Are You Falling Behind on Your Work? It may feel like you will never be back on track. You might not be able to immediately get all your work done. Do you ever find yourself behind? Too many to dos. Not enough time. So much work, that is feels like the flood of tasks will never stop
However, you can always be catching up, just need a little step.
Productivity is not accomplished in one fell swoop. It probably took you quite a bit of time to get into your current situation, it's going to time to get out of it.
Ask yourself, “How long did it take to get behind in the first place?” Don't expect to immediately catch up. Instead, concentrate on small steps of progress.
但是,你是可以做到总能赶上进度的, 只要你熟知解决问题的步骤!
Here are 7 Ways to Always Be Catching Up:
1.Stop Digging – When you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging. Address the issues and behaviors that are causing you to not get things done.
1. 停止“挖坑”——当你发现自己已经在一个洞里了的时候,第一件事就是要停止给自己“挖坑”。解决使你无法完成工作的问题,改变造成这种情况的行为。
2.Clean Up Your Workspace - Taking a few moments to clean up the mess can help you see your work and have room to actually do it. Don't underestimate how your workspace affects your productivity.
2. 清理你的工作区域- 拿出一部分时间来收拾杂乱无章的工作区域,这不但可以让你清晰的看到你还有哪些工作要做,还可以为你腾出空间去做这些工作。不要低估工作区域对你工作效率的影响。
3.Check Your List - When you are behind, you stress about the things that are not getting done. Make sure you look at your to do list, so that you can address your highest priority tasks first.
4.Shut Your Door to Interruptions - If interruptions are keeping you from getting your work done, you may need get some peace and quiet. Find an isolated place to work, or simply close your door until you complete the task at hand.
4. 对外界干扰说NO - 如果外界干扰是造成你无法完成工作的原因,那你需要的可能是清净。找一个远离喧嚣的地方,或干脆关上门,直至你完成手头上的工作为止。
5.Eat that Elephant Bite by Bite – You probably have an “elephant task” that is so big that you think you will never get it done. When you need to eat the elephant, dedicate yourself to doing a little bit each day.
6.What Do You Need to Stop Doing? – If you don't have enough time, you need to remove some activities from your day. Sometimes it isn't what you need to get done, but rather what you shouldn't be doing in the first place. Take a hard look at where you are spending your time and what you can cut out of your schedule.
7.When You Can't Do A Lot… Do a Little - You won't always be able to get all of your work done. When you can't do it all, do one thing. A little bit done today, always beats the promise of more done tomorrow.
You won't be able to do all the things you need to do. Instead of letting it overwhelm you, take small productivity steps in the right direction. You may not get all your work done today. However, always be catching up.