2017年高中英语必修五Unit 2练习试卷


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牛津版2017年高中英语必修五Unit 2练习试卷


1.(2012•邵阳高二检测)It took Mary quite a long time to ________ a new dress at the store.

A.pick up B.pick out

C.work out D.take up

2.These books will be ________ helpful to those who wish to improve their English.

A.exactly B.particularly

C.generally D.honestly

3.________we move the picture over there?Do you think it will look better?

A.If only B.What if

C.As if D.Even if

4.Do you wake up every morning ________ energetic and ready to start a new day?

A.feel B.to feel

C.feeling D.felt

5.As I will be away for at least a year,I would appreciate________from you now and then________me how everyone is getting along.

A.hearing;tell B.to hear;tell

C.hearing;telling D.to hear;to tell

6.(2013•常德高二质检)Don't lose heart.Your dream will come true,______ you work hard.

A.as far as B.as long as

C.while D.so that

7.If you have a job,________ yourself to it and finally you'll succeed.

A.do devote B.don't devote

C.devoting D.not devoting

8.After that,he knew he could ________ any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.

A.get away with B.get on with

C.get through D.get across

9.Little ________ about her own safety,though she was in great danger herself.

A.did Rose care B.Rose did care

C.Rose does care D.does Rose care

10.________the address,Tom sent the email to his teacher.

A.Having checked B.Checked

C.Being checked D.To check

11.If he hadn't been so ________ about his food,he would be healthier now.

A.special B.curious

C.particular D.anxious

12.At a rough estimate,China is ________ Germany.

A.three times the size as

B.the size three times of

C.three times as the size of

D.three times the size of

13.(2013•昆明高二调研)In communication,a smile is usually ________ strong sign of a friendly and ________ open attitude.

A.the;/ B.a;an

C.a;/ D.the;an

14.It rained heavily in the south,________ serious flooding in several provinces.

A.caused B.having caused

C.causing D.to cause

15.—Did you turn to your teacher before you made the travelling plan?

—Yes.He made the suggestion________a question.

A.in charge of B.for the purpose of

C.with regard to D.in the form of


The Florida sun baked my shoulders as I worked along the Ⅰ595 freeway near Fort Lauderdale,picking up rubbish,I paused to __16__ the sweat off my forehead and look up at the cloudless blue sky.“__17__ can't it rain?”I thought.That would __18__ things down.

I thought about my __19__,who were probably sitting in an airconditioned __20__ right now.I'd had some problems in school,__21__ my parents decided to let me __22__ fulltime with my dad.We both worked for my uncle,who had taken __23__ of a maintenance company.It was up to us to keep the roads __24__ of rubbish.The job was __25__ and dirty,especially on hot days __26__ this.I wondered why I ever agreed to do it.

We continued our __27__ route along the Ⅰ595,__28__ for the overpass bridge.Then I noticed an area where some __29__ were broken on the ground.It wasn't like that before.

“Dad!Pull over! I want to __30__ something out.”

I jumped off the truck and rushed to the bridge.Something was telling me to __31__...there wasn't much time.__32__ I saw a Toyota that __33__ upside down in the tree.Maybe it was a stolen car that somebody __34__ there, I thought.Then,just at that __35__,I noticed something moving.It was a bloody leg poking out of the driver's side window!

“Heeeelp!”a lady moaned.

16.A.wipe B.cut

C.put D.send

17.A.When B.How

C.Why D.Where

18.A.turn B.keep

C.make D.cool

19.A.parents B.school times

C.friends D.school yards

20.A.office B.classroom

C.restaurant D.living room

21.A.but B.or

C.for D.so

22.A.work B.study

C.stay D.spend

23.A.business B.possession

C.position D.place

24.A.away B.from

C.far D.clear

25.A.easy B.lonely

C.smelly D.noisy

26.A.for B.like

C.after D.as

27.A.regular B.common

C.unusual D.normal

28.A.reaching B.going

C.looking D.heading

29.A.cars B.bottles

C.branches D.glasses

30.A.check B.help

C.take D.bring

31.A.decide B.hurry

C.consider D.stop

32.A.Above B.Behind

C.Ahead D.Below

33.A.hung B.trapped

C.caught D.fell

34.A.stored B.deserted

C.lost D.hid

35.A.bridge B.tree

C.moment D.way




I heard a great story this morning about a young girl with a very big heart.A friend was telling me a story about her customer's daughter.

The daughter goes to an expensive private school where she has a friend,Catherine,who is on a full scholarship at this school.This friend has very limited means and her mother is an immigrant from China and her father is an alcoholic.Although the girl's mother works very hard,they can barely make ends meet.This girl is very bright and gifted at music and that's how she got the scholarship from this school.

