



I told my little cage, graduated from kunming medical university clinical medical specialty in yunnan province, my knowledge mainly from three places, one is the campus; Secondly, the hospital; Three is the social. Five years in school, I from various aspects strict with myself, in my heart there is no best only better. I am a ordinary boy, but unwilling in mediocre, I am optimistic, confident, self-motivated, broad-loving, able to handle the interpersonal skills, good coordination communication specialty, and have a strong sense of responsibility and sense of mission, into the medical career, relieve the pain of the patients disease has always been my dream, kunming medical university a few years we tried for my dream has laid a solid foundation, professional skills more made me clear career goal to be a surgeon, study the basic theories of the school of the university of four years formed my rigorous attitude towards study, strict way of thinking, cultivate good habits of study, one year working experience in clinical practice more to improve my ability of analyzing and resolving problems. Especially in the process of internship training hospital gave me many opportunities for hands-on practice, enable me to every department of clinical common disease can make the right judgment and the best care. Strong sense of responsibility, strong study interest, hands ability, ability to accept quickly, and can be best to finish the work tasks, I won the superior the surgeon's consistent high praise, is one hundred times more make me confidence, in my future work life "the best"

Now, I am about to graduate, in the face of the new life choices and challenges, I am confident. Personal job since freshman year, I will put special emphasis on the study of good professional course at the same time, efforts to cultivate quality and improve ability, make full use of their spare time, broaden the knowledge field of vision, improve the knowledge structure. During the period of school I passed the national computer level 2 test, national university English four levels. 6. And be able to use Microsoft Office, Photoshop, FoXPro software such as graphic processing, form design, web production, such as work, for future work, study and improve the work efficiency has created favorable conditions.

In the increasingly competitive today, I firmly believe that only a multi-level, all-round development of talents and skilled professional knowledge, to meet the needs of the development of social demand and unit of choose and employ persons, can be in an impregnable position. At the same time of learning, I took an active part in various activities organized by the colleges and universities, in the three years of study life, I forge ahead in helping style and performance won the trust and praise from the leadership, teachers and students. And during the internship in Shanghai pudong new area people's hospital of the patient and family to highly praise. See their hard work and sweat to pay for rehabilitation of patients with a smile, this is the best reward for me.

I know that knowledge is the future. As a student of the 21st century, I not only meet in the study of the theory of the campus, often to social theory with practice, from personal practice to improve their comprehensive ability, I believe in myself can adapt to today's society fierce competition environment. Especially big hospital internship in yunnan province cloud, let my knowledge and to the clinical operation, understanding of various diseases and treatment had a profound understanding, for professional knowledge and professional technical operations are more skilled and flexible. Here, let me gain a lot, let me fall in love with a "white angel" from the life of this sacred mission. This five years of study and exercise, I not only learned the professional knowledge, improve the comprehensive quality, more important is to teach me how to be a person, to cultivate my rigorous pragmatic, seeking innovation of personal accomplishment, in an effort to learn the professional knowledge at the same time, I constantly enrich myself and make myself to become interdisciplinary talents needed by the society today. Now, everything, only owe the east wind, and like a boat set sail, want to borrow your east wind. I love a "white angel" this noble cause, see patients in our loving pain relief, rehabilitation, happily under the care of heart, somehow happy. They are full of joy and warm smile is my biggest happiness, eagerly expect under your leadership, for the glorious cause give me a genuine feeling, and continuous learning in practice, progress. The rapids, talent.






I am the north sichuan medical college clinical eent professional a recent graduate, my name is lin-feng Chen. I come from sichuan nanchong jialing district of a small country, rural life made me honest, honest, good personality, cultivate the I am not afraid of difficulties, the relentless pursuit of fighting spirit. Also let me more cherish the hard-won learning opportunities, has been strict with himself. My life motto is "only believe in yourself, beyond yourself", so I like constant struggle and challenge myself, because the strongest opponent is yourself. Into the medical career, become a qualified doctor, lifting the people the highest ideal of disease has always been my pain. Given that I have a solid basic knowledge of medicine, skilled operating technology, good communication skills and strong ability of self-study to improve, and I'm confident I can competent for clinically relevant work soon. Therefore, to your hospital volunteer.

