

Jack the Ripper murdered at least five women, slashing their throats, removing some of their internal organs and leaving their mutilated bodied in Whitechapel's darkened alleyways.


Russell Edwards,an expert in molecular biology ,claims Aaron Kosminski, a 23 year-old Polish immigrant who ended up dying in an asylum , was "definitely, categorically and absolutely" the man behind the grisly killing spree in 1888 in London's East End.

分子生物学专家拉塞尔•爱德华兹,称终死于避难所的23岁波兰移民亚伦•柯斯米斯基(Aaron Kosminski)是1888年伦敦东区残忍杀戮案的幕后真凶。

Mr Edwards said a blood-stained shawl found by the body of Catherine Eddowes who was one of the Ripper's victims he bought in 2007 after an auction in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, held vital DNA evidence which led him to the killer. He used pioneering techniques to find DNA from her blood and that of the killer.

爱德华兹先生说,他在2007年一个拍卖会上买下了其中一名受害者凯瑟琳(Catherine Eddowes)的一条血迹斑斑的披肩,通过使用高科技采集相关样本、比对出可信度极高的DNA证据,从而使凶手得到确认。

