



an eye for eye 以牙还牙

have bedroom eye有一双性感的眼睛

an eye for something对某物有鉴赏力

eye someone细看某人,打量某人

have eyes bigger than one’s stomach眼馋肚饱


give someone a black eye 把某人打鼻青眼肿

make goo-goo eyes at someone对人抛媚眼

green-eyed monster嫉妒心

in a pig’s eye胡说,废话

keep one’s eyes peeled 留心,警惕

see eye-to-eye 看法一致

be all ears 聚精会神地听,洗耳恭听

bend someone ear与某人喋喋不休

blow it out one’s ear胡说八道

chew someone’s ear off对某人喋喋不休

have an ear for music有音乐方面的天赋

fall on deaf ears和没有心思的人说话;没被理睬

good ear 辨别声音

keep one’s ear to the ground注意听

perk up one’s ear引起注意,坚起耳朵

play by ear 听过歌曲后,不看乐谱而凭记忆演奏

put a bug in someone’s ear事先给某人暗示;警告某人

talk someone’s ear off因喋喋不休而惹怒某人

as plain as the nose on one’s face一目了然,显而易见

keep one’s nose to the grindstone埋头苦干,勤奋工作

“It’s on skin off my onse”与我毫无关系

take a nose dive突然衰弱,突然变弱

have a nose for finding something善于发现某事物

nose out 以微弱的优势打败对手,险胜

get one’s nose in the air媚上傲下的,自负的

pay though the nose to花很多钱

poke one’s nose in someone’s business干预某人的事物,管闲事

right under one’s nose显而易见的,一目了然

turn one’s nose up at someone or something拒绝某人或某事

bad-mouth someone说某人坏说,撒布流言蜚语


1. Peter's vacation plans went up in smoke when a crisis arose in the office. 办公室出了问题,彼得的假期泡汤了。

2. We should probably hit the road. It's going to take us two hours to get home. 我们可能该上路了吧?到家的两个小时呢!

3. You'd better shape up if you want to stay on.


4. Don't sneak up behind me like that. You scared the shit out of me.


5. He pulled some strings and managed to get us front row seats for the concert. 他运用关系替我们拿到音乐会前排的位子。

6. This car is a real lemon. It has broken down four times.


7. The movie was a flop. Nobody went to see it.


8. Chris flipped out when I told him that we won the game.


9. Cathy is such a stick in the mud. She never wants to try anything new. 凯西真保守,她从不想尝试新事物。

10. Let me spring for dinner.我来请客吧。


big-mouth 多嘴的人,喋喋不休的

down in the mouth神情沮丧的,垂头丧气

live hand –to-mouth勉强糊口,勉强维持生活

mouth off傲慢无礼,顶嘴

run off at the mouth滔滔不绝地淡论,没完没了

shoot off one’s mouth随便乱说,信口开河at hand紧迫的,重要的

give someone a hand 帮助某人

hand it to someone佩服某人

hands down无疑,当然

know something like the back of one’s对某事物了如指掌

live hand-to-mouth毫无积蓄,勉强糊口

an old hand at something做某事的老手,熟手

on hand在手头,现有

out of hand失去控制,无法控制

the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand

is doing互不通气

