



Jack lives a small town in Texas with his father, mother and Betty, his younger sister. One day in the summer his mother asked him to go to the super-market to buy some cold drinks for the family. His mother handed him four dollars. He went to the supermarket by bicycle. It took him fifteen minutes to get there. He paid three dollars and sixty cents for four cans of orange juice and received forty cents in change. When he returned home, he gave the change back to his mother.


Miss White is from America. She lives in Taipei. She has been in Taiwan for six months. She teaches English at a university from Monday to Friday. She likes to teach very much. She tells her students a lot of things about her country in her classes. When she teaches, she tries to speak easy English very slowly. Her students can understand her easily. Since her first visit, more and more students have become interested in English, and enjoy studying it.


Tom got a surprise yesterday. When he got home from school, he couldn’t find his mother anywhere. His sister, Anna, said to him, “Mother is in the hospital. Out new sister was just born.” Tom went to the hospital in a hurry with Anna. They saw their mother. She said, “Now you have another little sister. We will call her Mary.” In the evening their father came to the hospital. He took Tom and Anna to see the baby. Mary was sleeping in a little bed. Tom thought she wasn’t very pretty.


Jack likes studying history very much. One Sunday morning he was planning to visit a museum. He hurried to the station to catch the 7:30 train. As soon as he got there, he tried to buy a ticket for that train. The ticket clerk said, “The 7:30 train has just left. The next train will leave in thirty minutes.” “Has the 7:30 train gone already? It’s 7:27 by my watch,” said Jack. The clerk said a smile, “Look at that clock on the wall. It’s already past 7:30. your watch is three minutes slow.


Arthur goes to school by train. One morning he was very sleepy. After he left the station, he remembered that he left his bag in the train. Some textbooks, a box lunch and a dictionary were in the bag. At school he telephoned the lost and found office of the station to ask about the bag. But “We don’t have your bag” was the answer. He was shocked. He returned home and told his mother about it. His mothe


This summer, Limei was taken to San Francisco by her aunt and uncle who are living in Taipei. She spent a week there. It was her first visit to a foreign country. San Francisco was full of visitors. There are many hills in the city. Limei rode on the famous cable car running through the city. When the cable car went up the hills, she was able to look down over the city. It was a great experience for her. She learned many things about San Francisco while she was there. She enjoyed San Francisco very much because she could see things with her own eyes.


One evening Taming went to a supermarket to buy some fruit and vegetables. The store was very crowed with shoppers. An American girl came up to him and said, “Excuse me, but I want to buy some milk. Do you know where it is?” Taming knew where it was, but he did not know how to answer in English. He could only point out the place to the girl. Taming was very unhappy, because he could not even say “over there” in English. He decided to study English much harder.


Lihua is a college student. One day, on her way home, she met her friend Takong. She met him last two years ago. They said “Hello!” to each other. Takong said, “I’m going to India next spring as an engineer. I have to teach people there how to make computers, so I have studied English conversation for two years.” She was in high school, he often slept in his English classes. She thought to herself he changed his mind about English.


One day, Mary and her mother went shopping to buy a pair of shoes. The shoe store was in the center of the city. The street was full of people. Everyone looked very busy. There were five young girls standing in front of the store. They were holding small boxes in their hands. Several people stopped and put something in the boxes. Mary asked her mother, “What are those people putting in the boxes?” “They’re putting money in them. Those girls are collecting money from people because they want to help the poor children in this city,” answered her mother.


This summer, Mr. Brown took a week’s holiday and decided to go camping with his family. His children, Alice and Mike were very glad. It was sunny on the day they left. They started early in the morning. On their way to the campground, they enjoyed looking at the beautiful mountains and lakes. They got there at noon, and began to get ready for lunch. Mike gathered some firewood. Father made a fire. Mother prepared food. Alice helped her mother cook. They enjoyed their lunch. After lunch, Alice and Mike went for a walk in the woods.

