



The year of 2016 is fast approaching, a year in which China will host the G20 Summit. This shows both the international community's strong confidence in China and China's sincere wish to make contribution to the international community.


The G20 summit mechanism was set up at the height of the international financial crisis in 2008, demonstrating G20 members' determination to put the global economy back on its feet. The G20 thus became the premier forum for international economic cooperation. Looking back, I believe that the most valuable thing this process has created is the close partnership we have forged that has enabled us to jointly tide over a difficult time. It proves that in a world of deepening economic globalization, cooperation is the sure way for countries to meet challenges and achieve common development.


Today, the global economy and international economic cooperation have reached another crucial juncture. Can we strengthen the foundation for global recovery and growth and leave the crisis behind us? Can we seize the historical opportunity presented by technological breakthroughs and a new industrial revolution and usher in a new round of global growth? The answer lies in the course of common action that we will take.


Now, all eyes are on the G20. As an important forum for cooperation among developed countries, emerging markets and developing countries, the G20 plays a key role in leading and advancing international economic cooperation. It should act with a broad vision and deliver concrete outcomes. It should address critical issues affecting the global economy and endeavor to promote strong, sustainable and balanced growth.


We should strive to build an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive global economy and explore new ways to drive development and structural reform, injecting impetus into the growth of individual countries and energizing the global economy. We should embrace the vision of a global community of shared future, enhance economic connectivity and exchanges among countries and improve global economic and financial governance so as to address inequality and imbalance in global development and ensure that the benefits of economic growth will be equitably shared by people of all countries.


In the course of making preparations for the 2016 G20 summit, China will work with all other parties to pull in one direction in the spirit of win-win partnership. We should pool wisdom, form synergy, implement the outcomes of the Antalya Summit and all previous summits, and jointly advance international economic cooperation.


I look forward to meeting the leaders of the G20 members in Hangzhou, Zhejiang next September to discuss ways of enhancing international economic cooperation. Hangzhou, renowned for its rich history, is also a city of innovation. It is a cosmopolitan city with a distinctive Chinese cultural appeal. I am sure that, through our joint efforts, Hangzhou will deliver a uniquely impressive summit to the world in 2016.



Dear Guests, Friends from the Press,


Good morning!


Today is 26 May, and tomorrow will mark the 100-day countdown of the G20 HangzhouSummit. Indeed, the Summit is drawing near. On 4-5 September, President Xi Jinping will bejoined by leaders from other G20 members, guest countries and international organizations inHangzhou to discuss ways to advance global economic cooperation and development. Theworld will turn its eyes to the G20, to China and to Hangzhou.


The G20 is widely recognized as the premier forum for global economic governance. This can bewell illustrated by the following figures: the G20 accounts for two thirds of the worldpopulation, 60% of total land mass, 85% of global GDP and 80% of international trade.Hence, it is fair to say that the performance of G20 economies has a direct bearing on thewell-being of the world economy and that cooperation among G20 members decides the futureof international economic cooperation.


The G20 is different from previous cooperation mechanisms. Here, developed countries anddeveloping countries sit at the same table as equal partners, and discuss and decide oninternational economic matters on an equal footing. This reflects a major change in the worldeconomic pattern and represents historical progress in keeping with the trend of our times.


The G20 marks a departure from the old logic of "beggar thy neighbor". In the face of theinternational financial crisis, G20 members have coordinated monetary and fiscal policies,pushed ahead reform of international financial institutions, and brought the world economyfrom the brink of precipice. This spirit of partnership and solidarity in times of difficulty is themost valued asset of the G20.


So far, the G20 has held ten summits. This year, it is China's turn to play host.


Right now, the world economy is in a crucial transition period with both opportunities andchallenges. First, the old approach of stimulating growth merely through fiscal andmonetary policies has become less and less effective. Second, policies of the world's majoreconomies have clearly diverged, making it harder to form synergy. Third, trade and investmentprotectionism is rearing its head, and the building of an open economy remains a long anddaunting task. And fourth, the world economy, though recovered somewhat from the crisis, isstill weak in growth and under constant downward pressure.


At this crucial juncture, the international community is full of expectations of this year's G20Summit, hoping that outcomes from the Hangzhou Summit will reenergize the world economy.As the host, we are keenly aware of the heavy responsibilities on our shoulders.


At the Hangzhou Summit, we would like to focus on the core challenges and outstandingissues confronting the world economy and work with all parties to seek common solutions andcontribute China's wisdom. We aim to steady growth in the near term by addressing thesymptoms and add momentum to the long term by treating the root causes. We want tofacilitate G20's transition from a crisis-response mechanism to one focusing on long-termgovernance so as to better lead world economic growth and international economiccooperation.


At the Antalya Summit last year, President Xi spoke about the theme and key priorities of theHangzhou Summit as well as China's basic approach. On 1 December last year, the very dayChina took over the G20 presidency, President Xi delivered a special message, expounding onChina's vision and considerations. China chose "Toward an Innovative, Invigorated,Interconnected and Inclusive World Economy" as the theme of the Hangzhou Summit andidentified four key priorities, namely, "breaking a new path for growth", "more effective andefficient global economic and financial governance", "robust international trade andinvestment" and "inclusive and interconnected development". The theme and topics proposedby China have received strong endorsement and support from other G20 members. They allagree that China's vision embodies long-term, strategic considerations and demonstrates abroad perspective and ambitious goals.


