



A: It must be very difficult for dogs to live in cities.

B: Why’s that?

A: well, most of them are locked up in apartments when their owners are away.

B: that’s true. But there must be a lot of excitement for them sometimes too, when they are taken out for a walk, all the people in the streets, and other pets, and all the interesting smells, especially from restaurants.

A: yes, I like pets, I think pets are good company, especially to lonely old people, they can help people kill loneliness.

B: You’re right, I also like pets, but keeping pets costs time and money, I can’t afford either. So I give up keeping them.

A: well, having a pet can limit your freedom truthfully, you don’t want to go out and leave your pet alone at home.

B: really, sometimes you can ask your next door neighbor or friends to look after your pets.

A: it’s a good idea, recently, I have heard that in major American cities, many people employ ‘dog walkers’ to take their dogs out for some exercise.

B: some people do use dog walkers, yes, I’ve seen that. One person is walking alone with five or ten dogs at one time on leashes.

A: it must be quite sight.

B:absolutely,but it’s really a good job for those who love animals. A:oh,sorry,I get go,I’ll see you tomorrow.

B:see you.


A:We have been over this a hundred times! We are not getting a pet!


B:Why not? Come on! Just a cute little puppy or a kitty!


A:Who is going to look after a dog or a cat?


B:I will! I’ll feed it, bathe it and walk it every day! We can get a Labrador or a German Shepard!


A:What if we want to take a vacation ? Who will we leave it with? Plus, our apartment is too small for that breed of dog.


B:Ok. How about we get a cat or a ferret?


A:We’re planning on having children soon, I don’t think those animals are a good idea with a baby in the house.


B:Fine! Let’s get a bird then! We can keep it in its cage and teach it to talk! A parrot would be awesome!


A:I’ll tell you what, I can get you some hamsters and we’ll take it from there.

我要告诉你,我会给你买个仓鼠,先从养那个开始。 B:Yay! 好的!

