No. 101
by Gaius Valerius Catullus
Translated by Charles Martin
Driven across many nations, across many oceans,
I am here, my brother, for this final parting,
to offer at last those gifts which the dead are given
and to speak in vain to your unspeaking ashes,
since bitter fortune forbids you to hear me or answer,
O my wretched brother, so abruptly taken!
But now I must celebrate grief with funeral tributes
offered the dead in the ancient way of the fathers;
accept these presents, wet with my brotherly tears, and
now & forever, my brother, hail & farewell
No Place Like Home
by Stephen Cushman
My ocean's the one bad weather blows out to.
To face the other, waves all driven
by prevailing winds, I have to turn
my back on my family. May they forgive
this westward spree, my losing my head
to ravens that ride the thermals in circles,
to the shrub-covered bluffs of coastal scrub
and chaparral, to coons in the avocado trees;
may they not worry that I see signs
warning Great White Shark Area,
Rutting Elk May Be Aggressive,
and Hazardous Surf, or that one night two
quick earthquakes burped through the ground;
and may they repeat, when I return
slightly burned from the land of poppies,
all the lessons they ever taught me
about odination in the ordinary
Nocturne: Georgia Coast
by Daniel Whitehead Hicky
The shrimping boats are late today;
The dusk has caught them cold.
Swift darkness gathers up the sun,
And all the beckoning gold
That guides them safely into port
Is lost beneath the tide.
Now the lean moon swings overhead,
And Venus, salty-eyed.
They will be late an hour or more,
The fishermen, blaming dark's
Swift mischief or the stubborn sea,
But as their lanterns' sparks
Ride shoreward at the foam's white rim,
Until they reach the pier
I cannot say if their catch is shrimp,
Or fireflies burning clear
by James Longenbach
Stars rising like something said, something never
To be forgotten, shining forever look
How still they are.
Blind hunter crawling
Toward sunrise, then healed.
He opened his eyes to find her waiting
Afraid and together they traveled
Lightly: requiring nothing
But a sense that the road beneath them stretched
Forever. At the edge
He entered the water, swam so far
That he became a speck: his body
Washed ashore, then raised to where we see it now
The belt, the worn-out sword. I'm not Afraid
Except that there is nothing beneath us,
No ground without fear. The body vulnerable
You can look at me
The body still now, never
Changing, rising forever stay
Like something said
osculation for easter flower
by Sandra Miller
if we weren't made of soot which we highly suspected/respected
in her garden she had no garden
we did not love her we did not let her picture fall from our wall
forgive & foment no one kissed me where
like bad jewels good black dirt
what song can't do & does magnificent thumper in the wild
'the secret blackness of milk' 'sordid intimacy of the abyss'
when it became a corolla flickers
you are like an angel yelling for
attention still more still
my lamentation is as perfect an almond a shell
her eyes an altitude amnesic lover
gathered her skirts to the blond chapel
altarbirds follow us herehere herehere