


知道[zhī dao]


know ; realize ; be aware of ; awareness ; be conscious of

网 络know;known;knew;knows



I know the feeling.


That's good to know.


It was not until a few months later that he knew the story.



How should I know.


I knew if I kept at it I should succeed.


I know what happened.


Know something of everything and everything of something.


The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know.


But he who knows he knows nothing knows something.

1. I know it's nothing serious and I feel quite unemotional about it. 我知道 那根本没什么大不了的,所以有些无动于衷。

2. He knew what he wanted to do from the age of 14. 他14岁起就知道 自己日后干什么了。

3. We all know that fats spoil by becoming rancid. 我们都知道 油脂变质后会发臭。

4. She feels devalued because she knows her husband has had affairs. 她觉得自己掉价了,因为她知道 丈夫有了外遇。

5. You have to know where to stand for a good viewpoint. 你得知道 站在哪里观察角度比较理想。

6. I didn't know Ron had that much strength of character. 我当时不知道 罗恩有那么坚强的个性。

7. They have only a vague idea of the amount of water available. 他们只是大概知道 可用水的总量。

8. We know some sex offenders dupe the psychologists who assess them. 我们知道 有些性犯罪者会愚弄给他们做测评的心理学家。

9. How do we know you're not just covering up for your friend? 我们怎么知道 你不只是在为自己的朋友遮掩呢?

10. She laboured under the illusion that I knew what I was doing. 她有一个错觉,以为我知道 自己在做什么。

11. The group proceeded with a march they knew would lead to bloodshed. 这个团体继续示威游行,他们知道 这将导致流血事件的发生。

12. I know you will join me in wishing them Godspeed. 我知道 你会同我一起祝愿他们诸事顺遂的。

13. We'll manage somehow, you and me. I know we will. 我和你,我们总能应付过去的。我知道 我们会的。

14. Who knows what lies in store for the President? 谁知道 总统将要面临什么?

15. I know that you'vebeen studying chimpanzees for thirty years now. 我知道 你研究黑猩猩至今已有30年了。

16. When your children misbehave tell them without making them feel small. 孩子表现不佳时要让他们知道 ,但不能让他们自惭形秽。

17. He knew when to leave well alone and when to interfere. 他知道 什么时候该适可而止,什么时候该插手干预。

18. Switzerland isn't all cow bells and yodelling, you know. 你知道 ,瑞士不仅仅只有牛铃声和约德尔调歌声。

19. Tim wondered how the devil they had managed it. 蒂姆想知道 他们究竟是怎么做到的。

20. Once he knew his father's name, finding his whereabouts proved surprisingly easy. 一旦他知道 了父亲的名字,查找他父亲的下落就变得出奇地容易。

