

在英语学习的初级阶段 ,根据第一语言习得的相关理论及儿童心理特征的研究 ,讲故事有助于激发儿童的语言学习兴趣 ,并能使其处于积极而活跃的最佳学习状态。小编整理了关于小学生英语故事及翻译,欢迎阅读!


Danwa crouched down in the trees. He did not want the lion to se him. The lion was sick. Danwa was a veterinarian. There was a rare and infectious disease spreading among the lions in this part of Africa.


In order to help the lions he needed to examine them. He had to inject it with drugs so the lion would fall asleep. Usually, he used a special gun to shoot an animal but this time Danwa had to put the needle in the lion's ear.


He crept closer to the lion. She was lying down alone, barely moving. Danwa saw his chance; he moved in quickly. The lion heard his footsteps and roared. She was too sick to get up. Her teeth were sharp and Danwa was scared.


Luckily, the lion could not get up. He must move forward. With one quick lunge Danwa stabbed the lion with the needle. She roared and swung her paw at Danwa. He fell backward.


But he had done it. Soon she would be sleeping and they could take her back to the lab for tests.



Peter is a hand gliding instructor in California. People come from all over the world to learn how to hand-glide. He also teaches movie stars that need to know how to hand glide for movies.


Today, Peter was teaching a very famous person who was making an action movie.


Peter strapped the movie star into the glider. They had spent all afternoon practicing and now the movie star was going up all by himself.


The movie star was doing exactly what he has learned that day when something went wrong. The glider began slowly to fall. Peter had to save him.


He jumped onto his own glider and few over to where the man was. The movie star was panicking. Peter unstrapped the man and told him to hang on to him.


The man did what he was told just in time to watch his glider fall into the valley below.


To thank him for saving his life, the movie star cast him a part in his movie.



Rachel Stared up at the clouds. One looked like a tree. One looked like a Ferris wheel. The sandwas hot under her skin. Everything was silent except for the ocean. She sit up and thinks, "How long will I be stranded on this deserted island?"


Rachel had been out sailing, when her boat hit a rock and sprung a leak. Rachel had toabandon ship and swim to land. She crawled onto the shore. She searched the island butfound nothing but coconuts and squirrels.


She hated the idea of one day having o eat the cute squirrels, but she'd have to if she wantedto stay alive. For the last month, she has eaten nothing but coconuts.


Every night she lit a fire hoping a ship would see it and rescue her. So far she has been lucky.There were no wild animals on the island. She had made herself a bed out of leaves andbranches.


On her 45th day she spotted a ship. She started a fire and screamed for help. Soon the shipcame and Rachel was saved. Rachel never went sailing again.


