



Precious Hands


There was once a shepherd who had a daughter whose great beauty attracted a lot of young men from all over the country. One day, the shepherd asked his daughter, "My dear daughter, tell me, what kind of man do you want to be your husband?" His daughter said, "My dear father, my future husband can be poor but also a wealthy man." "How could that be, poor and rich are two opposite things!" said her father. "Dear father, a poor person also has his wealth." Said his daughter. The shepherd then announced that his daughter was ready for marriage.


One day, there were many eligible men gathered outside the shepherd's home. He came out and said, "All right, gentlemen, those who think they are eligible, please come forward and tell me your qualifications!" A few well-dressed gentlemen came forward followed by their servants and camel loads of gifts carried by camels. "We are rich men, we have gold and silver mines, silk, fur and red carpets. Please choose one of us." The shepherd's daughter just smiled.


Then came five young men with some jewelry boxes. "These golden boxes contain rare jewelry. You will be the most wealthy person if you choose one of us to be your husband. " "All of you are not my idea of an ideal husband," said the disappointed lady. One by one young men came forward but they were rejected by her. The shepherd began to worry.


Suddenly, a plainly dressed young man appeared. The shepherd asked, "Young man, you look so poor. What can you offer my daughter?" "My wealth is always with me and it is my hands, " the young man said, "I am a good tailor. I am also a good carpenter. I can make tables and chairs within an hour. Moreover, I can also put up a tent for you all!" The lady smiled. The young man continued, "I can cook too. I can cook delicious meals. However, I do not have any property, servants or jewelry. But, with my pair of hands, I do have a whole life of wealth!" "That's great!" shouted the shepherd's daughter excitedly. "You are more wealthy than any of them because you have a pair of precious hands. You are my idea of an ideal husband!"

突然,有个衣着朴素的青年走了过来。牧羊人问:“年轻人,你看上去很穷啊。那么,你有什么宝物要献给我女儿吗?”“我的财富一向随身携带 , 它就是我的双手,” 青年说,“我是一个技艺精湛的裁缝师;我还是一个熟练的木匠,我能在一个小时内,给你们订制一套桌椅;而且,我还能给你们搭一个帐篷。”牧羊人的女儿笑了。 “我还会烹饪,”青年继续说,“我能煮出最美味的饭菜。然而,我既没有什么财产,也没有仆人,更没有什么金银珠宝。但我有一双手,有了这双手,我就拥有了一生用之不尽的财富!”“太好了!”牧羊人的女儿激动地高声喊道,“你比他们中任何人都富有!因为你有一双宝贵的手,你正是我心目中的理想丈夫。”

A pair of hardworking hands can create much wealth.



Dad Sure Could Play that MandolinMy father was a self-taught mandolin player. He was one of the best string instrument players in our town. He could not read music, but if he heard a tune a few times, he could play it. When he was younger, he was a member of a small country music band. They would play at local dances and on a few occasions would play for the local radio station. He often told us how he had 2)auditioned and earned a position in a band that featured Patsy Cline as their lead singer. He told the family that after he was hired he never went back. Dad was a very religious man. He stated that there was a lot of drinking and cursing the day of his audition and he did not want to be around that type of environment.

Occasionally, Dad would get out his mandolin and play for the family. We three children: Trisha, Monte and I, George Jr., would often sing along. Songs such as the Tennessee Waltz, Harbor Lights and around Christmas time, the well-known 3)rendition of Silver Bells. "Silver Bells, Silver Bells, its Christmas time in the city" would ring throughout the house. One of Dad's favorite 4)hymns was "The Old Rugged Cross". We learned the words to the hymn when we were very young, and would sing it with Dad when he would play and sing. Another song that was often shared in our house was a song that accompanied the Walt Disney series: Davey Crockett. Dad only had to hear the song twice before he learned it well enough to play it. "Davey, Davey Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier" was a favorite song for the family. He knew we enjoyed the song and the program and would often get out the mandolin after the program was over. I could never get over how he could play the songs so well after only hearing them a few times. I loved to sing, but I never learned how to play the mandolin. This is something I regret to this day.

