中文 :猴子
英语 :monkey ;
He's as mischievous as a monkey!
It is said that our progenitors are monkeys.

The monkey was hanging head downwards from the branch.
Monkeys and dogs are mammals.
There is a group of monkeys in the innermost depths of the forest.
The little boy is as mischievous as a monkey.
The old monkey is holding a small one in its arm.
The yellow monkey is taller but the little monkey is funnier.
A mother monkey is feeding her baby in her arms and looking into my digital camera!
1. Animal behaviourists have been studying these monkeys for decades. 动物行为学家已经研究这些猴子 几十年了。
2. The monkeys had been immunized with a vaccine made from infected cells. 这些猴子 已经注射了由受感染的细胞培养而成的疫苗。
3. the monkey's prehensile tail 猴子 能缠住东西的尾巴
4. Monkeys were screeching in the trees. 猴子 在树上吱吱地叫着。
5. The monkey made a long arm for the peach. 猴子 伸臂去摘桃子.
6. The monkey was up the tree, flinging nuts to the ground. 这只猴子 爬到树上往地面扔坚果.
7. Circus monkeys are trained to be very docile and obedient. 马戏团的猴子 训练得服服贴贴的.
8. A monkey is very alert in its movements. 猴子 的动作很敏捷.
9. The monkey was swinging in the tree. 猴子 在树上荡来荡去.
10. The monkey is hopping on the trees. 这只猴子 在树上跳着.
11. The monkey performed several tricks. 猴子 耍了几招把戏.
12. The monkey leaps from branch to branch. 那猴子 在树枝间跳来跳去.
13. Monkeys are very amusing animals. 猴子 是很有意思的动物.
14. Monkeys have a natural inclination for climbing. 猴子 性喜攀缘.
15. The monkey made some antics. 这猴子 做出几种滑稽动作.
16. Listen to the jabber of those monkeys. 听那些猴子 在吱吱喳喳地叫.
17. The monkeys were screeching in the trees. 猴子 在树上尖声叫着.
18. The film tells the improbable story of a monkey that becomes a politician. 这部影片讲述了一个不可能发生的故事:一只猴子 变成了一名政治家.
19. Why quibble ? It just amounted to pulling an inconsiderate monkey. 算了吧,直当是拉着个不通人情的猴子 吧.
20. He deliberately jerked the shafts to rock him a bit. 他故意的上下颠动车把,摇这个老猴子 几下.