






His income is well below the average.


The class has dropped below ten students this year.


Please do not write below this line.


The information below was compiled by our correspondent.


The captain told the sailors to go below.



They found the body buried beneath a pile of leaves.


The earth lay beneath a blanket of snow.


He is beneath his brother intellectually.


Such behaviour is beneath contempt.


He shrugged off my criticism as though it was beneath his notice.


Her cheeks grew hot beneath the gaze of so many eyes. 在众目睽睽之下,她的脸红了。

The top layer should now point down to the layer beneath. 现在,顶部图层应当有小箭头指向下面的图层。

The fortress on the hill covered the harbour area beneath. 山上的炮楼把下面的海港地区置于射程之内。

They must all be drowning beneath him, in the watery caves of the rock! 他们一定是在他下面的水里,就在那岩石充满了水的洞中游泳了!

Across the world, forests and the soil beneath them absorb about a quarter of allcarbon emissions. 纵观全球,森林与它们脚下的土壤能吸收大约碳排放总量的四分之一。

I colored in his name and date, and then added my own beneath it. 我把他的名字和日期描得更深一些,然后在下面添上了我自己的名字。

They are to be admired and pitied, as one would both pity and admire a being atonce night and day, without eyes beneath his lashes but with a star on his brow.我们应当赞美并怜悯他们,正如我们既怜悯又赞美一个同时是黑夜又是白昼的人,在他们的眉毛下面没有眼睛,只有一颗星星在额上。

Like the tempest she shakes the earth beneath us and the sky above us. 她如暴风雨般震动我们脚下的大地,摇撼我们头上的天空。

But he must suppress his feelings beneath his calm surface. 但他必须抑制平静的外表下面的感情。

If there had not been a hard layer of rock beneath the soil, they would havecompleted the job in a few hours. 如果不是因为土壤下面有一层坚硬的岩石,他们的营救工作仅用几个小时就可以完成了。

He jumps to his feet and scrambles away from beneath the medusa. 他跳着站起来,然后从水母的下面快速匍匐逃离。

Apart from this, no extra "white space" should exist at the end of a line or on the line beneath the last entry (after a carriage return at the end of this last entry). 除此之外,在一行的末尾或者最后一项下面的行中(在最后一项的末尾的回车之后)不能有额外 “空格”。

But even if there is a partially unknowable reality beneath reality, I'm not surehow that implies that spirituality is a viable means to access it. 但即使在实在之下真的有部分不可知的实在,我也不能确信,何以这意味着灵性是一种通向这部分实在的可行方式。

Eventually, more advanced versions of the lens could be used to provide awealth of information, such as virtual captions scrolling beneath every person orobject you see. 最终,可以用更先进的隐形眼镜来提供丰富的信息,比如在你看到的每个人或每样东西下面滚动显示一些虚拟字幕。

Now, bring the energy down your body, through your feet and into the Earth Star Chakra beneath your feet. 现在,把能量带入到你的身体中,通过你的脚底,进入你脚底之下的地球之心脉轮。

Analysing the speed and strength of these shudders is fleshing out our picture ofwhat lies beneath us. 对这些震动的速度和强度的分析让我们对我们脚下的东西有了更具体的了解。

From beneath, it was at times like gazing into a snowstorm. It was hard not tothink of souls. 从下面往上看时,就像在暴风雪中抬头看到的一样,让人不禁想起了逝去的那些亡灵。

They then, reluctantly, went on to state that a voice, which came from a lemon-like head, which appeared beneath the machine, said: 'We want you, come withus'. 接下来,他们不情愿地叙述到,一个长着类似柠檬脑袋的家伙从机器下面出现,对两人说:’我们需要你们,跟我们走吧。

She seized his hands with vivacity, and raising them to her face with anirresistible movement, she pressed them against her neck beneath her chin,which is a gesture of profound tenderness. 她很快地抓住他的双手,用无法抵抗的举动,把手靠近自己的脸,她又紧紧地把手挨着她的脖子,放在下巴下面,这是一种极温柔的动作。

They fear exposure of their weaknesses and hide beneath layers of protectivepride and pretensions. 他们害怕暴露自己的弱点,因此将自己隐藏在层层骄傲和矫饰之下。

