




We have entered a new age of embedded, intuitive computing in which our homes, cars, stores, farms, and factories have the ability to think, sense, understand, and respond to our needs. It's not science fiction, but the dawn of a new era.


Most people might not realize it yet, but we are already feeling the impact of what's known as the third wave of computing. In small but significant ways it is helping us live safer, healthier, and more secure lives. If you drive a 2014 Mercedes Benz, for example, an "intelligent" system endeavors to keep you from hitting a pedestrian. A farmer in Nigeria relies on weather sensors that communicate with his mobile device. Forgot your medication? A new pill bottle from AdhereTech reminds you via text or automated phone messages that it's time to take a pill.


Technology is being integrated into our natural behaviors, with real-time data connecting our physical and digital worlds. With this dramatic shift in our relationship to technology, companies can adapt their products and services.


We already see cities growing "smarter" by installing sensors to automate the management of parking spaces. To enhance urban security, acoustic sensors coupled with audio and GPS analytics "listen" to pinpoint the location of gunfire. Within 30 seconds, dispatchers can determine the number of shooters, the shots fired, and even the type of weapon used.


Consider health care. Wearable devices allow us to monitor our steps, our sleep patterns, and our calorie intake to ensure we are following doctors' orders and meeting our personal goals. Parents of newborns can try a diaper that has a humidity sensor that tweets when it's time for a change.


To understand how revolutionary the third wave is, we ought to consider how far we have come. The first wave began when companies started to manage their operations via mainframe computer systems over 50 years ago. Then computing got "personal" in the 1980s and '90s with the introduction of the PC. For the most part, computing remained immobile and lacked contextual awareness.


In computing's second wave, mobile computing and the smartphone took center stage. Billions of people, some who might not have had access to clean water, electricity, or even housing, were connected. Developers created apps and provided consumers with access to just about everything through their phone at the cost of a monthly data plan.


As the third wave gains momentum, designers must meet the demands of clients who want to experiment with new tech.


Historically, designers have focused their attention on a product's form and function. While that still matters, of course, the definition of a meaningful user experience has expanded significantly and will continue to do so. Instead of creating a single product, designers will need to imagine a suite of connected products and services that have awareness of each other and their surroundings.


Stake a claim now, we tell companies, in the space where digital and physical disappear, and products and services mimic and react to our natural behaviors.




Nowadays, the computer is rapidly growing in its popularity in education for its marvelousfunctions. however, the problem has become one of whether teachers or computers enjoy avital role in education, which has aroused wide concern in public. yet i am, and probably alwayswill be amazed when i hear people saying that teachers are no longer important in educationwith the advent of computers. deep down, i guess this might be a plausible hypothesis were itnot for the following points.

On a substantive level, it is often the case that teachers can benefit students in manyways that computers cannot. indeed teachers often bring students a host of knowledge andideas out of text books, such as ethics, issues in human behavior and such kind of things.even if there were no hard evidence to support the point that teachers are usually serving asthe guide for students, a role which can never be performed by computers, there are plenty ofvivid examples that support it. when i was studying in the high school, one of my teachershelped me with my study and taught me how to deal with difficulties in my life as well. so thesebenefits are impossible to be gained from computers.

In addition, a more subtle point can be made is that young students are moresusceptible to the adverse influence of computers. it is a general principle that juvenilesusually lack in the sense of judgment to tell right from wrong. so they may be more likely to bedistracted from study by the lure that comes along with computers. therefore, teachers aresuperior to computers in cultivating students.

Although it is all very well to suggest that teachers invariably enjoy the most critical rolein fostering young people, let us not lose sight of the dramatic merits brought on bycomputers. and computers do open the frontiers of the development of education.

Nevertheless, i am still inclined to take sides with the opinion that teachers can never giveway to computers. as is so often pointed out, the significant thing is to make computersfacilitate teachers'job.


How Bluetooth is Making Our Lives Easier

When you think of Bluetooth technology, you may be thinking of the Bluetooth headsets used to take calls when you are driving or simply don’t want to have the phone against your ear. Many people are now seeing Bluetooth in a whole different light and are now using it to make things easier to do than ever before.

Bluetooth has broadened its horizons and found itself almost indispensable in many different areas of technology today.

Here are five examples of how Bluetooth technology is making our lives easier.

Streaming Music to Your Sound System

There is something incredibly convenient about being able to relax in your bed, streaming music from your mobile to your sound system on the other side of the room. With the possibilities that services, such as Spotify, offer us in producing one-of-a-kind playlists, it is now easier than ever to enjoy that music without compromise, and Bluetooth just adds to the experience, meaning we no longer have to get out of bed to change the CD.

There are even external Bluetooth devices available to revamp old traditional speakers, giving them the ability to accept Bluetooth signals like modern Bluetooth-enabled speakers.

Tracking Your Every Step

If you want to be able to track your child’s every step, Bluetooth stickers mean that you can see their every movement in real time on your smart phone. Although this is not for everyone, it can prove very useful for when you have accidentally lost track of your child in a busy place or have a missing pet that may just be in your next-door neighbor’s garden.

Opening Doors

Have you ever closed the front door behind yourself, just moments later to realize you left the keys on the kitchen table and won’t be able to get back in after work? If you are forgetful with your keys, then you may find it interesting to know that you can use a Bluetooth-driven smart phone app to unlock doors without the need for your keys. This is pretty useful if you can’t afford to get a new lock fitted and a set of new keys cut. You can also use the app to open your garage door if it is raining and you don’t want to leave the car.

Wireless Gaming

Tethered gaming handsets were restricting and meant that you had a limit of how far you could sit from the gaming console. PS3 and Nintendo Wii are strong advocates of wireless gaming, allowing their users to have a more realistic gaming experience. As televisions have got bigger, it has become more important to sit further away from the screen, without pulling the games console off the shelf.

Driving Music

Just as we all love the convenience of being able to stream music from our bed to our bedroom sound system, the same principle applies to car sound systems. When you are driving and want more choice than your collection of 3 CDs from years ago or the radio, it can be very convenient to stream all of your favorite music from your smart phone to your car’s sound system.

I have only covered five ways in which Bluetooth technology is making our everyday lives easier, but there are many more ways. One of the main areas we are seeing Bluetooth being used to great effect is the health and fitness industry, with a wide range of gadgets to monitor our activity. With the technology surrounding Bluetooth modules continuously evolving, who knows what Bluetooth will offer us in ten years’ time.

