The serial numbers on this bunch of new high-quality bogus RMB 100 banknotes are LN37638309, LN37638313 and LN37638302. Police seized 30,000 yuan worth of high-quality counterfeit 100 yuan notes in Guigang city, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, South China. It's difficult to tell these fake notes from real ones as they carry water marks, metal wires and a number of other anti-counterfeit features.
这一捆崭新的高仿真100元假钞的序列号是LN37638309, LN37638313 和 LN37638302。警方在广西壮族自治区贵港市缴获超价值30000元的高仿真100元假钞。这些假钞有水印、金属线以及其他防伪特征,让人真假难辨。