




1.下象棋________2.play the guitar______________

3.加入艺术俱乐部_________________4. speak Englis well___________5.体育俱乐部 _____________6. sound good_________7.象棋俱乐部_________.8.swimming club___________


1. Do you want to join the m______ club?

2. Tom can play the g______ but he can’t play it w_____.

3. What club do you want to j_______?

4. Can you play c______?

5. Mary can play the tr______ and the p______.

6. I can’t sing, but I can play the v______.

7. I don’t want to join the s______ club because I don’t like sports.

8. Bob likes playing b_____.


1– Can you play ____ chess? – Yes, I can

A .a B. an C .the D./

2.Little Tom can draw ________.Hi s drawings are very ________.

A good well B well good C good good D well well

3.-- Can you ____ Japanese?

--A little.

A speak B say C talk D tell

4. Do you want ____ the English club?

A join B to join C in D be

5. Can he dance? Yes, he ________.

A do B can C is D can’t


1. Do you want to join the ___________ (swim) club?

2. Can Mary and Alice ___________ (play) computer games?

3. Come and ___________(join) the art club.

4. She wants ___________ (dance) with her friends.

5. Thanks for ___________ (help) me

6.what club do you want_____(join)?

7.Bob_____(like) English club, so he joins it.

8.She ___(speak) English very well.

9.W hat club does Tom ___(want ) to join?

10.Can you ___(swim).


1. can为情态动词, 没有人称和数的变化,后跟动词原形。把句中有can的肯定句

为否定句时,只需在后加not,一般缩写为can't;变为一般疑问句时,把can提前即可,肯定回答:Yes,主语+can 。否定回答:No,主语+ can't。

She can play the guitar.

-----She can't play the guitar.

----Can she play the guitar? Yes, she can. No, she can't.

2.总结情态动词的用法:①情态动词没有人称和数的变化,后接动词原形 ②不能独立做谓语,要与后面的动词一起构成谓语 ③含情态动词的句子变否定在其后加 not,变疑问句将其提前.


play the piano play basketball play chess play computer games

play with sb. 与某人一起玩

3.join v(及物) 参加,加入(sb,社团,俱乐部等某种组织,并成为其中一员)

eg. join the art club/us/the army/the Party

join in=take part in 参加比赛,竞赛,运动会等相对短期的活动(程度好的可补充)

eg. join in the speech contest/the Asia Gam

4.What club do you want to join?

want to do sth 想做某事

want sb to do sth 想让某人做某事

want sth 想要某物。

Eg .I want to buy a computer

I want him to play with me

I want a new car.


1 play chess 2弹吉他 3join art club 4 英语说得好5sports club 6 听起来很好7 chess club 8游泳俱乐部

II 1.music 2guitar 3join 4 chess 5 trumpet ,piano 6violin 7sports 8 basketball


IV. 1.swimming 2play 3join 4 to chance 5helping 6to join 7likes 8speaks