Dad loved to play the mandolin for his family he knew we enjoyed singing, and hearing him play. He was like that. If he could give pleasure to others, he would, especially his family. He was always there, sacrificing his time and efforts to see that his family had enough in their life. I had to mature into a man and have children of my own before I realized how much he had sacrificed.

I joined the United States Air Force in January of 1962. Whenever I would come home on leave, I would ask Dad to play the mandolin. Nobody played the mandolin like my father. He could touch your soul with the tones that came out of that old mandolin. He seemed to shine when he was playing. You could see his pride in his ability to play so well for his family.

When Dad was younger, he worked for his father on the farm. His father was a farmer and 5)sharecropped a farm for the man who owned the property. In 1950, our family moved from the farm. Dad had gained employment at the local 6)limestone 7)quarry. When the quarry closed in August of 1957, he had to seek other employment. He worked for Owens Yacht Company in Dundalk, Maryland and for Todd Steel in Point of Rocks, Maryland. While working at Todd Steel, he was involved in an accident. His job was to roll angle iron onto a 8)conveyor so that the 9)welders farther up the production line would have it to complete their job. On this particular day Dad got the third index finger of his left hand mashed between two pieces of steel. The doctor who operated on the finger could not save it, and Dad ended up having the tip of the finger 10)amputated. He didn't lose enough of the finger where it would stop him picking up anything, but it did impact his ability to play the mandolin.

After the accident, Dad was reluctant to play the mandolin. He felt that he could not play as well as he had before the accident. When I came home on leave and asked him to play he would make excuses for why he couldn't play. Eventually, we would 11)wear him down and he would say "Okay, but remember, I can't hold down on the strings the way I used to" or "Since the accident to this finger I can't play as good". For the family it didn't make any difference that Dad couldn't play as well. We were just glad that he would play. When he played the old mandolin it would carry us back to a cheerful, happier time in our lives. "Davey, Davey Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier", would again be heard in the little town of Bakerton, West Virginia.

In August of 1993 my father was 12)diagnosed with 13)inoperable lung cancer. He chose not to receive 14)chemotherapy treatments so that he could live out the rest of his life in dignity. About a week before his death, we asked Dad if he would play the mandolin for us. He made excuses but said "okay". He knew it would probably be the last time he would play for us. He 15)tuned up the old mandolin and played a few notes. When I looked around, there was not a dry eye in the family. We saw before us a quiet humble man with an inner strength that comes from knowing God, and living with him in one's life. Dad would never play the mandolin for us again. We felt at the time that he wouldn't have enough strength to play, and that makes the memory of that day even stronger. Dad was doing something he had done all his life, giving. As sick as he was, he was still pleasing others. Dad sure could play that Mandolin!


A Love Letter

Pain is constant companion and isn't very good one. I try to reason with this and I end of feeling miserable. I can not help but think about you. You, who has so much to give and share with me. Even when I was young, you were constant figure. You were there to see me grow up. I cried and laught, I learned and you were there to guide me. With your gray hair and chunky glasses. I would watch you think and blued and you sudden smile would lide up your face as quickly as it come. That is the very thing I love about you.You smile, I think about the times I missed being with you. So many years have passed since I saw you again. And for a breath moment I imagined you not being in my life. I wanna to cry, but I knew you were be there, as you always were.The gray hair has turned to white. And with that came a wiry frame that was fragile. Still, the eyes was ever and mind that was well running. You taught me to be strong and live for my dreams. If you were wishes for hunger for knowledge. You taught me to love learning. Always telling me that knowledge is constant thing. You were so strong, so wise and your presense was always comfort. I always love being by your side. You always gave me a hug when I fell down. I never love too crowds and you always seem to understand that not pression me to jion in the others or pretend to have a good time.I got lost the books you taught me to read. Those books which you gave me to learn more about the world. Ever so after remind of the things you taught me. You always love books. You never said much, but I always knew that every time we saw each other. You were glad to see me as I always glad to see you. I remember you with the teary face and wasteful smile. My pain is more insistant and try to hold on to the hope that you will pull through this. Like the strong person that you were. I love you grandpa.

