





培养cultivate/foster ;核心动力motive force

专业设置specialty set-up 就业难tough employment situation

University education is an embodiment ofhuman civilization, and the level of university education reflects the degree of social civilization.

University education booms rapidly in recently years, which helps to popularize high education.

The numbers of universities and undergraduates students surge quickly. In 2010,(there were 30million undergraduates at college.)

the number of university students registered amounts to 30 million.

University education has cultivated a substantial number of professionals for society, who are core motive force for a country’s future development; thus it promotes social advancement remarkably

But, some issues are also bothering university educationin China, such asthe unreasonable specialty set-up, the declining teaching quality as well as tough employment situation of graduates.

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minites to write an essay commenting on the saying “The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take away from you.” You can cite example to illustrate the beauty and features of knowledge. You should write about at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


The Beauty of Knowledge

Praise of knowledge has never come to an end science ancient time. Apparently, knowledge is treasure that everybody volunteers to possess and much of success could be attribute to it directly or indirectly. As far as I am concerned, the beauty of knowledge can be explained in three aspects:

First, knowledge is open to all human beings. People can learn whatever they wish in one way or another. Secondly, knowledge learnt can be reflected in one’s later life, so that one knows how to savor the present moment in peaceful times and how to deal with problems in difficult times. Later but not least, one of the most prominent features of knowledge is that one carries it through out his life. Even if one loses a large fortune, he will never be a beggar if he already knows how to make money.

To sum up, knowledge is of great importance in one’s lifetime. It is advisable that one should learn the beauty of knowledge and enjoy the process of learning.






体现 embodiment

文明 civilization

普及 popularize

培养 cultivate/foster

核心动力 motive force

专业设置 specialty set-up

就业难 tough employment situation


University education is an embodiment of human

civilization, and the level of university education reflects the degree of social civilization. University education in China booms rapidly in recent years, which helps to popularize higher education. The numbers of universities and

undergraduates surge quickly. In 2010, there were already 30 million undergraduates at college. University education has

cultivated a substantial number of professionals for society, who are the core motive force of a country’s future development; thus it promotes social advancement remarkably. But some issues are also bothering university education in China, such as the unreasonable specialty set-up, the declining teaching quality as well as the tough employment situation of graduates.



原文:中国人的姓名通常姓(family name)在前,名(givenname)在后。中国有10多亿个名字,所以人们即便在随意场合也可能会连名带姓地介绍自己,这是很寻常的。历史上,人名的受欢迎稈度会随着时事而变化。例如,20世纪80年代改革开放时期,“致富”成为一个名字,因其意为“变得富有”。

参考译文:The Name in China

In China the family name is usually in front of thegiven name. It isn’t unusual for a man to introducehimself by his family name with given name even incasual situationsbecause there are more than abillion given names. The Chinese given name has ahistory of changing with popularity depending on what events were going on. For instance,during the Cultural Revolution Hong (the color red) was very popular as it presentsrevolution. During the reform and opening up in the 1980s, Zhifu became one given name asit means “getting rich”.


原文:太极拳(Taijiquan)是一种中国武术内家拳(the internalstyles of Chinese martial art)。它基于以柔克刚(thesoft overcoming the hard)的原理,发端于中国古代,最开始是一种武术和自卫方式。随着时间的推移,人们开始通过练太极拳来改善健康状况、增加福祉(well-being)。练习者用意念慢慢地、轻轻地移动身体, 同时深呼吸,因此有时被称为移动冥想(meditation)。中国人通常会在清晨到附近的公园练习太极拳。


Taijiquan is one of the internal styles of Chinesemartial art. It is based on the principle of the softovercoming the hard and originated in ancient Chinaas a martial art and a means of self-defense. Overtime, people began to exercise it to improve theirhealth and well-being. Practicers move their bodies slowly,gently and with thought whilebreathing deeply,so it is sometimes referred to as “moving meditation”.Chinese commonlypractice Taijiquan in nearby parks in early morning.


原文:中医(Chinese medicine)是世界医学的遗产。中医有比西方医学 更好的治病方法。因为中医的效果和医治方式,在世界上中医现在 越来越流行了。中医起源于古代,巳经发展了很长一段时间,它收 集了治疗不同疾病的各种方法。传统中医讲究人们身体系统的平衡。这是说,一旦人的身体系统平衡,疾病就会消失。身体系统的损害 是疾病的根源。

参考译文:Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine is a heritage of world medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine has a power to heal people better than the western ones. China medicine now is more and more popular in the world due to its effect and its way to heal people. Originated from the ancient time,the Chinese medicine has developed in a long time and it has collected various ways to treat different illness. The traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to the balance the body system of people. It is said that once the system of people is in balance, the illness will disappear. The damage of the body system is the source of disease.


原文:在中国,赠送礼物应考虑具体情况和场合。礼物常用红色或其他喜庆的颜色(festive color)来包装,但白色或黑色不适宜用于此。当你将礼物递出去时,收礼者(recipient)可能会礼貌谢绝。在情况下试着将礼物再-次送出去。通常收礼者在客人离开之后才打开礼物。此外,送礼还有—些禁忌(taboo)如给夫妻送伞就不合适,因为中文里“伞”与“散”同音。

参考译文:Presenting Gifts

In China, we should consider the specific situation and occasion when presenting gifts. The gifts are usually packaged in red or other festive colors. But white and black and not suitable in the packaging. When you offer the gift, the recipient may refuse it politely. In this case, you could try to offer the present once again. Usually, the recipient won’t open the gift until the guest leaves. In addition, there are some taboos in giving gifts. For example, it is inappropriate to present an umbrella as a gift to a couple because the word “umbrella” has the same pronunciation with another word "separate" in Chinese.

