


While talking or the use of mobile phones is normally frowned upon in theaters, to stay in tune with an age where people have gotten used to live blogging on social media sites while they watch their favorite shows, The Legend of Qin has taken the extra step of bringing the live commentingnormally seen online into theaters.

As the movie plays, audiences can use their smart phones to send text messages to an official number. These messages are then projected on the walls on either side of the movie screen, first appearing on the right side and slowly crawling across the walls to the left, where they disappear.




文中的live commenting即可解释为“弹幕”,有些报道中,也会直接将“弹幕”按汉语拼音译作danmu。这里的live是形容词,解释为“现场的、实况的”,又如a live audience(现场观众)、a live show(现场直播的表演)。

此外,文中第一段中的动词frown原意解释为“皱眉头”,在此引申解释为“表示不满、不赞同”,又如frown upon a scheme(不赞同一项计划)。

