




autokinetic ; automatic ; voluntary ; self-acting ; kee-jerk网 络voluntary;self-driven;motile;off hand



Many workers in the sorting office lost their jobs when an automatic sorter was introduced.


The supermarket doors shut automatically.



We get an automatic increase in pay every year.


This heating system has an automatic temperature control.


An automatic means to prepare an index.


Please remit payment by checks when there is a balance due in your account.


Automatic doors open when something walks in front of them.


Automatic moment limiter has the function of self testing and alarming.


They can automatically remove dust and recover grinding sand and so on.

1. The movements of machines are completely automatic, you only need to start and stop the machines. 运行是完全自动的, 你只需开关机器就行了.

2. The process should be automatic, instinctive. 这种过程应该是自动的, 本能的.

3. The cyanide treatment segment was continuous, but not automated. 氰化物处理部分是连续的, 但不是自动的.

4. The implementation of processes by automatic means. 用自动的方法来实现各种处理过程.

5. And did you want an automatic or a manual transmission? 还有你是要自动的还是用手操作的传动系统.

6. It is an automatic turnover whenever he does it. 无论什么时候他这么做都是自动的失误.

7. Movements should be in continuous flow and not automatic. 运动应在连续流动,而不是自动的.

8. Most of what happens after that is involuntary and automatic. 大多接下来所发生的事情是非自愿的并且是自动的.

9. Roaming is fully automatic between and all countries covered by GSMsystem. 由gsm覆盖的国内或国际区域其漫游是完全自动的.

10. Robots and computers are often act autonomously , that is, without humanintervention. 机器人和计算机通常是自动的,也就是说, 不需要人类的干预.

11. Dealer: Fine. And did you want an automatic or a manual transmission? 商人: 好, 还有你是要自动的还是用手操作的传动系统.

12. Being able to save and accumulate considerable wealth is not automatic. 能够节省和积累可观的财富不是自动的.

13. This is a manual door, or is it automatic? 这扇门是手动的, 还是自动的?

14. My watch is automatic, there's no need to wind it. 我的表是自动的, 不用上链.

15. Systems are all full automatic, so these images are impossible to avoid. 系统如果所有的完整是自动的, 因此这些图像是不可能的避免.

16. If auto pour, will holder alarm if temperature is out of range? 如果是自动的, 温度过高时候会有警铃 吗 ?

17. As if people have put on automatic protective device. 就象人们穿上了自动的保护装置.

18. He has installed an automatic rolling door in his own store. 他为自己的店门装配上了自动的卷帘门.

19. When you click Report Abuse, we automatically receive a notification. 当你提交越界报告时我们会收到一份自动的提醒.

20. Such corrections are not automatic: something a misadventure in Iran? 像这样的自我修正并不是自动的: 有些事情涉险伊朗?

