


1. Ask questions.

Do not have inhibitions to ask questions it will help you learn and make you more confident. Develop a healthy atmosphere by asking and talking out your issues so that you get the confidence to learn and to be aware of what you should be looking forward to. Be it your roles and responsibilities or your work related queries talk it out to make sure you don’t loose out on anything important。



Keeping these professional tips in mind you can overcome your fear and remember that ‘no fear is bigger than your own skills’ so trust yourself and strive towards an excellent future。把这些职业建议记下,你会克服恐惧的。记住,“恐惧再怎么样也大不过自己的本事”,相信自己,为了美好的明天奋斗。

2. Be Alert and observant。

The next step would be being very alert and observant about the things happening. Also, expecting for you to know everything or have complete understanding about your role would not be possible. Each day will be a ladder you will climb slowly where your learning curve is an important factor. Your initial days are the training so keep your eyes and ears open to learning sessions。

2. 耳聪目明。


3. Love your job。

To excel at your work you have to make one thing sure and that is the to love your job. If you don’t then you can never excel nor be happy to perform. You chose a career option one out of interest and other out of your ability to do it well so make sure you chose the right field with your maximum interest. The next step is never be confused about your work and work place, accept it as your second home。

3. 热爱工作。


4. Be patient.

Patience is the key to success. So be patient and be willing to adjust to the situation and having positive attitude will help you go a long way and overcome your tension。

4. 耐心。


5. Develop a friendly attitude。

The first day at work comes with a lot of skepticism and hesitance, to overcome it firstly develop a friendly attitude towards everyone. Do not think that your first introduction will fetch you bestest of friends or develop a rapportat one go.Everything comes with time and takes its own way so first step would be being nice to everyone. A smile can help you go a long way so keep your dimples forever to get ready for a new experience。



