

to study english well is a procedure of learning and self-proving.I have a coviction that english-learning is a general way to be a better man. first, you must take your time and patience to learn english. so this is the first step to be a successful man. it is said that dilligence is the procedual virture,that is what ever you do, you must work hard. second, if you want speak a quiet good oral english,it takes your courage and determiantion to speak it out either with a native speaker or just your class-mate. third,never just doing the exersices given by your teacher. language is a practical career.you will never know your ability until you have try it in the practice. someday at the airport in U.S, you ask a native speaker a question and he can understand you, meanwhile you can understand him and then i can say you learn english well.

学习英语是一个良好的学习和自我程序proving.I有coviction,英语学习是一个一般的方法是一个更好的人。首先,你必须采取你的时间和耐心,学习英语。所以这是第一步,是一个成功的男人。有人说,励成是德治的程序性,这就是永远你做什么,你必须努力工作。第二,如果你想讲一个安静良好的英语口语,它需要你的勇气和法测到说出来的母语或只是您的类的队友也。第三,决不只是在做你的老师给予exersices。语言是一种实用 career.you永远不会知道你的能力,直到您已尝试在实践。有一天在美国机场,你问一个母语的一个问题,他能理解你,同时你可以了解他,然后我可以说,你学好英语。