The daughter became friends with this girl and would secretly talk to her at lunch.On her birthday last month,she invited her new friend to her birthday party.The girl said she couldn't come.The daughter really wanted her to come and persisted in asking her.Eventually the girl said,“I don't have any nice clothes that I could wear to your birthday party.”After a short pause,the girl remembered,“I have this top from my piano recital,”and asked,“Could I please borrow a skirt from you?”2-1-c-n-j-y

The daughter was happy and went home to ask her Mum whether she could lend her friend one of her skirts.To her surprise,her Mum said,“No.”The daughter was very upset by this and angrily said to her Mum,“If I could,I would give my friend all my clothes.”The Mother didn't understand why her daughter would have had such an outburst as she's normally very wellbehaved.

Eventually,the daughter explained to her Mother about her friend's circumstances.Her Mother immediately changed her mind and said,“Yes.”She also encouraged her daughter not to feel like she should secretly be friends with this girl and to feel proud of her friendship with her.

36.Which of the following about Catherine is NOT true?

A.Her mother is an immigrant.

B.Her father has no job.

C.Her mother works very hard.

D.She is the daughter of the author's customer.

37.What made Catherine get a full scholarship?

A.Her refusal to accept help from the neighbors.

B.Her parents' support for her plan.

C.The help from her teachers and classmates.

D.Her excellent study and performance in music.

38.Catherine refused to attend the customer's daug

hter's party because ________.

A.she didn't have nice clothes

B.she didn't like the customer's daughter

C.she had to play the piano at home that night

D.she just had a quarrel with the customer's daughter

39.What is the BEST title for the passage?

A.A Poor Girl and Her Friend

B.A Bad Beginning Makes a Bad Ending

C.A Little Girl With a Big Heart

D.A Mother's Love Never Changes


A flood occurs when water overflows.This can happen in many ways.The most common is when rivers or streams overflow their banks.Excessive rain,a ruptured(破裂的)dam,rapid ice melting in the mountains can overwhelm a river and send it spreading over the near land,called a floodplain(洪泛平原).Coastal flooding occurs when a large storm or tsunami causes the sea to move inland.

Most floods take hours or even days to develop,giving residents enough time to prepare or leave.Others occur quickly,with little warning.These flash floods can be extremely dangerous,instantly turning a small stream into a thundering wall of water and sweeping everything in its path.

Disaster experts classify floods according to their likelihood of occurring in a given time period.A hundredyear flood,for example,is an extremely large,destructive event that would theoretically be expected to happen only once every century.But this is a theoretical number.In reality,this classification means there is a onepercent chance that such a flood could happen in any given year.Over recent decades,possibly due to global climate change,hundredyear floods have been occurring worldwide with frightening regularity.

Moving water has destructive power.When a river overflows its banks or the sea drives inland,structures poorly equipped to withstand the water's strength are no match.Bridges,houses,trees,and cars can be picked up and carried off.The erosive force of moving water can drag dirt from under a building's foundation,causing it to crack and tumble.

When floodwaters recede(退去),affected areas are often covered by silt and mud.The water and landscape can be polluted with hazardous materials.Residents of flooded areas can be left without power or clean,drinking water.

But flooding,particularly in river floodplains,is as natural as rain and has been occurring for millions of years.

40.Para.1 mainly tells us ________.

A.what a floodplain is

B.how a flood happens

C.how often a flood happens

D.why coastal flooding occurs

41.We can conclude from the text that ________.

A.the classification of floods is the most accurate

B.the more often a flood occurs,the more dangerous it is

C.A hundredyear flood is sure to occur every hundred years

D.global climate change may increase the chance of a hundredyear flood

42.A car's being picked up by rushing water shows that ________.

A.moving water is powerful

B.the car must be poorly equipped

C.the erosive force of water is destructive

D.the power of moving water has no match

43.What is most likely to be discussed next?

A.Disastrous floods in the world.

B.The means of preventing floods.

C.The connection between rains and floods.

D.Famous floodplains like the Mississippi Valley.


About ten years ago when I was an undergraduate in college,I was working as a practice student at my University's Museum of Natural History.One day while working at the cash register(收银机)in the gift shop,I saw an elderly couple come in with a little girl in a wheelchair.

As I looked closer at this girl,I saw that she was kind of set on her chair.I then realized she had no arms or legs,just a head,neck and main body.She was wearing a little white dress with red dots.

As the couple wheeled her up to me I was looking down at the register.I turned my head toward the girl and gave her a wink.As I took the money from her grandparents,I looked back at the girl,who was giving me the cutest,largest smile I have ever seen.

