


英文儿童故事精选1:Mushrooms for dinner

Father Bear came home and said, "Look! No mushrooms

I did not find one! I'm going fishing. "

"I'm good at finding mushrooms," said Baby Bear. "I will go and get some."

Baby Bear went uphill and downhill looking for mushrooms. He went on and on.

"Where are the mushrooms?" he said. "Where are they?" "I can't see one mushroom," said Baby Bear.

He said to a rabbit, "Will you help me find some mushrooms?" But the rabbit ran away.

"I will have to find the mushrooms by myself," said Baby Bear. "I will climb up this tree to have a look."

Baby Bear climbed the tree. "I can see some! "He said. "I can see a ring of mushrooms. Good. I will go and get some." Baby Bear ran to get the big white mushrooms.

He went home with the basket of mushrooms. "Here you are," he said. "Look!"

"Thank you, Baby Bear," said Mother Bear. "They are beautiful mushrooms. You are a clever little bear."

And the three bears all had fish and mushrooms for dinner.

英文儿童故事精选2:The Heart Attack.

He was watching TV. It was about 10:45 p.m. All of a sudden, he felt something in his chest. It was a fullness that he had never felt before. The feeling was dull and painless. But it quickly became a very strong “chest ache.” His chest felt full, sort of like his belly did after Thanksgiving dinners. He could feel a little bit of sharpness in the area of his heart. Then he felt a tiny electric current go down his left arm and into his left hand. His hand felt numb.

He couldn’t believe it. I’m having a heart attack, he thought. No, it couldn’t be. He was perfectly healthy, or at least he was the last time he saw his doctor. When was that—one year, or two years, ago? Well, it didn’t matter. Your doctor could give you a clean bill of health on Monday and you could drop dead on Wednesday. But he had great genes—no one in his family had ever died of a heart attack. In fact, no one in his family had ever died of anything at his age.

He kept hoping the sensation would just disappear. But the feeling of fullness remained—yet without the slightest bit of pain.

He checked his front door. It was locked. That would be a problem if he called 911; would they break the door down, or do they have master keys to most buildings? His windows were open; they could just remove a screen. Should he call 911—no, the ambulance alone would be at least $500. The emergency room bill would be in the thousands. And what about the embarrassment if this was a false alarm? Should he call his brother, who would come over and—and what? He was getting confused. He turned down the TV. He didn’t want it blasting away at his dead body in the middle of the night.

英文儿童故事精选3:Protecting the Public

The California state assembly recently approved the so-called Paris Hilton bill, which bars dogs from occupying the driver’s seat in a moving vehicle. The bill passed because Democrats wanted to make an example of Miss Hilton. They think she is a “little rich girl” who always gets her way; plus, her daddy is a big contributor to the Republican party. “The judge should have put her in jail for four months,” said one Democrat when Paris got only a four-day jail sentence for driving while intoxicated.

Driving around town with her little dog Lovey hanging out the driver’s window, Paris is a familiar sight throughout Los Angeles. Pictures of her and Lovey are common in newspapers and magazines.

“That dog is a deadly menace to everyone on the streets and the sidewalks,” said assembly leader Fabian Nunez. “We wrote this bill to protect the public. There's no telling when the dog might cause her to drive into a crowd of pedestrians. If Paris wants to be with her dog, let her chauffeur do the driving. The state assembly is responsible for protecting people, and we take that responsibility seriously.”

The assembly bill passed by a vote of 44 to 11. The state senate is expected to approve the bill, and Governor Schwarzenegger has promised to sign it. “I love dogs,” he said, “but when it comes to protecting the people of California, dogs will have to take a back seat.”

The eleven assembly members who objected to the bill were all Republicans. “While Californians,” said Republican Tom Ridge, “are being attacked daily by murderers, rapists, and muggers, who do the Democrats protect citizens from—a spoiled little girl and her dog!”

