bank address什么意思


理解过bank address什么意思吗?下面是小编给大家整理的bank address什么意思,供大家参阅!

bank address什么意思


bank address银行地址双语例句

1. If choose the telegraphic transfer, please fill in the bank address and the branch name clearly.

如选择电汇方式, 请填上详细银行地址及分行名称.

2. If choose telegraphic transfer, please fill in the bank address and the branch name clearly.

如选择电滙方式, 请填上详细银行地址及分行名称.

3. Your local Bank information: name, address, phone number and wire code ( swift code ).

您当地银行资料: 银行名称 、 银行地址 、 银行电话、银行汇款号码 ( swiftcode ).

4. I stuck down the address of your bank manager.


5. Division of network , namely virtual network physical network into several logic sub - networks.


6. Your name, address and account number in your local bank.

您在当地银行的帐户名称, 地址及帐号.

7. A bank of reference that lists the residential address of the applicant.


8. It would be your social security number, your address, phone number, bank number, American Express, everything.

它既是你的社会安全号, 又能代表你的地址 、 电话号码 、 银行账号 、 美国运通卡卡号, 所有的一切.

9. Provide a copy of a bank statement, utility bill or mortgage bill to prove your residency.

附上银行月结单, 家用水电瓦斯帐单或贷款帐单影本作为地址证明.

10. Most lenders require basic information such as your name, address, employment information and banking information.

多数贷款人需要基本信息,例如您的名字 、 地址 、 雇用信息和银行业务信息.

11. To prove, a copy of a bank statement, utility bill or mortgage bill.

附上银行月结单, 家用水电瓦斯帐单或贷款帐单影本作为永世栖身地址证明.

12. To prove your residency, provide a copy of a Bank statement, utility Bill or mortgage Bill.

附上银行月结单, 家用水电瓦斯帐单或贷款帐单影本作为永久居住地址证明.

13. The only address confirmation in my hand is bank bill please understand me.


bank address银行地址英语例句


Please provide your company's bank account number and bank address. We will arrangepayment as soon as possible.


Goods should not be dispatched directly to the address of a Bank or consigned to or to the order of a Bank without prior agreement on the part of that Bank.


When entering your wire information there are two very important pieces of information that will ensure that your wire transfer is successful, the routing code and the bank address.


We heard that you have problem to remit the money because of the above information. Please wait until Monday for further notice. Sorry for any inconvenience from this.


The routing code is most often found in the form of a SWIFT code, usually provided by yourbank, and the bank address is the location of your bank.


Okay, I'll need the name of the company and their bank routing number as well as their bank'saddress and phone number.


You can also report for any branch address problem with the build-in feedback email feature.

付款方式银行地址 银行名称银行SwiftCode银行户口名称银行户口号码 注意…

Payment Method Bank Address Bank Name Bank Swift Code Account Name Account …


Additional conditions Documents to be sent directly to us in one lot by courier, at Citibank N. A. cooperate and investment bank, 4th floor port house.


It's not enough to simply be a human being; nobody will do business with you or even let yousubscribe to any service, unless you bring your social security number, address and bankaccount numbers.


The tables contain information about a specific aspect of the corresponding employee's record,such as address, bank details, or information about working time and payroll.


In case of a new customer, the customer data, such as address, bank connection, amd so forth, is entered in the human task activity ProvideCustomerData (4).


The following is my bank account number and address.


CIA scientists are investigating exotic supercomputer programs and artificial intelligence thatmight help analysts link hundreds of thousands of names, places and bank accounts.


If you are interested in dealing, with us in other products of our company, please inform us ofyour requirements as well as your banker's name and address.

