mobile commerce
mobile business
移动商务应用 Mobile Business Application
企业移动商务引擎 Enterprise Mobility Engine
移动商务管理 Mobile Commerce management
1. M - commerce is still in its infancy, even in Finland.
2. In Finland, meanwhile, mobile - commerce has already become a part of every day life.
与此同时, 移动商务在芬兰已经成为日常生活的一部分.
3. The time - sensitive nature of some transactions will help give m - commerce a push.
4. How goods are paid for, and payment security, will be a challenge for m - commerce providers.
怎样缴付购物款以及如何确保安全缴款, 将成为移动商务服务商面临的一大难题.
5. Take - up in the US could be slower initially because mobile standards are less uniform.
6. Sergio: This mobile commerce is radically changing the business of legacy firms.
塞吉奥; 这种移动商务剧烈改变了以往老式公司的商业模式.
7. In Malaysia, both B 2 B and B 2 C MC are not accepted broadly.
在马来西亚, B2B和B2C移动商务的接受率都比较低.
8. The present commercial pattern is evolving the new pattern which immobility and Internet serves.
9. The development of information and communication technologies has promoted the popularity of mobile commerce.
10. Though people are optimistic about the future of MC, it doesn t develop expected.
尽管业界对移动商务十分看好, 但是移动商务的发展并没有达到人们的期望.
11. In Europe, mobile phones are already being used for electronic commerce.
在欧洲, 移动电话已经用于电子商务.
12. Business affairs of mobile 2009 electron will by the concept period, platform period strides applied period.
2009年移动电子商务将由概念期 、 平台期迈入应用期.
13. Then article carried on a more thorough discussion in the theory of the customer relations management.
14. Their roll out, aim to offer advanced mobile office solution for personage of contemporary business affairs.
它们的推出, 旨在为现代商务人士提供先进的移动办公解决方案.
15. Oracle 9 iAS Wireless is an integrated solution employing open standards for mobile - enabling any e - business .
Oracle9iASwireless是一个集成的解决方案,并采用了 面向移动 和处理电子商务的开放式标准.