雅思写作范文三篇 教育类




Rewards can be more effective than punishments when it comes to disciplining pre-adolescentchildren. A punishment might stop a kid's bad behavior for only a while, but a reward can domore to achieve long-lasting results. For mothers and fathers alike, it is advisable to sparethe rod and yet without spoiling the child.

When children behave well, they are often expecting loud praises. On occasions when they dosomething wrong, they probably do not mind being scolded, if done softly. Because the parent-child relationship is characterized by unconditional love, it is better to bind love with gentlenessand not with fear. In a positive sense, a good reward is like a bridge leading to good behavior.On the contrary, a harsh punishment may, more often than not, hurt a child psychologicallyas well as physically. While it is always necessary for parents to teach a child to distinguishbetween right and wrong, the choice of a reward usually can work better than that of apunishment, love being the same--far from spoiling.

At a glance, there seems some logic about punishing children in case of breaking normal rulesof conduct, but actually there is not. According to this viewpoint, discipline as guidance is asymbol of love, so there is no such thing as being too tough with a child. And that is probablywhy some parents still insist on strict discipline in the hope that children could therebydistinguish desirable from undesirable behaviors. Such concept is of courseunderstandable; however, these out-of-date parenting techniques are nothing but short-termand desperate survival strategies trying to deal with the here and now. Using punishment tomanipulate and control a child anytime might get instant obedience, but not for long. At theend of the day, only a timely reward is the ultimate incentive for a child to behave better.

Rewards rather than punishments would be paying off in child discipline as it is doubtfulwhether misbehavior and punishment could cancel each other or reinforce each other. Inmodern society, any thought about the return of the old-fashioned rod to train a child is likelyto be regarded as out of place. Ironically, these days some parents are no longer commandersof the family, and this can be seen in the way they obey their children, with apparent pleasure.


Most universities and colleges spend a ratherlong period in fundamental theories andelementary courses. But students regard thesekinds of knowledge useless, and pay less attentionto them. They suggest school pay more time forpractical training instead of providing theoreticallessons. In my opinion, however, theoretical knowledge is necessary. And one will definitelybenefit from it.

First, fundamental theories, such as math and physics, are the basis of other knowledge.To a student who majors in automatic control, the course of control system is the mostpractical and useful in the future. But if he isn’t good at math and circuit, he will hardly be ableto understand the principles and methods of how to control a subject or process. It is justlike constructing a building. How can you imagine a spectacular high-rise without a firmgroundsill? That is, theories and practices are interrelated. We can ignore neither of them.

Second, theoretical basic knowledge provides not only the knowledge itself, but also a waythat how to learn and research. University is a place for scientific research and invention. So itis necessary for students to have the skill of doing research. Seeing from another angle, scienceand techniques are exploding so quickly that present skills will soon be out of date. If one learntnothing except practical skills, he would also fall behind the society. But if one could master themethod of research, he would be able to refresh himself continuously with advancedtechnology.

From all the commentaries above, we can learn the important role of theoretical knowledge.Although pragmatism is very popular today, we should pay enough attention to the basis andprinciples.


Boy schools and girl schools shoot up veryrapidly both in foreign countries and at home. InChina, girl schools have enjoyed a very long historysince one hundred years ago. Many sociologists andeducationalists present their views on this issuefrom different angles. In this essay, I will zero in onthe advantages and disadvantages of thecontroversial phenomenon.

Some parents prefer to send their children toboy schools or girl schools in the hope that their children can concentrate on study andacquire adequate knowledge and skills because unisexual schools can make out appropriatecurriculum and courses for students according to their sexual characteristics. In some girlschools, students have a wider choice of courses such as dancing, music, embroidery anddrawing, which can cultivate their feminine elegance and charm. Furthermore, students candevote themselves fully to their study and will not be distracted. Campus love affairs are verycommon in the current society under the influence of media. Boy schools and girl schools caneradicate contact between different sexes and purify the campus environment.

Of course, some experts point out that boy schools and girl schools are not beneficial tothe adolescent development of students. They believe that boys or girls are likely to developtheir abilities and stimulate their imagination when they are studying with the opposite sexes.Besides, students can cultivate their interpersonal skills. Some other people think thatseparating boys from girls can cause some psychological problems to youngsters. Meanwhile,this separation affects social progress and lead to sexism. Investigation shows that graduatesfrom unisexual schools are not aware how to get along with their colleagues in their career.

To sum up, everything has double folds. Unisexual schools are of no exception. From mypoint of view, I think the existence of unisexual schools meets the need of some parents. But itis definitely not a paradise for their children.

