



A:Hi,Alan. I feel very nervous because I am going to have a job interview next Monday. Could you please give me some suggestions?


B :Sure. Firstly,it is very important for you to be punctual. Interviewers usually don’t think much of a candidate who comes 5 or 10 minutes late only to explain that he could not find the place or he was stuck in traffic.


A: Yeah,that is very important.


B: Secondly , you need to create a good image in a limited time.


A:I will try my best to make a good impression, but it is always easier said that done.


B: I think you should make some preparations. For example, you should take care to appear well-groomed and modestly dressed. What’s more,try to avoid a too causal style.


A:Can I wear T-shirt and jeans for the job interview?


B: You’d better not. Informal clothes like sports shirts,tom jeans or dirty sneakers convey the impression that you are not serious about the job, or that you may be casual about your work as you are about your clothes.

B:你最好别穿。像运动衫,磨旧的牛仔裤 或脏球鞋这类的非正式服装可能给人造 成你对这份工作不认真的印象,或者说 你对工作的态度同穿着一样随意。

A:IVe got It. I think I will wear a white shirt with a tie. Thank you for your suggestions.

A:我明白了。我决定穿白衬衫系领带。谢 谢你的建议。


A:Hi, George. I,m going to have a job interview next week. Could you give me some advice?

A:嗨,乔治。我下个星期就要面试了。你 能否给我提些建议?

B:Sure. First of all, it’s very important for you not to be late. Job interviewers usually don’t think very highly of a candidate who arrives ten minutes after the appointed time, only to explain that he could not find the place or that there was heavy traffic.

B:当然可以。首先你不能迟到。主试人一般对那些迟到10分钟,只解释说他找不 到地方或路上堵车的应试者评价不会很高。

A:Yeah,that’s very important.


B: So you’d better explore the place the day before and at the same time, look around to see what the employees are wearing. So the next day you will arrive early for the appointment.

B:所以你最好头一天就实地侦察一番,同 时看看那些雇员穿些什么。第二天你要 提前到达面试地点。

A : I’ll try my best to make a good impression on the interviewer.

A :我要尽最大努力留下一个好印象。

B: That’s right. You need to create a good image in a limited time,usually about 30 to 45 minutes.

B:对。你应该在有限的时间内,通常是30 到45分钟树立一个好的形象。

A: It’s always easier to say something than to do it.


B:It’s not too difficult to make a good impression. For example, you should take care to appear well-groomed and modestly dressed. Avoid the extremes of a too elaborate or too casual style. This will put you on the same level as other applicants and make the interviewer consider more important qualifications.

B:树立好的印象并不难。例如,你首先要 仪表整齐,穿着得体。既不要穿着太复 杂的款式,也不要穿得太随便。这样能 使主试人把你和其他应聘者放到一起衡 量,考虑一些更重要的东西。

A:But I love wearing T-shirts and jeans.


B:l advise you not to wear a too casual style when going to an interview. Informal clothes as well as torn jeans and dirty shoes convey the impression that you are not serious about the job, or that you may be casual about your work as you are about your clothes.

B:我建议你面试时不要穿这种随意的款 式。像磨旧的牛仔裤、脏鞋以及不正式 的服装可以给人造成一种你对工作不认 真或你对待工作的态度和对待穿着一样 不认真的印象。

A : It’s a pity that I cannot afford more expensive clothes.


B: You misunderstood me. Clothes which are too colorful or too expensive suggest that you do not understand what behavior is appropriate for the job, or that you are snobbish or frivolous.

B:你误解我了。太花哨或太贵的服装,只 能说明你不知道对工作应该采取什么样 的态度,或者你为人势利或轻浮。

A:I know what you mean. I ought to wear right clothes at the right time.


B: You got it. Only in this way can you gain the respect of the interviewer and his confidence in your judgement.


A: It seems that “clothes make the man”.


B: It may not be true, but the first and lasting impression of you is determined by your clothes and behavior.

B:这句话可能不对。但第一印象,通常也是持久印象,是由你的行为与着装决定 的。

