



One day, the Jade Emperor invited Monkey Sun, the GRE at Sage Equalling Heaven, to Heaven, and asked him to administer the Peach Orchard. The Great Sage was overjoyed because anyone who ate the ripened peaches became eternal, living as long as Heaven and Earth. Everyday he picked the best peaches to enjoy, and after he had his fill, he shrunk himself to only two inches long and slept on the branch of a tree.

One day the Queen Mother arranged a banquet(宴会,盛宴) of peaches by the Jade Pool. When the fairies sent by her were picking peaches in the Peach Orchard, the Great Sage awoke and was annoyed to discover he was not invited to the feast. He spoke a magic spell whichimmobilized(使固定) fairies, then he went straight to the Jade Pool where he saw rare fruits and fine delicacies and smelt the fragrance(香味,芬芳) of jade liquor. He performed a spell by bulling several hairs from his body and chewing them up, the hairs turned into sleep-inducing insects which then bit all the busy serants, causing them to fall asleep. Then the Great Sage ate rare delicacies and drank precious wines until he was completely full. He put theleftovers(遗留,剩余物) in a big bag for the small monkeys on the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit.

After this, he went to the place where Lord Lao Zi kept the elixir(不老长寿药) . The Great Sage ate up all the golden pills of elixir in the precious gourd, then he rushed out of the Gate of Heaven and went straight down to the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit.


This stour describes two characters from Journey to the West.

Inside the Country of Aolai, east of the ocean belonging to the Continent of Superior Body, there was the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit. On its peak stood a magic stone. Through years ofcultivation the stone turned into a stone monkey.

After it learned how to crawl and walk it bowed to each of the four quarters. As its eyes moved, two beams of golden light shot towards the heavens. The Jade Emperor was alarmed. He hurriedly sent rwo subjects, Thousand-mile Eye and Windaccompanying Ear outside the Southern Gate to listen and observe.

The two went out of the gate and soon reported back what they had observed," Creatures down below are born of the essence of heaven and earth," Remarked the Jade Emperor, now assured. "There's nothing remarkable about him."

Later, many things happened because of this monkey: It raised havoc(浩劫,蹂躏) in the heavens, and was subdued(服从,压制) and asked to assist Tang Priest to fetchscriptures(经文) from the Western Heaven. This scene shows how Thousand-mile Eye and Wind-accompanying Ear observe and listen carefully outside the Southern Gate.


The Great Sage caused havoc(大破坏,浩劫) in Heaven and the Jade Emperor ordered Heavenly soldiers and generals to punish him. But no one could manage tosubdue(征服,抑制) him. Then the Lord Lao Zi threw his Diamond Jade bracelet(手镯) at the Monkey King, who was then preoccupied with fighting the God Erlang, and it hit himneatly on the head. Thus the Great Sage was caught.

The Jade Emperor wanted to execute him but failed to inflict(造成) a single wound on him by sabers(军刀,佩剑) , axes, fire and thunder. Then Lord Lao Zi put him into the Eight Trigrams Furnace, which is used for refining elixir(不老长寿药) , and wanted to burn him to ashes.

The furnace was made up of Eight Trigrams-qian, kan, gen, zhen, xun, li, kun and dui-so he squeezed himself into the "Palace of xun," for xun was the wind, and where there was wind there could be no fire. All that happened was that the smoke made both his eyes red.

After the fire burning forty-nine days, the Lord Lao Zi thought the Great Sage must be ashes so he opened the furnace. At the moment, the Great Sage leapt out of the furnace with his as-you-will cudgel(棍棒) , knocked all soldiers down and left. From then on, he had a pair of fire eyes with golden pupils(瞳孔) .


Toward the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty(25-220), China was war-stricken. After a royaledict(法令,布告) to recruit soldiers in Zhuozhou, three heroes surfaced. One was Liu Bei, adescendent of Liu Sheng, Prince Jin of Zhongshan during the Han Dynasty. Liu Bei was sighing while reading the posted edict when he heard an impatient voice behind, "What use is just sighing, without a man's devotion to his country?"

Then the man introduced himself: "I'm Zhang Fei and my livelihood is selling wine andslaughtering hogs(猪,贪婪者) ."

"I do want to devote myself to the country," Liu explained after telling Zhang his name. "But how can I help if I'm empty handed?"

"You needn't worry," said Zhang. "I'm willing to give up my fortune to build an army andembark on this new career with you."

While the two talked merrily(愉快地) over cups in a small restaurant, in came a martiallooking, handsome man with a huge build and a red complexion. Liu and Zhang invited him to join them. They learned that the man was named Guan Yu. As he had upheld justice by killinga local tyrant, he had fled home and wandered(徘徊,漫步) about for many years. During an amiable conversation the three found that they shared a common ambition and the next day in a peach garden they swore brotherhood to heaven and earth before lit candles andjoss sticks(香) , Liu Bei the eldest, Guan Yu the second-oldest and Zhang Fei the youngest. They vowed devotion to China.

Later, the three sworn brothers had successful career. Liu Bei ascended to the throne of the State of Shu in 221A.D in present-day Sichuan.

