


After watching too many Hollywood sci-fi blockbusters and animated films this year, Dearest, by Hong Kong director Peter Chan, is just what I needed: a warm, touching movie that’s free of any fuss.


In Dearest, Tian Wenjun (Huang Bo) and Lu Xiaojuan (Hao Lei) is a divorced couple who pretty much have moved on with their lives. That is until the day their 3-year-old son goes missing. You can guess most of what happens for the next hour: There’s panic and tears, visits to the police station and the divorcees turning to each other again to find their son.

《亲爱的》讲述了一对离异的夫妻——田文军(黄渤 饰)和鲁晓娟(郝蕾 饰),就在他们在分道扬镳的路上越走越远时,他们3岁的儿子失踪了。接下来的故事你也许已经猜到:恐惧和泪水接踵而至,一次次的来到公安局,而这对离婚的夫妇为了寻子再次走到了一起。

Chan breaks away from convention by dividing the film into two parts. In the second half, audiences are taken directly to two years later, when Tian receives a tip suggesting his son has been spotted in Anhui (13 hours away by train). The film then follows how Tian and his ex-wife rationalize the decision to steal a child they believe to be theirs back from its new mother, Li Hongqin (Zhao Wei).

但是,陈可辛并没有落入俗套,而是将影片一分为二,后半程的故事直接从两年后开始讲起。田文军得到一条线索,说有人在距离他们家13小时车程的安徽县城看见了他的儿子。影片接下来则围绕田文军和前妻如何相互劝服彼此,将自己的儿子从她的新母亲李红琴(赵薇 饰)手中“偷”走而展开。

That’s where the movie really start to get interesting, and to tug at your heartstrings with its based-on-a-true-story premise. It’s quite a daring move for Chan to withhold the film’s strongest performer, Zhao, until the midway point.


Whereas the other cast members deliver great but predictable performances, Zhao brings contradictions and intrigue to her character. It’s more than impressive to see how she’s able to feed each new crying scene with slightly different emotion. Nothing is too weepy or melodramatic in her performance here.


Zhao’s performance even makes up for the fact that the screenplay by Zhang Ji, who also wrote Chan’s American Dreams in China, is a little unfocused. Maybe too eager to stick to the real-life story, Zhang introduces so many characters that each ends up not being emotionally complex enough.


Dearest may not be a sophisticated film, but it manages to hit audiences twice — first in the heart and later in the head. It shines a light on the ugly problem of child abduction in society, and raises intriguing questions about what authorities should do to handle this unusual situation.








地区:大陆|香港 语言:汉语普通话|安徽方言|粤语|陕西方言时长:130分钟

简介:表面看来,田文军(黄渤 饰)和鲁晓娟(郝蕾 饰)是一对结婚多年的平凡,但实际上,他们之间的感情却早已经被时间和争吵消耗殆尽,如今,联系着两人的唯一枢纽,就是可爱的儿子田鹏。然而,某一天,这唯一的纽带也断裂了,田鹏于一次外出玩耍时无故失踪,绝望和崩溃之中,田文军与鲁晓娟踏上了漫漫寻子之路,并在途中结识了许多和他们一样无助的父亲和母亲们。 时光匆匆流逝,一条关于田鹏的线索浮出水面,促使田文军和妻子来到了一处偏僻的村落之中,在那里,他们看到了酷似田鹏的男孩,然而,男孩口中的“妈妈”却并非鲁晓娟,而是一位名叫李红琴(赵薇 饰)的村妇,这错位的一切究竟是怎么回事?

