem is too difficult for me to work out .

表示否定意义的never not 和too … to… 连用时表达肯定一样.

One is never too old to learn .

too … to… 可以与 enough to 和 so… that … 转换.

与enough to转换 时, enough 前的形容词, 副词必须是too 后面形容词,

副词的反义词, 并使用其否定句式.

She is too young to do the work .

== she isn’t old enough to do the work .

与 so… that … 转换时, that 后面的从句要用否定形式.

Tom is too tired to walk any farther .

== Tom is so tired that he can’t walk any farther .

6. cost 1) 动词 , 花费 价值 (多少钱 )

How much did it cost ?

I didn’t buy it because it cost too much .

The meal cost us about 100 yuan .

(2 ) 名词 , 成本, 费用, 价钱. at all costs不惜任何代价; at the cost

of 以 …… 为代价.

Living costs are higher in cities than that in the country .

We must stop it at all costs .

After the earthquake , the soldiers tried to reach the area at the

cost of their lives .

7. pay , spend , cost , take 的区别

pay 花费 ( 多少钱 ) , 主语是人. Sb. pay some money for sth.

I paid 5000 yuan for the computer last week .

Spend 花费 ( 多少钱或时间 ),主语是人. Sb. spend some money on sth.

Sb. spend some time ( in ) doing sth.

I spent 5000 yuan on the computer last week .

She spent 2 hours ( in ) doing her homework .

cost 花费 ( 多少钱 ) , 主语是物. Sth. cost sb. some money .

This jacket cost him 200 dollars .

take 花费 (时间 ),It takes sb. some time to do sth .


How long does it take sb. to do sth ?


It took Liu Hong 2 hours to do her homework .

It takes me 10 minutes to walk to school from home .

It will take them 6 months to build the building .

How long does it take him to plant the trees ?

8. sleep , sleeping, sleepy , asleep , fall asleep , be asleep

sleep 动词, 睡觉, 强调动作. I am very tired . I want to sleep .

He slept for 12 hours yesterday .

sleeping , Sleep 的现在分词, 表示 “ 正在睡觉”

Don’t make so much noise . The baby is sleeping .

They woke up the sleeping girl and asked her where her parents were .

sleepy 想睡觉的, 困倦的. I am a little sleepy . I’d like to go to bed .

asleep 睡着了的.

The teacher found Tom asleep in class and kept him behind after school .

Would you mind turning down the TV ? The baby is asleep .

fall asleep 强调从没有睡着到睡着的过程, 不能接一段时间

I couldn’t fall asleep until it was very late last night .

He listened to music and fell asleep .

be asleep 表示睡着后的状态 , “ 睡着了”, 可以接一段时间 .

He was asleep for three hours .

9. choose 动词, “ 选择,挑选 ” , 过去式chose, 过去分词chosen

choose to do sth. 选择做某事

can’t Choose but 只得……

pick and choose 挑挑拣拣

There are many books to choose from .

We choose mike as our leader ( 领导 ).

Will you help me choose a dictionary ?

Everyone can’t choose but obey ( 服从 ) .

It’s her habit (习惯 ) to pick and choose while shopping .

10. present (1) 礼物, 礼品 == gift Why not give him a card as a present ?

what can I get him for a birthday present ?

( 2 ) 目前, 现在 I’m sorry he is out at present .

You have to forget the past and start living in the present .

11. open ( 1 ) 动词, 打开 , 开业, 开张, 展现

It’s not right to open other people’s letters .

Would you mind opening the window ?

The door opens to the south .

This factory opened in 1998.

( 2 ) 形容词, be open 开着的, 开放的

In his dream the flowers are all open .

Most shops are closed but several are still open .

On weekends the swimming pool is open to the public .

close 动词, 关闭, 关上 , 合上

Please close the door to keep the cold out .

closed 形容词, be closed 关着的, 关闭的

when we got to the shop it was closed .

12 . give away 赠送 , 分发 give away sth to sb

Aunt Wang gave away the candies (糖果 ) to the kids .

John gave away his notebook to me .

其它短语 give up 放弃 give back 归还 give off 放出, 发出(气味)

give sth to sb == give sb. sth . 把某物给某人

13. rather than 而不是 …… 后面跟名词, 代词, 从句

The color seems green rather than blue .

If you ran rather than walked , you would have arrived earlier .

We depend on you rather than on him .

You should help them rather than they should help you .

prefer to do sth rather than do sth . 宁愿…… , 也不 ……

She preferred to stay at home rather than go with us .

He preferred to listen to music rather than play games .

Would rather do sth than do sth . 宁愿…… , 也不 ……

He would rather play than work .

I would rather take the slowest train than go there by air .

14. instead (1) 位于句首, 表示 “ 反而, 相反”

I didn’t go to the cinema last night . instead, I watched a football match on TV.

The boy didn’t sing to the music . Instead , he sang his own way .

( 2 ) 位于句尾, 表示 “ 作为代替, 而是”

Mr smith was ill , so mr green was taking his class instead .

I don’t like this one , please give me that instead .

instead of 后跟名词, 代词, 动名词, 介词短语.表示 “ 代替, 而不是”

I have come instead of my brother . He is ill .

We walked down the stairs instead of taking the elevator ( 电梯 ) .

He studies in the evening instead of during the day .

15. enter (1) 参加 == take part in join

More than one thousand sportsmen entered took part in the games .

My brother hopes to enter join the army next year .

( 2 ) 进入 ==come into go into

She entered came into the room with these words .

Did you see someone enter go into the house ?

16. encourage 动词, 鼓励, 激励 encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事

Parents should encourage children to do things by themselves .

Our English teacher encourages us to keep a dairy in English .

17. progress 名词, “ 进步, 进展” make progress “取得进步, 取得进展”

My parents are pleased with my progress in lessons .

Tom is now making much great progress at school .

They made no progress in the heavy snow .

18. suggest 动词, 建议, 提议. 后跟名词, 代词, 动名词和从句

she suggested a way out of the difficulty .

he suggested going home .

who suggested you staying here ?

I suggested we ( should ) hold a meeting .

19. take an interest in ( doing ) sth. 对 ( 做 )某事感兴趣

否定表达是 take no interest in ( doing ) sth. 对 ( 做 )某事不感兴趣

Do you take an interest in English ?

Most children take an interest in playing computer games .

He takes no interest in playing basketball .

be become interested in ( doing ) sth对 ( 做 )某事感兴趣

I’m deeply interested in swimming .

She became interested in singing when she was only 7 years old .

