



范文:More Pressure from Academic Studies Does Good to Us

There has been a heated debate about the effect of pressure from academic studies on us students in our college. Some of my fellow students argue that it is not good for us to study under great pressure. Personally I do not agree upon this view.

My argument that more pressure does good to us is based on the following two reasons. First, no pressure means no progress. With the development of our society, competition among people grows more and more fierce, college students are no exception. They must learn how to deal with future challenges foreseeable even today. Under pressure, each student has to work hard to lay a solid foundation of his or her specialties. Companies are likely to employ those who have done well in their special field of study. Therefore, in college the top ones will make great efforts to take the lead, whereas the low achievers will do their utmost to catch up. Second, no pressure means no self-discipline.The teachers do give assignments from time to time, yet they have not imposed enough pressure on the students. As a result, quite a few of us idle away their time by playing video games, playing with Internet, or playing cards. All these do not merely happen on weekends. With more academic pressure upon the students, they will not cherish their time and have self-restrictions with their study and even self-behavior.

In summary, I believe more pressure from academic studies does a great deal of good to us college students. If we treat pressure with a correct attitude, we will surely make more progress in our study.


May 17,1997

Dear Victoria,

I am writing to apologize for having not invited you to the party held at my home last Saturday. It all happened by accident. Before the party, I wrote down the names of the guests I would invite on a sheet of paper and asked my younger sister to inform them one by one. But my sister got all the things mixed up. When I found you did not turn up at the party then I realized my carelessness. How sorry I felt for that at that moment. I wish you would forgive me.



范文: One Way to Solve the Problem

It is now generally accepted that vehicles are a major source of air pollution in cities. Some solutions have been proposed, such as reducing the number of private vehicles, fully promoting public transportation means and suing lead-free petrol, and so on. However, my advice is that we may use electricity-generated vehicles instead as a solution to the problem.

The substitution of petrol with electricity is advantageous for at least two reasons. The first reason is that electricity is clean. We know that the use of petrol has proved to be the most serious cause of pollution. The second reason is that electricity is almost inexhaustible. Since many ways of generating electricity are available now, the resort to electricity may free us from the worry that the power needed for vehicle use may run out someday. As a result, we will not have to impose restrictions on the use of vehicles. Nor will we need to trim down the number.

To sum up, suing electricity as power is an ideal solution to the problem of vehicle pollution. It can both keep the air clean and permanently satisfy the needs of vehicle users.

范文: Travel Broadens Our Mind

It has become a fashion for us Chinese people to go traveling during the long holidays in recent years. People either travel abroad or go sightseeing within the country. In fact travel has already been turned into a part of our life. The significance of travel is obvious—it can broaden out mind.

It is quite definite that travel can broaden out mind. Last summer, I visited Taishan Mountain, a world known natural scenery, and QuFu, a world famous historical and cultural city. On the top of Taishan Mountain I was deeply moved by the natural beauty, picturesque scenes and especially the inscriptions carved on the rocks by so many historical figures, who so profoundly expressed their love of our country. In QuFu I was thoroughly attracted by our great culture and long history of civilization, especially the school of elite, of whom Confucious was the greatest educator. I felt very proud of cultural lineage. As a student of English from a Normal university, I was determined to introduce our great country with so many natural sceneries and so many places of historical relics to the world.

As an old saying goes: traveling ten thousand miles and treading ten thousand books is the top ideal for people. Travel really opens our mind because it enables us to know about the beautiful scenery, the long history and the great culture of a nation. Remember every time you travel around you will experience something new in mind.

范文:The Best Way to Stay Healthy

Nowadays people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of health. And they have different ways to stay healthy. Some people exercise every day; others try to keep a balanced diet. In my opinion, to do physical exercise is the best way.

My suggestion that physical exercise is the best way for people to stay fit is based on the following two reasons. The first reason is that physical exercise can help to reduce one’s unnecessary fat and weight. Medical experts have reported that the redundancy of fat is one of the causes of various diseases, some of which are even fatal. The second reason is that physical exercise can keep people a good shape of figure. For example, by doing physical exercise, man can have a strong body and look cool while woman can have a slim figure and look pretty. That is why there are so many people doing physical exercise in the parks, on the sports ground and in the various body-building clubs.

In short, I believe the best way to keep fit is to do physical exercise. We may bear the following in mind: to do physical exercise every day, you will keep the doctor away.

范文:A Major Advantage/Disadvantage of Advertising on Television

Every time we turn on TV, we all encounter various advertising –beautiful girls smiling and dancing with fashionable cell phones; handsome young men jumping and swirling with their shining shoes; pretty babies singing and giggling for super milk. Although different people have different ideas about the advantages and disadvantages of TV ads, I will say the advantages weigh more.

The major advantage of advertising on TV lies in its convenience. Advertising on TV can save our time. For example, we can know directly where we can get the goods we need from advertising. Besides, it can save our money. We can compare the similar products advertised on TV and finally get the best and cheapest one without going out or traveling a long distance to get what out friends suggested we should buy. What’s more, we can obtain much information about certain products faster than other media with its beautiful sounds and vivid pictures.

From the above mentioned reasons, we can see it is very convenient for us to know what products are available, how much we should pay for them and where to get them by watching the advertising on TV.

范文:The Importance of Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities as part of college life are very important for the all-round development of college students. However, I find there are still some students who neglect the importance of these activities.

Evidently, extracurricular activities are important in many ways. Firstly, such activities can enrich students’ college life. As an effective way of both physical and mental relaxation, extracurricular activities provide students with different opportunities to enjoy themselves and relax themselves. For example, after class students can participate in various ball games or colorful recreational activities. Secondly, such activities can help develop students’ sense of teamwork and cooperation with each other. For instance, when involved in group activities, students will realize the limitation of their individual effort and the strength of group work. Lastly, such activities provide the students with an opportunity to be sociable, which is surely helpful for them to communicate with different people in the future after they graduate from college.

In brief, extracurricular activities are of great importance to college students. Only when college students are fully aware of the importance, can they rally enjoy their college life and have an all-round development of their physical strength and mentality.

范文:The Importance of Keeping a Good Mood

Modern people are supposed to endure a lot of pressure, from education, career or family. There are often tragic stories in the newspaper about people who went insane or committed suicide. Those tragedies once again indicate how important it is to keep a good mood.

Keeping a good mood under whatever circumstances is important in at least two aspects. The first one is that keeping a good mood can help people possess a right attitude towards various difficulties and challenges. For example, some people have failed in business for several times and now they are in deep debt, but they never give up their hope and still believe they have the ability to be successful. This self-confidence will surely lead them to success someday. The second one is that keeping a good mood can help people put disappointment and frustration in the right perspective. Thinking that failure is the mother of success, people can well survive the temporary blows and look forward to the right future.

Through the above analysis, we can realize how important it is to keep a good mood in order to face the pressure or challenges of modern society. When most people are aware of the importance of physical health, we must simultaneously remind them of the significance of mental health.

