


丈夫[zhàng fū]


(男子汉) man[zhàng fu]

(女子所嫁的男子) husband

网 络husband;hubby;husbands;The husband



My husband trusts me and I don't intend to break that trust.


My husband is a kind person.



My husband was a great comfort to me when my son was ill.


Her husband was sound asleep.


My husband is a stamp collector.


My husband has several shirts of different colors.


A man who cares about his mother makes a wonderful husband.


She sued her husband for a divorce.


He criticised my husband and said that he was not a true husband to me.

1. She feels devalued because she knows her husband has had affairs. 她觉得自己掉价了,因为她知道丈夫 有了外遇。

2. Her husband had never before had any heart trouble. 她丈夫 以前从来没得过任何心脏疾病。

3. Deep down, she supported her husband'sinvolvement in the organization. 在心底里,她支持丈夫 参加这个组织。

4. In many respects Asian women see themselves as equal to their men. 在很多方面,亚洲女性都认为自己和丈夫 是平等的。

5. She is, first and foremost, her husband's alter ego. 她首先是丈夫 的知己。

6. My husband is constantly thrown together with young people through his work. 我丈夫 由于工作关系经常遇到年轻人。

7. He recalled her devotion to her husband during his hour of need. 他回忆起她在丈夫 困难之时的忠贞奉献。

8. Her husband was sympathetic at first but his patience soon wore thin. 一开始她丈夫 还抱以同情,可不久就失去耐心了。

9. Her husband laboured at the plant for 17 years. 她丈夫 在厂里辛勤工作了17年。

10. She has yet to spend a Christmas with her husband. 她还从没和她的丈夫 一起过过圣诞节。

11. She decided to divorce her increasingly faithless and unreliable husband. 她决定与越来越花心、越来越靠不住的丈夫 离婚。

12. Usually his cases involved errant husbands and wandering wives. 通常他接的案子都涉及出轨的丈夫 和离家出走的妻子。

13. She insisted that she had remained faithful to her husband. 她坚持说自己对丈夫 一直是忠诚的。

14. Eleanor would later blame her mother-in-law for her husband'sfrequent absences. 埃莉诺过后会因丈夫 经常不在家而责怪婆婆。

15. She was adamantly opposed to her husband travelling to Brussels. 她坚决反对丈夫 前往布鲁塞尔。

16. She'sbeen told that her husband is being harshly treated in prison. 她被告知自己的丈夫 正在监狱里遭受虐待。

17. My husband rarely comes to bed before 2 or 3am. 我丈夫 很少在凌晨两三点之前睡觉。

18. I discovered my husband rifling through the filing cabinet. 我发现我丈夫 正在档案柜里匆匆翻找着什么东西。

19. Newman fled barefoot as the cheated husband erupted in fury. 被戴绿帽的丈夫 勃然大怒,纽曼吓得光着脚逃走了。

20. Before her husband's death she had installed herself in a modern villa. 丈夫 去世之前她已经在一所现代化别墅里安顿下来了。

