




1.The traffic in our city is already good and it ________ even better.

A.is getting B.has got

C.gets D.got

答案与解析:A 语境:我市的交通状况已经很好,并且它正变得更好。此处指目前正在发生的情况,应用现在进行时。

2.________,I don't think we have a chance of winning.

A.To be honest with you

B.To start with

C.To make matters worse

D.To telling you the truth


3.If you don't like the present job,I suggest you look for another one ________ it's too late.

A.until B.when

C.before D.once


4.Tom put his heart into the wildlife research,and finally,his efforts ________ him a great success and fame.

A.saved B.earned

C.made D.offered

答案与解析:B earn sb. sth.“为某人赢得某物”。save和offer后均可接双宾语,但与题意不符。

5.________,meeting strangers means seeing the unknown.And it's human nature to feel a bit uncomfortable about the unknown.

A.After all B.In all

C.At all D.For all

答案与解析:A after all“毕竟”,符合语境。in all“总共”;at all“全然;完全”;for all“虽然;尽管”。

6.—Ring me at 5 am?No,better not so early!I ________.

—I got it.

A.will sleep B.sleep

C.am sleeping D.will be sleeping

答案与解析:D 由句意知“5 am”是一个将来时间,在那个时间我“将正在睡觉”故选D。

7.—Just think,all that work for nothing.What a fool I was!


A.Ah,don't think any more about it really

B.Well,I'm glad that's over

C.I'd rather not say anything about that

D.Here's hoping you're able to do it well

答案与解析:A 对于对方的不幸的应答,要使用安慰性的话语。A项表示让对方不要多想,旨在安慰对方尽快忘记烦心事。

8.On April 1st,the westerners will play ________ on each other but make sure that no one is hurt.

A.fun B.fool

C.jokes D.games

答案与解析:C play jokes on sb. “愚弄某人”为固定短语。

9.Everyone's attention was drawn to the eightyearold girl who was ________ the piano perfectly.

A.acting B.behaving

C.doing D.performing

答案与解析:D 题意:大家的注意力都集中在那个钢琴弹得很好的八岁女孩的身上。perform“表演”。

10.She is________ the newspapers to be thrown away and putting away the rest.

A.sorting out B.figuring out

C.making out D.turning out

答案与解析:A sort out“给……分类”,指把物品分门别类地处理。figure out “弄清楚;弄明白”;make out“辨认出”;turn out “结果是”。

11.—What a qualified husband he is!

—Definitely.Lots of people are touched by his ________ to his wife who has weak eyesight.

A.devotion B.deed

C.satisfaction D.service

答案与解析:A devotion“献身;忠诚”,常与to搭配,符合题意。

12.—Why did the police ________ the crowd?

—Because the president's car ________ in the street.

A.break down; broke down

B.break up; broke up

C.break down; broke up

D.break up; broke down

答案与解析:D break up“强行驱散”;break down“抛锚”,均为固定搭配。

13.You may certainly ________ his words,for he always speaks the truth.

A.pay attention to B.ask for

C.suffer from D.rely on

答案与解析:D 由for引导的原因状语从句可知D项正确,rely on“依靠;依赖”,此处相当于depend on。

14.Many of us Chinese people are ________ with the beauty of Hangzhou and Suzhou.

A.attractive B.confident

C.familiar D.sensitive

答案与解析:C be familiar with...“对……了解/熟悉的”。attractive“吸引人的”;confident“自信的”;sensitive“敏感的”。

15.You'll ________ the department until the end of the year.Next year you will be rearranged.

A.be attached to B.be belonged to

C.owe to D.contribute to

答案与解析:A 本题考查短语辨析。句意:在年底前你将隶属于这一部门。明年将重新安排你。be attached to 在此处表示“隶属于,依附于”,符合题意。belong to不能用于被动语态,排除B;owe...to...“把……归于……”,“归功于……”,contribute to...“有助于……”,均不符合题意。


“In my life,there is darkness,chaos (混乱) and drama,and I have yet to explore some of that in my work.I just want to quietly challenge myself and prove that I can do more.” Drew said,“Life is very interesting...in the end,some of your greatest pains become your greatest strengths.”

Even though she's quite young,Drew Barrymore can already be called a Hollywood legend (传奇).She's lived up to it,and she has enough movies under her belt to put most young stars to shame.

Barrymore was born on February 22,1975,in California.Being from a family that produced great actors,it's no wonder that she quickly found her way into the spotlight.

When she was 11 months old,she made her first commercial on TV.She made her first movie at the age of 2.Four years later,she showed up as Gertie in Steven Spielberg's famous film E.T.

However,it wasn't all roses and sunshine when Barrymore was growing up.She was drinking alcohol by the time she was 9,smoking marijuana (大麻) at 10,and taking cocaine (可卡因) at 12.

