



Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C), and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.

1. W: These new glasses are giving me headaches.

M: Mine did, too, at first. That should wear off soon.

Q: What does the man tell the woman?

2. M: Is Roberta at home yet?

W: No, she has to work late again today.

Q: What does the woman say about Roberta?

3. M: Would you get me through to Dr. Lemon please?

W: I’m sorry, he’s with a patient.

Q: What does the woman mean?

4. W: Would you like to go to the dance with me tonight?

M: I’d love to, but I’m just getting over my cold.

Q: Will the man go dancing with the woman tonight?

5. W: I’m really angry at John. He never listens to me.

M: Take it easy, Allen. Things will work out.

Q: What does the man advise Allen to do?

6. M: Linda is very quiet. But her brother talks too much.

W: Yes, you are right and he isn’t friendly either.

Q: What’s their opinion of Linda’s brother?

7. M: Janet is quite interested in camping, isn’t she?

W: Yes, she often goes for weeks at a time.

Q: What does the woman say about Janet?

8. M: It’s seven o’clock already. Mary should be home by now.

W: Oh, I forgot to tell you that she called this afternoon and told me she was going to a party at her classmate’s house and wouldn’t be home until 10.

Q: What did Mary say she was going to do?

Now you will hear two long conversations.

Conversation One

M: Good afternoon, madam. How can I help you?

W: Erm, well, I seem to have lost my handbag.

M: Oh, I’m sorry.

W: Have you seen a brown bag?

M: I’m afraid, madam, at the present time nothing has been handed in, but if you’d like to give me a description, I can write it down.

W: OK. It, it’s a brown bag.

M: Brown.

W: And it’s er, it’s leather and it has a flap that comes over the top. It’s er, a shoulder bag.

M: Fine. Have you got anything inside it that would identify it?

W: Well, my passport’s in there and er, my money. I mean all my money is in there. I have about three hundred pounds cash.

M: I see.

W: Erm, my passport and my money, erm. Oh, I, I have a little address book and my name is in the front.

M: Fine. And where did you leave it?

W: I think I left it in the café.

M: And when was that?

W: About 12:30, I think.

M: I’m sure it will turn up. Now could you tell me your name, please?

W: Henderson. Julie Henderson. I’m in Room 216.

M: All right, Mrs. Henderson. We will let you know as soon as we find it. Thank you very much.

Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

9. Which of the following statements is not true according to the talk?

10. Which one of the following items does the handbag not contain?

11. Where does the lady leave her handbag?