G20 activities run through the whole year of China's presidency, with the culmination in theHangzhou Summit. Throughout the year, 66 events will be held in 20 Chinese cities. Amongthem, there are 23 ministerial-level meetings, including four G20 ministers meetings, five Sherpameetings, four Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meetings, four finance and centralbank deputies meetings and six large-scale side events. Forty-three working group meetings invarious fields will be held. Altogether nearly tens of thousands of people will get involved. Thesemeetings will lay the ground for the Hangzhou Summit from different areas and perspectivesand help translate consensus into action.


Since assuming presidency last December, we have held two Sherpa meetings and two FinanceMinisters and Central Bank Governors meetings. Working groups on development, trade andinvestment, employment, energy and infrastructure have met several times as well. TheInternational Financial Architecture Working Group, dormant for years, has been reactivated.Three newly-established special working groups on innovation, new industrial revolution anddigital economy have started their work. We are now halfway through the Chinese presidency,and much progress has already been made. The theme and key priorities proposed by Chinahave won widespread support. The framework and main areas of summit outcomes havetaken shape. Arrangements for the main events have been decided, and venue construction isprogressing according to plan. Here I want to assure you that China is ready and Hangzhou isready to welcome our distinguished guests from all over the world.


In the next 100 days, summit preparations will enter the final sprint. We will hold another twoSherpa meetings in June and early September and a Finance Ministers and Central BankGovernors meeting in July. Starting from June, G20 meetings for agriculture ministers, energyministers, employment ministers and trade ministers will be held in quick succession. Major sideevents such as the B20 business forum, the Labor 20, the Think-tank 20, the Youth 20, theWomen 20 and the Civil 20 will follow. All these activities are important to increase consensusand solidify achievements, which will lead us to one common destination - the 11th G20Summit to be held in Hangzhou on 4-5 September.


You might be interested to learn what results the Hangzhou Summit will deliver and whatimpacts it will have on the world economy. In preparing for the summit, we aim to be problem-oriented. In response to policy divergence, we will push for greater macroeconomic policycoordination to avoid negative spill-over effect. In view of the gap between old and newgrowth drivers, we will champion reform and innovation to unleash new impetus andachieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth. In light of the risks and uncertainties in theworld economy, we will strive to improve global economic governance and safeguardinternational financial stability. To address sluggish trade and investment and resurgingprotectionism, we will reinvigorate the two engines of growth and build an open world economy.On the issue of development gap, we will push the G20 to take the lead and play an exemplaryrole in global cooperation on sustainable development.


With these goals in mind, we are working with all sides to deliver ten major outcomes.


2016关于g20峰会的英语美文:G20应协力提振全球增长 The precarious state of the global economy

n the seven years since it was elevated to the level of supposed guardian of global stability,the G20 grouping of large economies has struggled to make a noticeable impact.


In general, though they have paid lip service to global co-operation over macroeconomic policy,none of its members has been overly bothered about ignoring the views of the rest of thegroup. Each has generally gone its own way on fiscal, monetary and exchange rate policies.


But at Friday’s meeting of G20 finance ministers in Shanghai, the stakes for failing to co-ordinate policy across the world are higher than for some time. With recent financial marketturmoil and great uncertainty about Chinese economic prospects, a sense of unease haspersisted since the turn of the year.


Although the global economy has continued to expand, the need for a general effort toprepare monetary and fiscal stimulus has become more pressing. And while it may be toomuch to hope that the G20 countries will finally all move together, they should at least satisfythemselves that their policies are consistent with the greater good.


The International Monetary Fund and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation andDevelopment have both warned that growth appears to have slowed late last year and earlythis, even before the recent turmoil in equity markets worldwide. The OECD says globalgrowth is likely to be around the same in 2016 as in 2015, itself the weakest for five years.


Moreover, with the advanced economies continuing to generate underlying fiscal surplusesand hence subtract from demand, only China of the big countries is running a public deficit.


This is not the moment to take global expansion for granted and to focus on fiscalconsolidation. Monetary policymakers — with the large and regrettable exception of the USFederal Reserve — have been trying to loosen policy, with both quantitative easing andnegative interest rates.


Their efforts would have more impact if they were financing a fiscal expansion rather thanacting alone. As many observers have pointed out, economies with anaemic private demandand low long-term interest rates are ideally placed to undertake publicly financed investment inthe hope of boosting short-term growth and medium-term productivity.


The risk of monetary expansion without a fiscal counterpart is that it can lead tointernational tension, even if the motives of the central banks involved are honourable.Quantitative easing in both the eurozone and Japan was primarily aimed at loosening domesticmonetary conditions but also, at least initially, pushed down their exchange rates. With therenminbi under downward pressure, another conflict could emerge over alleged competitivedevaluations.


Such concerns are only amplified by doubt over how much control the People’s Bank of China,as opposed to other agencies and the Chinese Communist party, truly has over monetarypolicy.


At the very least, even if they cannot all move together, policymakers need to understand eachother’s intent. Looser monetary policy — and fiscal stimulus even more so — need not be azero-sum game if it generates higher growth and more trade rather than simply taking a largershare of global demand through a weaker currency.


The G20 is unlikely to emerge from this week’s meetings with a unified action plan. But itsmembers should be aware that the moment when they are forced to move to bolster sagginggrowth has come noticeably closer over the past few months.


