



I,You and she

Peter was a clever boy. On his first day at school, he learned three words: 1, You and She. The teacher taught him how to make sentences with those words. The teacher said," I, I am your teacher; (then pointing to a girl) She, She is your classmate; You, You are my student.

When Peter went home, his father asked him what he had learned at school. Peter said at once, " I, I am your teacher; (then pointing to his mother) She, She is your classmate; You, You are my student His father got angry and said, "I, I am your father; (then pointing to his wife) She, She is your mother; You, You are my son.

The next morning at school, the teacher asked Peter if he had learned the three words by heart. "Yes," he said proudly, "I, I am your father; (then pointing to a girl) She, She is your mother; You, You are my son."


(1) learn sth. by heart谙记;能背出

(2) proudly adv.自豪地



① What did Peter learn on his first day at school?

② How many sentences did the teacher teach him?

③ Who asked him a question when Peter went home?

④ How did his father feel when he heard Peter's sentences?

⑤ What sentences did his father teach him?






① He learnt three words: 1, You and She.

② Three sentences.

③ His father.

④ He got angry.

⑤ I, I am your father; She, She is your mother; You, You my son.


You May Select

The husband complained that his wife always cooked the same dish.

One day, the husband got home and asked his wife, "My dear, what will we eat today?"

The wife said, "You may select the dish today."

The husband was very glad and asked, "Which dishes are there today?"


"The others?"


"Then how to select?"

"Eat or not eat!" the wife said.


(1) complain v.抱怨

(2) cabbage n.白菜



① What did the husband complain about?

A. His wife sometimes cooked the same dish.

B. His wife seldom cooked the same dish.

C. His wife always cooked the same dish.

D. His wife didn't cook any dish.

② What question did the husband ask one day?

A. He asked what they would cat.

B. He asked if there was anything to eat.

C. He asked if there was any meat.

D. He asked if there was any cabbage.

③ The wife told him that_____ .

A. there was no meat

B. there was a lot of cabbage

C. he could select the dish

D. he could cook some other dishes

④ The husband was at first_____ .

A. very disappointed

B. very angry

C. very sad

D. very glad

⑤ We can be sure that_____ .

A. the family had nothing to eat on that day

B. the family had only one dish on that day

C. the family had several dishes an that day

D. the family went out to a restaurant on that day














Three Men in a Boat

Three men were sitting on a park bench. The one in the middle was reading a newspaper; the others were pretending to fish. They baited imaginary hooks, cast lines and reeled in their catch.

A passing policeman stopped to watch the spectacle and asked the man in the middle if he knew the other two.

"Oh yes, " he said. "They are my friends.

"In that case, " warned the officer, "you'd better get them out of here!"

"Yes, sir, " the man replied, and he began rowing furiously.


(1) bait v.置饵于(钩等上以捕鱼等)

(2) imaginary adj.想象的

(3) reel v. 卷或缠(钓丝等)

(4) spectacle n. 景象;光景

(5) furiously adv. 疯狂般地



① Where were the three men?

A. on a street

B. in a shopping centre

C. in a park

D. by a lake

② Who was reading a newspaper?

A. the one in the middle

B. the one on the left

C. the one on the right

D. the policeman was reading a newspaper

③ What were the others doing?

A. They were reading newspapers.

B. They were eating fish.

C. They were pretending to fish.

D. They were boating.

④ What's the interrelationship among the three men?

A. They were friends.

B. They were relatives.

C. They were strangers to each other.

D. They were members of one family.

⑤ Where did the man in the middle imagine he was?

A. on a train

B. on a bus

C. in a plane

D. in a boat









