traffic jam英语作文


深受交通堵塞的危害中的你,还等什么呢?traffic jam英语作文,赶紧写出你的心里话吧。下面是小编给大家整理的traffic jam英语作文的相关知识,供大家参阅!

traffic jam英语作文篇1

According to Chinese holiday plan, on the seventh day of the New Year, people need to go to work, so on the sixth day, it means a lot of people will go back to the place they work. As Chinese economy develops so fast, more and more people own private cars, they like to drive home. What’s more, the highway is free in the certain time, which means there will be more people choose to drive their cars. The truth is that traffic jams happened, my sister witnessed it, she drove home yesterday, it took her almost a day to reach her working city. How terrible it is, she said she would never drove home on the holiday.


traffic jam英语作文篇2

At present, traffic jam has become a major problem which most city dwellers, especially those who live in metropolis. Have to confront in their everyday lives.

Why is traffic jam a problem ? At first ,owing to the fact that the vehicles keep giving off harmful gases during traffic jams ,air pollution and furthermore, global warming will deteriorate. In addition, traffic jams will affect the effectiveness of work, because the people have to spend much more time on way to office than necessary, and their work will be distracted or delayed. Apart from this, traffic jam might give rise to more traffic accidents and therefore becomes a menace to people’s lives.

So harmful traffic jam is, the number of private cars still goes up apace. Why? Personally I think, the first reason may be the remoteness of people’s workplace. As a result, people have to choose a tool other than walk to go to work. Being flexible and relatively convenient, private car becomes a very attractive choice .Moreover , owning a private car, especially in some developing countries, is itself a symbol of wealth and high social position. In some developed countries such as USA it is also the symbol of independence and maturity. Anyway ,owning and driving private cars are regarded by many people as basic human rights.

Undoubtedly, traffic jam must be ,and can be alleviated by correct means .In my view, spending more money on public transportation systems may be a feasible means .Needless to say, policies which encourage people to put these systems to full use, for example, giving certain subsidies, are necessary. In the meantime, measures to restrict the use of private cars, such as levying higher taxes on cars or petrol, its fuel, or exerting more restrictions on the distribution

traffic jam英语作文篇3

There is no doubt that traffic congestion becomes a growing worry for the residents of most urban areas. Some major roads are regularly choked with traffic in rush hours. The limited transport capacity contributes largely to the vexing problem. How to solve the headache?.

The existing solutions to traffic jam mainly aim at creating metro bus systems and broadening major roads. Widening the existing roads can solve traffic snarls on some level. Soaring car ownership compounds the chronic annoying problem, so we must sharply reduce the heavy reliance on cars and drive a shift to the mass transportation. It is a cheap and good way. We can create a system of customized bus routes and highlight the development of subways, trolleys and light rail. The effective combination of these solutions will enable the urban areas to possess a smooth traffic.

traffic jam英语作文篇4

With the increasing of the living standard,more and more people own a car.It's true that a car can do us good.We can drive to work without taking a bus.We can go travelling in our own cars.We can go out by car anytime.In a word,a car makes it convenient to go anywhere.What's more,owning a car,to some degree,means we're rich.Therefore many people dream of having their cars,and work very hard in order to have one.

Hower,there are some disadvantages of a car.First of all,we have to pay a lot of money for it.A car can be very expensive,generally costing ten thousand yuan or more.Second,a car needs gases or petrol.We have to go to the filling stations from time to time.Third,it releases poisonous gases that pollute the air.What's more,too many cars will bring about traffic jams.

To my mind,we should not buy a car.Nowadays the traffic system is perfect.Buses,taxies and underground are everywhere.

traffic jam英语作文篇5

I was caught in a traffic jam and showed up late to a movie.

I was stuck in a traffic jam on the way home from work.I listened to my favorite singer's album almost two whole times.

One day I was tied up in a traffic jam on my way to an appointment in City Center.I got increasingly frustrated sitting there as my mind started replaying all the mistakes I made last week.

The Longest time I got stuck in traffic was about a year ago.I am living in Beijing and the traffic jams are quite very normal for people living around.So one hour to two three hour traffic jams are quite average but i was stuck in a traffic jam once from 9 pm till 4am.I slept in the car on the main road.

This is something I really hate.To get stuck in a heavy traffic.When I was still employed,I got stuck in a heavy traffic for several times.The usual 1 and a half hour's trip to the office took me almost 4 hours and it was really traumatic.

It was a Sunday,but I was caught in a traffic jam.I was in the heart of the district of HaiDian.Rather than lose my cool and curse myself for having been at the wrong place at the wrong time,I was in a good mood and was a bit more reflective than usual.

I was caught in a traffic jam,believe it or not,the almost 20 minutes I was caught in a traffic jam really,really did disappoint me,it really did.Not that I wanted to stay inside that bus for the rest of my life.