As she was getting older,Barrymore started to realize that there was more to life than being famous.She set out to build a career and made a series of successful films since 1997,including Charlie's Angels (2000) and 50 First Dates (2004).

Actually,anyone who's familiar with her disordered childhood might find it hard to believe she's such a sweet person now.Like many of the characters she plays in her comedies,Drew is easygoing and laughs a lot.This year,she is on the cover of People Magazine's 100 Most Beautiful People issue.

1.The underlined word “it” ( in the second paragraph ) refers to ________.

A.Drew Barrymore B.a Hollywood legend

C.her belt D.getting older

答案与解析:B 词义猜测题。前句说她堪称好莱坞的一个传奇,live up to sth.是“达到,符合”的意思,再结合她拍了很多好电影,可知她没有辜负“好莱坞传奇”的美名,所以,it在此指a Hollywood legend。

2.The second paragraph mainly stresses ________.

A.Drew Barrymore's success

B.Drew Barrymore's being young

C.Drew Barrymore's beauty

D.Drew Barrymore's movies

答案与解析:A 归纳推理题。可用概括与归纳法来解。第二段主要介绍Drew Barrymore 演的电影很多,被人们称为好莱坞的传奇人物,而这一切反映了她的成功。

3.What mainly made Drew Barrymore start her career?

A.Her own efforts.

B.Her teacher's help.

C.Having a family full of actors.

D.Her bitter life.

答案与解析:C 推理判断题。由第三段“ Being from a family that produced great actors,it's no wonder that she quickly found her way into the spotlight.”可以推出Drew Barrymore 的职业选择与其盛产伟大演员的家庭有关。

4.What would be the best title of this passage?

A.How to succeed

B.How to defeat failure

C.Past pains turned to today's success

D.How to give up drugs

答案与解析:C 标题概括题。认真阅读分析原文不难发现,本文主要介绍Drew Barrymore 挥别不羁的少年时光沉淀成熟之美的人生历程,因此以Past pains turned to today's success为标题既具有高度的概括性、强烈的针对性,又因句意新颖、情感浓烈而具有一定的醒目性。



For someone who is such a successful investor, Warren Buffett comes off as a pretty ordinary guy. He was born on August 30, 1930.__1__ He used to go doortodoor and sell soda water. When his family moved to Washington, Buffett became a paperboy for The Washington Post. Buffett ran his five paper routes and even added magazines to round out his product offerings. While still in school, he was making $175 a month, a full-time wag for many men.

__2__ He spent $1,200 on 40 acres of farmland in Nebraska. He and a friend also made $50 a week by placing pinball machines in barber shops. They called their venture(企业)Wilson Coin Operated Machine Co.

already a successful smalltime businessman, Buffett wasn't interested in going to college but ended up at the University of Pennsylvaniahis father encouraged him to go.__3__ But he was turned down in what had to be one of the worst admission decisions in Harvard history. The outcome affected Buffett's life, for he ended up attending Columbia Business School, where he studied under Professor Benjamin Graham, the father of securities analysis who provided the foundation (基础)for Buffett's investment strategy.

From the beginning, Buffett made his fortune from investing. He started with all the money he had made from selling soda water, delivering papers, and operating pinball machines. Between 1950 and 1956, he grew his $9,800 to $14,000.__4__ And then he gradually drew in other investors through word of mouth and very attractive terms.

__5__ He doesn't collect houses or cars or works of art, and he disdains(鄙视)companies that waste money on expensive ears, private dining rooms, and highpriced real villas. He is a creature of habitsame house, same office, same city, same soda water.

A.Then Bufftt applied to Harvard Business School.

B.Buffett is more likely to be found in a four star restaurant.

C.When he was 14, Buffett still kept great interest in investment.

D.Even as a young child, Buffett was serious about making money.

E.One thing is for sure about Buffett: he is happy to do what he is doing.

F.Buffett's investment strategy mirrors his lifestyle and his overall philosophy.

G.From there, he organized investment partnerships with his family and friends.

答案:1.D 2.C 3.A 4.G 5.F


Calvin Coolidge,30th President of the United States,was famous for a man of few words.He knew what he should talk and when he should not.It was very hard of anyone to enjoy talking with him.

One evening he was inviting to dinner.A lady sitting next to him past sugar for his coffee.“My President,”She said,“today a friend of me said that I couldn't get much than two words out of you it.I said I could,and we made a bet.”“You lost,”answered the President.


Calvin Coolidge,∧the 30th President of the United States,was famous foras a man of few words.He knew whatwhen he should talk and when he should not.It was very hard offor anyone to enjoy talking with him.

One evening he was invitinginvited to dinner.A lady sitting next to him pastpassed sugar for his coffee.“My President,”She said,“today a friend of meminesaid that I couldn't get muchmore than two words out of you it .I said I could,and we made a bet.”“You lostlose,”answered the President.

