





网 络MTV;Music Television;music video;Music TV



MUSIC BOX shows the best of China's MTV products.



The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which presents the Oscars, teamed up with mtvU, the college music network, to give budding journalists a chance to report from the Oscars.


So music videos are something that I always found interesting, but they always seem to be so reactive.


Television shows, cartoons, movies, and music videos are often illegally posted to video hosting and sharing sites and should probably be considered off-limits.


MTV has moved beyond music videos into reality shows, and is enjoying its best ratings in years.


Its effect on the music industry and the music videos that came to define the then-nascent MTV was huge.


HDTV says that singer Jewel may look great in still photos and music videos, but she looks terrible in high-def.

刘翔是个天生的好演员。 他曾经在上海一次比赛结束后的音乐会上放歌,也和韩国流行音乐巨星Se7en合作,在上海体育馆拍摄音乐电视。

A natural showman, Liu once sang live in a concert after a track meet in Shanghai and filmed a music video with South Korean pop star Se7en in Shanghai Stadium.


A year removed from her lip-synching, head-scratching number, the recovering pop star has joined forces with MTV again to film a promo for the Sept. 7 ceremony.

1. That MTV rap group is just another flash in the pan. 那个音乐电视的聊天节目(到头来)又只是一个昙花一现的节目.

2. Also directed number of commercials and music videos prior to feature films. 同时导演了很多故事片中的音乐电视.

3. MTV is the most popular television channel that shows music videos. 音乐电视是最流行的、放映音乐录像的电视频道.

4. MUSIC BOX shows the best of China's MTV products. 《音乐电视》展播中国制作的音乐电视精品.

5. Not at all! I don't like fluting. But I like watching music - TV. 没关系, 我不很喜欢吹笛子, 但我喜欢看音乐电视.

6. This generation has grown up on MTV. 这代人是在音乐电视前长大的.

7. Thriller was enthusiastically adopted by the then fledgling music televisionchannel MTV , which launched in 1981. 受到了当时仍羽翼未丰的音乐电视频道MTV——1981年成立——的狂热推崇.

8. Case's decision to bring in MTV creator Robert W. Pittman as AOL presidentdidn't hurt , either. 斯蒂芬o凯斯 引入音乐电视的制作人罗伯特o彼特曼 (RobertW. Pittman)作为aol公司总裁的决策是高明的.

9. MTV, or Music Television, just plays video clips and weird cartoons 24 hoursa day. 音乐电视一天24小时尽播发音乐短片和怪诞的卡通片.

10. She started her showbiz career as a dancer in stage musicals and in variousmusic videos. 演艺生涯初始,她在舞台音乐剧和各类音乐电视中担任舞蹈演员.

11. MTV predicts that Asians will soon be the most famous stars in the world. 音乐电视预言:亚洲人不久就会成为世界上最著名的明星.

12. Most songs had been put into MTV, and the MTV history begun then. 这些歌曲在当时可算是家喻户晓, 中国音乐电视开使发展.

13. According to Agence France - Presse reported that the MTV Europe Awardsnominations announced on the 29 th. 据法新社报道,欧洲音乐电视奖提名29日揭晓.

14. She made an interesting broadcast about the origin of modern music. 她在广播/电视节目中作了一次关于现代音乐起源的有趣的演讲.

15. I get very nostalgic when I watch these old musicals on TV. 我从电视中看到这些旧音乐影片,怀旧之情油然而生.

16. For pure entertainment there are musical, dramatic, and comedy shows. 纯娱乐性的电视节目有音乐, 戏剧和喜剧节目等.

17. I've been alone and there is still so much to find! 这个时候我们求助于音乐、酒精、电视、网络——所有的一切都是为了避免让自己形影孤伶.

18. Sarah: I saw them in a new film - clip on the tube. 莎拉: 我在电视上的一部音乐片里看到这种鞋.

19. Live TV, wireless music downloads, email, and crime deterrent. 实况电视 、 无线音乐下载 、 电子邮件和防身武器.

20. With central air - conditioning, independent bathroom, background music,foreign television, and telephone services. 设有中央空调 、 独立浴室 、 背景音乐 、 境内外电视节目 、 以及电话服务等.

