


The job of an internal auditor is to evaluate, analyze, reach conclusions, and provide objective opinions. The job is like that of a doctor, assessing the health of the company, diagnosing illness, and prescribing a course to recovery. To do this, the auditor must possess special qualities:


An auditor is multi-skilled, understanding every part of the business, and closely aligned with business objectives.内审人员必须多才多艺,了解企业的方方面面,并且紧扣公司目标。

An auditor has the ability to sift through minute detail, while keeping the big picture in mind.内审人员要能够大处着眼,小处着手。

The auditor faces difficult problems and often times difficult people, while maintaining the cool calmness that comes with experience and self-confidence.内审工作经常面临难题,经常要面对一些难以相处的人,而同时又要保持冷静,这种冷静来自经验和自信。

The auditor is the shinning example of commitment, dedication, contribution, and hard work – because everyone is watching to see if the auditor stumbles.内审人员必须全力以赴,奉献自己,做出贡献,努力工作,因为内审出错的时候每个人都睁着眼睛看。

An auditor has thick skin, a controlled temper, natural curiosity, unforgiving tenacity and even a sense of humor.内审人员必须能够忍耐,控制自己的脾气,对事物保持好奇心,不屈不挠,同时还保持一份幽默感。

Auditors maximize the synergy that comes from team effort, sharing their own knowledge and expertise for collective success, while maintaining their unique individualism.内审人员最大程度发挥团队合作精神,为集体的成功分享自己的知识和专长,同时内审人员又要自力更生。

The auditor‘s customer is everyone.内审的客户是所有人。

An auditor is a lifetime student, always learning new technologies and continuously improving.内审人员活到老,学到老,不断学习新技术,不断充实自己。

An auditor is able to build positive working relationships with those who may see them as a distraction – earning, everyday, the trust and respect of wary and suspect minds.有些人认为内审成事不足败事有余,这些人谨慎而多疑,内审人员要能够和他们建立良好的工作关系,要能获得他们的尊重。

Troubles are part of the job; it just goes with the territory. The auditor sees each problem as an opportunity, deflecting obstacles like a super hero deflects bullets.对内审来说,麻烦是家常便饭,麻烦和这个职业有不解之缘。内审人员要觉得麻烦就是机会,避开障碍物要象超人避过子弹一样轻松。

An auditor is a quantitative analyst, critic, ethicist, economist, engineer, detective, change agent and above all the consummate professional.内审人员是定量分析师,批评家,伦理学家,经济学家,工程师,侦探,改革先锋,一句话,必须是完美的职业主义者。

When faced with a dilemma, the auditor resorts to clear thinking and level headed decision-making.面临两难处境时,内审人员要考虑清楚,然后做出决策。

An auditor is an expert project manager, able to plan, organize, and execute complex projects – on schedule, while juggling several other equally complex projects at the same time.内审人员是项目管理专家,要会按照时间表制定计划,组织事务,把复杂的项目付诸执行,同时还得处理手头其他同样复杂的项目。

Auditors are not afraid to tackle unpleasant tasks. They ask the tough questions.内审人员要不畏艰难,大胆质问。

An auditor is an accomplished communicator, and an even better listener.内审人员要善于交流,同时更要善于聆听。

Waste, poor quality, inefficiency, and unmanaged risk are the enemies of every auditor.浪费、粗制烂造、磨洋工、疏忽风险,这些都是每个内审人员的敌人。

Rewards, recognition, and even a simple “thank-you” can be few and far between. The auditor‘s job satisfaction comes from knowing the results of their work adds value and prevents bad things from happening.对内审人员来说,奖赏、对工作的肯定、甚至一句简单的 “谢谢”都少而又少。如果知道自己的工作能够增加价值,能够防患于未然,从这些,内审人员获得工作的满足。

The auditor always represents the best interests of the company and leadership, while encouraging excellence from each organization, and nurturing the best talents and effort from every individual.内审人员鞭策整个组织追求卓越,激发每个人的内在禀赋和工作热情,同时又是公司和领导层利益的忠实代表。

An auditor does all this while being under appreciated, under informed, isolated and sometimes excluded.内审做了这么多,但工作经常不怎么被欣赏,很多信息不向内审人员沟通,内审人员被人为的孤立起来,甚至被排斥在外。

The job of an internal auditor is special and not just anyone can do it. It is a profession filled with excitement and purpose; important work, that demands special people to carry it out. Yes, it takes a special person to be an auditor.内审工作很特殊,不是任何人都能够做得好。这个职业充满激情,拥有自己的使命。工作很重要,当然就要求从事这项工作的人很特殊。是的,只有特殊的人才能做内审。