"Department of health and lives. Stacked when I step into the sacred moment of medical institution, hereby solemnly swear that I volunteer devoted to medical, love the motherland, loyalty to the people, abide by the medical ethics, respect discipline, hard study, diligently, strives for perfection, all-round development. I am determined to do their best in addition to the human suffering, help health is perfect, the maintenance of medical holy and glory. To heal the wounded and rescue the dying, to hard, persistent pursuit, for the development of social medicine and health care and human health of body and mind working life!" Original vow still ring ears, moment spur me on the way of medicine to go on, don't allow me to have any careless and lax. Four years of clinical theoretical study formed my rigorous attitude towards study, strict way of thinking, cultivate good habits of study, I have a solid professional knowledge, systematically mastered the medical professional courses. At the same time, while not content to learn theory also focuses on the study. The relevant medical knowledge in nearly a year of clinical practice and internship experience more improve my ability of analyzing and resolving problems, in the traditional Chinese practice and internship process provided me with many opportunities for hands-on practice, I learned how to combining theory with practice and how to work in continuous learning and progress, and has caused me to have a certain accumulation of clinical experience. These will be my future work a lot of wealth in life.

In learning professional knowledge at the same time, I also pay attention to their moral character and quality enhancement. I actively seek ideological progress, the disposition optimistic, not afraid of hard work, have the confidence, the sense of responsibility. On ability training and take an active part in various activities organized by the department, made me develop the strong collective sense of honor and teamwork spirit. At the same time, I actively involved in social practice, has exercised my self-study ability, communication skills and affinity with people, I believe these are for my future better people skills, deal with various problems encountered in the daily life laid a foundation.

The rapids, talent. Ancient music, this is bole points, and is willing to borrow your bole eye, start on my journey. Is willing to give me a chance to try your hospital, display their talents, I will take concrete actions, and a heart to love the medical career to prove their abilities.


“健康所系、性命相托。当我步入神圣医学学府的时刻,谨庄严宣誓 :我志愿献身医学,热爱祖国,忠于人民,恪守医德,尊师守纪,刻苦钻研,孜孜不倦,精益求精,全面发展。我决心竭尽全力除人类之病痛,助健康之完美,维护医术的圣洁和荣誉。救死扶伤,不辞艰辛,执着追求,为社会医药卫生事业的发展和人类身心健康奋斗终生!”当初的誓言仍然响彻耳畔,时刻鞭策着我在医学的道路上不断前行,不容许我有半点的马虎和懈怠。四年的临床理论学习形成了我严谨的学习态度、严密的思维方式,培养了良好的学习习惯,使我具备了扎实的专业基础知识,系统地掌握了医学专业课程.同时,在不满足于学好理论课的同时也注重于对各种相关医学知识的学习.近一年的临床见习及实习经历更提高了我分析问题解决问题的能力,在见习及实习过程中医院给我提供了许多动手实践机会,使我学会了如何将理论与实践相结合以及如何在工作中不断学习、进步,并使我有了一定临床经验的积累。这些都将成为我今后工作生活中的一笔不小的财富。

在认真学习专业知识的同时,我也注重自身品德和素质的提高。我在思想上积极要求进步,性格乐观,不畏艰辛,有信心、有责任感 。在能力培养上,积极参加院系组织的各项活动,使我培养了强烈的集体荣誉感及团队合作精神。同时,我积极投身社会实践,锻炼了我的自学能力、与人沟通能力和亲和力,我相信这些都为我今后更好的为人处事,处理日常生活中遇到的各类问题奠定了基础。



My name is nature conservancy council, graduated from guangdong province jiangmen school of Chinese medicine nursing, my knowledge comes from three places, one is the campus; Secondly, the hospital; Three is the social. In the school three years, I from various aspects strict with themselves. Know: knowledge is the future.

As a student of the 21st century, I not only meet in the study of the theory of the campus, often to social theory with practice, from personal practice to improve their comprehensive ability, I believe in myself can adapt to today's society fierce competition environment. The internship in the outlets of the people's hospital, in particular, let me knowledge and to the clinical operation, understanding of various diseases had a more profound understanding and care, the professional knowledge and expertise are more skilled operation, flexible.

Here, let me gain a lot, let me fall in love with a "white angel" from the life of this sacred mission. This three years of study and exercise, I not only learned the professional knowledge, improve the comprehensive quality, more important is to teach me how to be a person, to cultivate my rigorous pragmatic, seeking innovation of personal accomplishment, in an effort to learn the professional knowledge at the same time, I constantly enrich myself and make myself to become interdisciplinary talents needed by the society today.

Now, everything, only owe the east wind, like a boat set sail, want to borrow your east wind. I love a "white angel" this noble cause, see patients in our loving pain relief, rehabilitation, happily under the care of heart, somehow happy. They are full of joy and warm smile is my biggest happiness, eagerly expect under your leadership, for the glorious cause give me a genuine feeling, and continuous learning in practice, progress.

The rapids, talent. Social competition is intense, talent is no exception. Ancient music, this is bole points, and is willing to borrow your bole eye, start on my journey. Despite the many applicants, I may not be the best, but I still very confident.








2.关于医学生的英语自我介绍 带翻译