All of a sudden her handicap was gone and all I saw was this beautiful girl,whose smile just melted me and almost instantly(即刻)gave me a completely new sense of what life is all about.She took me from a poor,unhappy college student and brought me into her world:a world of smiles,love and warmth.

That was ten years ago.I'm a successful business person now and whenever I get down and think about the troubles of the world,I think about that little girl and the remarkable(非凡的)lesson about life that she taught me.

44.Which of the following is TRUE about the writer?

A.He graduated from Natural History University.

B.He was good at natural history at university.

C.He ran a gift shop in the university.

D.He is a success in his business.

45.The underlined word“handicap”in Paragraph 4 probably means ________.

A.sitting on a wheel chair

B.the troubles of the world

C.being unable to use parts of the body

D.the ability to teach lessons about life

46.In the writer's opinion,the little girl was not disabled at all because ________.

A.she gave him an important lesson

B.she had the cutest and biggest smile

C.she had a healthier heart than many other people

D.she offered him the courage in business

47.Which of the following can be the BEST title for this text?

A.A World of Smiles

B.The Smile of a Girl

C.A Badly Disabled Girl

D.The Secret of a Businessman


Ever wonder why there are so many people polluting the earth?Ever say to yourself:Hey,I wish that I could do more to help the environment?Have you ever thought about trying to help the earth but never really did it?Well,here are some pretty easy and skillful ideas for that greenearth desire inside you.

●Turn off your computer.By leaving it on all day you are creating more CO2 than a regular passenger would,driving to and from work in one day.

●Ride your bike or carpool(合用汽车).Obviously,you are creating less CO2,which will help the ozone(臭氧).

●Make a garden.Even simply grow some plants in your kitchen,which will help produce more oxygen while eating up some of that evil CO2.

●Buy local groceries.It creates less impact on the environment.Besides,you're supporting your local farmers.

●Recycle.You had to see this coming.But you have no idea how much you are helping the environment by simply reusing a water bottle instead of buying a huge pack at the store.

●Don't run the water while brushing.It saves you money and helps the water resources.

●Open the curtains.Natural light is much prettier and it will keep the energy usage down.

●Rechargeable batteries.You have no idea how much it takes to get rid of batteries.Do yourself a favor.Save some money and some energy.

48.The underlined word“impact”in the fourth suggestion means ________.

A.disadvantage B.rubbish

C.effect D.damage

49.Which of the following can BEST describe the function of the first paragraph?

A.Leadin. B.Argument.

C.Main body. D.Conclusion.

50.The main idea of the passage is about ________.

A.the importance of environmental protection

B.some ways about how to prevent pollution

C.some suggestions about how to save energy

D.some suggestions about environmental protection




For thousands of years the two most important buildings in any British village have been the church and the pub.In fact,until a place has a church and a pub,it isn’t really considered a community worthy of a name.Traditionally,the church and the pub are at the heart of any village or town,since it is where people gather to give and receive news.In fact,the word‘pub’is short for‘public house’.

That's how it used to be,but things are beginning to change.It is said that the credit decline is causing 39 British pubs a week to go out of business.People don't have lots of spare money to spend on beer.Recently,the UK government banned smoking in all pubs.and that may also have affected the number of customers going to pubs.

This decline is happening despite the fact that in 2005 the UK government started to allow pubs to stay open after 11 p.m.Previously,with 11p.m.as closing time,customers would have to drink quite quickly,meaning they sometimes got more drunk than they would if allowed to drink slowly.The British habit of drinking a lot very quickly is known as‘binge drinking’(狂饮),and it causes some longterm health problems for people and problems with violent crime for communities.The UK government is changing the law to discourage binge drinking,and regularly spends money on television advertisements to warn people of the problems of drinking too much.

In order to save their businesses,pubs are trying to change with the market.Now,there are a number of different types of pubs.

As you can see,British pubs now offer something for everyone.A lot of pubs used to be working men's clubs,meaning that women could not usually enter.Today,however,women can freely enter 99% of pubs without experiencing any problems.Perhaps things are changing for the better after all.

Topic The 51.________ of British Pub Culture

The important 52.________ of churches and pubs in people's daily life in the UK People won't name an area unless there are a church and a pub.They are the places where people gather to 53.________ news.

The 54.______ for the decrease of the pub business ◆The credit decline is said to cause many pubs to 55.________ down.

◆Smoking is not 56.________ in all pubs,which may have had an effect on the business.

◆The government is trying hard to 57.________ binge drinking.

58.________ to save the business ◆Pubs are making 59.________ to meet the needs of the market.

◆As a woman in the UK nowadays,you can 60.________ a drink in almost all the pubs.

Conclusion Things are changing for the better probably from now on.












