经典二十四孝故事 双语阅读




During the Western Han Dynasty in China, after its founding patriarch Liu Bang died, the throne came by succession to his son, "Liu Heng".


He earned the name Han Wendi, "The Learned Emperor of Han". As a ruler, he practiced vigorous, just government, and he loved the citizens, moving and inspiring them to self improvement through education.


State business was extremely complex and demanding of time, nonetheless he still found time to serve his mother with respectful, filial devotion. He was neither careless nor tardy in his treatment of his mother.


Once the matron suffered a serious illness and Han Wendi, as soon as he had completed the various governmental matters , would immediately leave the state chambers and return to his mother's bedside to nurse her with tender concern.


She was sick for a full three years, and his care was constant and untiring. He waited on her by night and day throughout her convalescence, without relaxing his vigilance in the least. He never grumbled or resented the toil and tedium.


The Emperor's care of his mother was thorough to the last detail. He would wait by her bedside without closing his eyes, often forgetting to change his robes for long Periodst afraid that he might be remiss in his nursing care.


As soon as the servants had prepared any dose of medicine, the Emperor would first sample the mixture himself, to make sure it was neither too hot nor too weak. As soon as it was fit to drink, he would spoon-feed the mixture himself to his mother.


Many years passed, and the Learned Emperor nursed his mother throughout.


He earned the praises of all the citizens. An outstanding leader, he was also a most unusual, filially-devoted son, and set the standards of behavior towards parents.


The people of China respected him, and accepted his teaching. They were deeply influenced and transformed by his model of virtue.


The people in their turn, practiced filial respect towards their parents, and treated them well.


The Learned Emperor's name, Han Wendi, has passed down through a thousand ages to the present--people still admire his model of virtuous, selfless conduct.



Shun, a legendary ancient emperor and one of the Five Emperors, had a surname of Yao and a last name of Chonghua. He was also known as Yushi or called as Yushun in Chinese history.


According to the legend, his father Gusou (literally the blind old-man), stepmother and half brother Xiang plotted to kill him for many times:


They let Shun revamp the roof of granary and set fire under the barn, Shun jumped to escape with two bamboo hats in hand; they also let Shun dig a well, but Gusou and Xiang filled soil to the well while the digging, Shun then dug underground tunnel to escape.


Afterwards, Shun didn't resent and was still humble to his father and loved his younger brother.


His conducts of filial piety moved the King of Heaven. When Shun cultivated in Mount Li, elephants ploughed for him while birds weeded for him.


Emperor Yao heard that Shun was a filial son with the talents of dealing with political affairs, and married off his two daughters, Ehuang and Nvying, to Shun.


Through years of observation and tests, Emperor Yao selected Shun as his successor. After Shun ascended the throne as the Son of Heaven, he still called on his father respectfully, and granted the leud title to Xiang.



Tan Tzu was a man in the Spring and Autumn Period.


As his parents were very old and suffered from eye disease, they need to drink deer's milk for treatment.


Tan Tzu wore a piece of deerskin and groped into the mountains; he sneaked into herds of deer and squeezed deer's milk to serve parents.


On one occasion when he was taking milk, he saw a hunter was going to shoot a muntjac deer, Tan Tzu lifted deerskin and appeared in a hurry, and then he told this hunter about the facts of squeezing deer's milk to cure patients' disease.


The hunter respect his filial piety and donated deer's milk. Finally, the hunter escorted him out of the mountains.



Meng Zong lived during the Three Kingdoms Period of China's past. His father died when he was young, and he and his mother struggled to survive.


One winter his mother was stricken with a serious illness, and craved some bamboo-shoot broth as medicine.


But in the depths of winter, with snow and ice blanketing the ground, where was anyone to find fresh bamboo shoots, shoots that emerge only in the warm months?


Nonetheless, Meng Zong, to avoid disappointing his mother, bravely fetched his shovel and went out into the white landscape in search of bamboo shoots.


In the thicket he found only frosted leaves and green stalks coated with snowflakes and ice.


Look as he might, there were simply no fresh shoots growing in the winter. The thought of his poor mother lying sick on her bed, waiting for bamboo-broth medicine, made his heartache.

